National Repository of Grey Literature 6 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Case of physiotherapy care for patient with rheumatoid arthritis diagnosed
Koukalová, Martina ; Neuwirthová, Svatava (advisor) ; Jarošová, Hana (referee)
Title of bachelor's thesis: Case of physiotherapy care for patient with rheumatoid arthritis diagnosed Objectives: The aim of this thesis is to show using of physiotherapeutistic methods on patient with rheumatoid arthritis. One part of this thesis is casuistry of patient with rheumatoid arthritis. The summary: The thesis is divided into two parts, the theoretical part and the special part. The theoretical part is focused on issue of rheumatoid arthritis, its characteristic, division, diagnostics and following therapy. In the special part is closely processed casuistry of patient with rheumatoid arthritis, this part includes entry kinesiological assesment, process of following therapies, output kinesiological assesment and evaluation of therapy efect. This casuistry was processed at the Institue of Rheumatology in Prague in period from 6th of January to 31st of Janury 2014. Key words: Physiotherapeutic methods, case of physiotherapy, rheumatoid arthritis
Life and Work of the Architect and Selected Realizations for Prague
Koukalová, Martina ; Biegel, Richard (advisor) ; Švácha, Rostislav (referee) ; Brůhová, Klára (referee)
Ladislav Machoň - životopis umělce - dějiny architektury - přestavba Klementina - právnická fakulta Univerzity Karlovy - Můstek a Státní regulační komise pro Prahu a okolí - Řivnáčova vila v Jevanech - Augusta Müllerová PřestožesejménoarchitektaLadislavaMachoně(1888-1973)vodbornéliteratuře objevuje poměrně často a jeho vybrané realizace zde bývají běžně zastoupeny, komentáře k nim se většinou bez invence opakují. Disertační práce proto přináší kompletní přehled Machoňovy tvorby a jejích stylových proměn. Směřuje tak k prvnímu úplnému zhodnocení architektova díla v kontextu moderní meziválečné architektury Československa. Vzhledem k nezvykle širokému rozsahu Machoňova díla, kopírujícího vlastně formální vývoj architektury první poloviny dvacátého století, se práce zaměřuje na čtveřici jeho pražských projektů ze dvacátých a třicátých let. Ta reprezentuje jednak odlišné typy zakázek a zároveň různá období Machoňovy tvorby. Při úpravě barokního Klementina pro účely univerzitní a technické knihovny musel architekt vedle funkčnosti knihovního provozu dbát památkové hodnoty areálu. Realizací právnické fakulty Univerzity Karlovy upozadil sám sebe jako tvůrce, aby vzdal hold svému vzoru Janu Kotěrovi. Návrhem zástavby na Můstku, nové brány do Starého Města, se musel popasovat s požadavky regulačního plánu včetně...
3D analysis of immediate effect on posture of shore with postural insoles based on Rašev and with proceptor insoles PodoAktiv
Koukalová, Martina ; Rašev, Eugen (advisor) ; Pavlů, Dagmar (referee)
Title: 3D analysis of immediate effect on posture of shoe with postural insoles based on Rašev and with proceptor insoles PodoAktiv® Objective: The aim of this study is to evaluate the immediate effect of shoe insoles with postural pelote by Rašev and shoe insoles with proceptors PodoAktiv® on the postural hold with main focus at the pelvis and shoulder. Methodology: In this thesis we examined 9 participants who agreed joining the study. To messure postural hold body segments which we have chosen, we have used the Balance® 4D device. The selected body segments were marked by white spheric stickers. To compare postural hold of selected body segments we examined the participants in altogether 4 situations. Barefoot stand, stand in shoes without insoles, stand in shoes with custom-made postural insoles based on Rašev and stand in shoes with custom-made insoles PodoAktiv® . Results: In this study we confirmed that postural insoles based on Rašev have immediate effect on the hold of pelvis and shoulders. The insoles PodoAktiv® don't show such an effect on the hold of those segments we have tested. The hypothesis H1 and H2 have been confirmed, hypothesis H3 and H4 have been rejected. There was not found any trend which would describe the immediate reaction of the participants (postural hold with main...
3D analysis of immediate effect on posture of shoe with postural insoles based on Rašev and with proceptor insoles PodoAktiv
Koukalová, Martina ; Rašev, Eugen (advisor) ; Pavlů, Dagmar (referee)
Title: 3D analysis of immediate effect on posture of shoe with postural insoles based on Rašev and with proceptor insoles PodoAktiv® Objectives: The thesis aims to show the immediate effect of application of custom-made insole on postural hold of chosen body segments and we would like to determine whether it is possible to use PodoAktiv® or insole based on Rašev to correct body posture. Methodology: In this thesis we examined 9 participants who agreed joining the study. We used the Balance®4D device made by Paromed company. The selected body segments were marked by white spheric stickers. To compare postural hold of selected body segments we examined the participants in altogether 4 situations. Barefoot stand, stand in shoes without insoles, stand in shoes with postural insoles based on Rašev and stand in shoes with proceptor insoles PodoAktiv®. Results: The results of this study show that there is a slight immeadiate effect of the custom- made insoles on postural hold of body segments. Larger effect was observed in the participants who already had a bad postural barefoot hold. Of all 6 parameters, the biggest effect was observed in the shift of overall body axis after application of PodoAktiv® insoles. Keywords: Shoe insoles, proprioceptors, somatosensory system, 3D static analysis, postural hold
Case of physiotherapy care for patient with rheumatoid arthritis diagnosed
Koukalová, Martina ; Neuwirthová, Svatava (advisor) ; Jarošová, Hana (referee)
Title of bachelor's thesis: Case of physiotherapy care for patient with rheumatoid arthritis diagnosed Objectives: The aim of this thesis is to show using of physiotherapeutistic methods on patient with rheumatoid arthritis. One part of this thesis is casuistry of patient with rheumatoid arthritis. The summary: The thesis is divided into two parts, the theoretical part and the special part. The theoretical part is focused on issue of rheumatoid arthritis, its characteristic, division, diagnostics and following therapy. In the special part is closely processed casuistry of patient with rheumatoid arthritis, this part includes entry kinesiological assesment, process of following therapies, output kinesiological assesment and evaluation of therapy efect. This casuistry was processed at the Institue of Rheumatology in Prague in period from 6th of January to 31st of Janury 2014. Key words: Physiotherapeutic methods, case of physiotherapy, rheumatoid arthritis

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