National Repository of Grey Literature 3 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Efectivity of Methods For Commercial Profiles at Social Network Facebook
Medek, Michal ; Lustig, Petr (referee) ; Chlebovský, Vít (advisor)
The dissertation aims on social networks as a trend of 21st century, their impact on society and how to use their potencial for marketing communication. It was made new profile at social network Facebook for this purpose, we will look after its development and test methods for gaining subscribers.
Foreign Market Entry Strategy of the Chosen Company
Medek, Michal ; Lustig, Petr (referee) ; Chlebovský, Vít (advisor)
Tato diplomová práce se zaměřuje na českou společnost JOHNNY SERVIS, s.r.o. a její aktuální záměr, kterým je vstup na zahraniční trh. Po vzájemné diskuzi se společnost rozhodla participovat v této práci a ocenila tuto možnost. Zprvu se rozhodovala mezi více možnostmi v rámci jednotlivých trhů, avšak nakonec se vyjádřila s prosbou o zpracování této práce na vstup na německý trh.
Efectivity of Methods For Commercial Profiles at Social Network Facebook
Medek, Michal ; Lustig, Petr (referee) ; Chlebovský, Vít (advisor)
The dissertation aims on social networks as a trend of 21st century, their impact on society and how to use their potencial for marketing communication. It was made new profile at social network Facebook for this purpose, we will look after its development and test methods for gaining subscribers.

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