National Repository of Grey Literature 5 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Cardiac resynchronization therapy - Evaluation of biosignals and quality assessment of devices
Lipnická, Soňa ; Maryšková, Věra (referee) ; Bernard, Vladan (advisor)
This bachelor's thesis is essentially devoted to the therapy of cardiac activity, pacemakers, to their types, application, indications, contraindications, and technical processing of devices. In this bachelor's thesis, there is also included description of biosignals, that are measured in dependence on these devices. All measurements and observations are necessary for proper monitoring of the patient's health condition. Another objective of this bachelor's thesis is to collect clinical data, that are statistically evaluated and then the results are compared with physiological values. In conclusion, this bachelor's thesis proves the importance of the use of pacemakers in today’s health service.
Methods for infrared thermography with detection of specific facial areas
Kolářová, Dana ; Bernard, Vladan (referee) ; Maryšková, Věra (advisor)
This paper deals with non-contact measurement of temperature in human faces. Principle of measurement of infrared radiation and construction of the thermal imager is described in a literature search. The main part of the paper is design of an algorithm for automatic processing and the detection of regions of interest in thermal images. The theoretical description of used methods is also included in this paper. The aim is to design and implement a program for automatic evaluation of temperature changes in a human face in a sequence of thermal images that were taken with short time delay. As a part of thesis is description of implementation of designed algorithm in programming enviroment MATLAB and the description of the user interface. The program was tested on the experimental data samples. Obtained results and possible limitations are also discused in this paper.
Compensation of damage to property and intangible damage resulting from a work injury or occupational disease
Maryšková, Věra ; Vysokajová, Margerita (advisor) ; Tomšej, Jakub (referee)
Compensation of damage to property and intangible damage resulting from a work injury or occupational disease Abstract The thesis discusses compensation of damage to property and of intangible damage that has resulted from a work injury or an occupational disease. This is an important legal institute regulated primarily by Act No. 262/2006 Coll., the Labour Code, as amended, further referred to as the "Labour Code, however also by a range of other laws further elaborating the matter. When discussing the matter, it is impossible not to also discuss the regulation of Act No. 89/2012 Coll., the Civil Code, as amended, further referred to as the "Civil Code", since the Civil Code applies in the cases that are not expressly addressed in the Labour Code and since it is valuable to compare the rights of the damaged person under the general civil law and the labour law. The analysis of the laws is supplemented by selected case law, namely produced by the Supreme Court and the Supreme Administrative Court of the Czech Republic, in particular such case law that provides answers to certain questions of interpretation. The thesis not only discusses the obligations of the employer in the event the employee injures himself during work or contracts a disease during work and the related rights of the employee but also...
Cardiac resynchronization therapy - Evaluation of biosignals and quality assessment of devices
Lipnická, Soňa ; Maryšková, Věra (referee) ; Bernard, Vladan (advisor)
This bachelor's thesis is essentially devoted to the therapy of cardiac activity, pacemakers, to their types, application, indications, contraindications, and technical processing of devices. In this bachelor's thesis, there is also included description of biosignals, that are measured in dependence on these devices. All measurements and observations are necessary for proper monitoring of the patient's health condition. Another objective of this bachelor's thesis is to collect clinical data, that are statistically evaluated and then the results are compared with physiological values. In conclusion, this bachelor's thesis proves the importance of the use of pacemakers in today’s health service.
Methods for infrared thermography with detection of specific facial areas
Kolářová, Dana ; Bernard, Vladan (referee) ; Maryšková, Věra (advisor)
This paper deals with non-contact measurement of temperature in human faces. Principle of measurement of infrared radiation and construction of the thermal imager is described in a literature search. The main part of the paper is design of an algorithm for automatic processing and the detection of regions of interest in thermal images. The theoretical description of used methods is also included in this paper. The aim is to design and implement a program for automatic evaluation of temperature changes in a human face in a sequence of thermal images that were taken with short time delay. As a part of thesis is description of implementation of designed algorithm in programming enviroment MATLAB and the description of the user interface. The program was tested on the experimental data samples. Obtained results and possible limitations are also discused in this paper.

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