National Repository of Grey Literature 2 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Bob Krčil
Douša, Jan ; MOUCHA, Josef (advisor) ; Buddeus, Hana (referee)
The life and work of Bob Krčil have so far been known from fragments and unsubstantiated legends. The aim of this essayistic piece is to lay out the deeper motives of his personal trajectory, photographic oeuvre, and activities for the Czech exile community. Krčil’s photographic body of work is inseparably connected with his eventful life. The writing of the thesis was preceded by tracking down and putting together Krčil’s fragmented estate, sorting out his correspondence and writings, and interviewing people who knew him personally. By drawing on these materials, the thesis aims to provide insight into the life and motivations of this important figure of Czech exile culture.
Czechoslovakia luck. Life Time of Karel Hájek and his photography between 1925-1939 in context
Dvořák, Jan ; Kirschner, Zdeněk (advisor) ; Moucha, Josef (referee) ; Vojtěchovský, Miloš (referee)
This thesis discourse about life time of Karel Hájek and his photography between years 1925-1939

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