National Repository of Grey Literature 2 records found  Search took 0.02 seconds. 
Risk management business entity
Mrázková, Petra ; Ing. Petr Mandelík Ph.D (referee) ; Doskočil, Radek (advisor)
This master‘s thesis deals with risk management of business entity. Risk management is divided into the identification, analysis and measure of risks. All of these areas are described in the theoretical part. In the analytical part of the work these areas are identified by using risk analysis environment that includes a SLEPTE analysis, the Porter's model and the 7S Model. These risks are evaluated with scoring method. Most important causes and consequences are figured in Ishikawa diagrams. In the last part of the thesis are suggested measures to eliminate these risks. The diversification was propossed for one of the measure. The contribution of this work lies in treatment of risk management of business entity and demostrate the benefits of its implementation in the company.
Risk management business entity
Mrázková, Petra ; Ing. Petr Mandelík Ph.D (referee) ; Doskočil, Radek (advisor)
This master‘s thesis deals with risk management of business entity. Risk management is divided into the identification, analysis and measure of risks. All of these areas are described in the theoretical part. In the analytical part of the work these areas are identified by using risk analysis environment that includes a SLEPTE analysis, the Porter's model and the 7S Model. These risks are evaluated with scoring method. Most important causes and consequences are figured in Ishikawa diagrams. In the last part of the thesis are suggested measures to eliminate these risks. The diversification was propossed for one of the measure. The contribution of this work lies in treatment of risk management of business entity and demostrate the benefits of its implementation in the company.

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