National Repository of Grey Literature 2 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Benefits of furniture re-use, re-use centre in the South Bohemia Region
MOŠNER, Martin
The main objective of this diploma thesis is to evaluate benefits of the re-use centre Kabinet CB s.r.o. for the South Bohemian Region, with emphasis on cooperation between the re-use centre Kabinet CB s.r.o. and the Nábytková banka Jihočeského kraje z.s. These benefits are evaluated from an environmental, social and economic perspective. Data collected from interviews with representatives of both organisations are used to assess these benefits. The diploma thesis is complemented with a model example of cooperation between the two organisations, represented by a selected type of furniture (wooden chairs). The obtained results of the diploma thesis will be used for further development of both organizations, but also for the whole local area within the Česká federace nábytkových bank a re-use center.
The Use of EU Funds in the Towns of Třeboň and Bechyně
MOŠNER, Martin
The regional policy of the European Union or the cohesion policy is the second most important policy of the Europe-an Union according to expenditure of the EU budget. In the 2007-2013 programming period, regional policy was realized through the Structural Funds and the Cohesion Fund of the EU. The bachelor's thesis focuses on the descrip-tion of the cohesion policy of the EU as well as the implementation of this policy in the Czech Republic in the last seven-year programming period (2007-2013). The aim of the bachelor thesis is to compare the use of EU funds in the 2007-2013 programming period. For comparison, two spa towns in South Bohemia are used - the town of Třeboň and the town of Bechyně and the attention is paid to support of tourism there. In conclusion, the obtained data are supplemented by interviews with representatives of local government.

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