National Repository of Grey Literature 26 records found  beginprevious16 - 25next  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Scholars in Exile and Dictatorships of the 20th Century. May 24-26, 2011, Prague. Conference Proceedings
Stella, M. ; Štrbáňová, Soňa ; Kostlán, Antonín
Proceedings of the international conference (Prague, May 2011), which was devoted to the forced migration of intellectuals (namely scholars who had to leave for exile under the pressure of dictator regimes) in the 20th century.
Sciences in Czechoslovakia in the Period of political "Normalization", 1970-75. Proceedings of the Conference
Kostlán, Antonín ; Devátá, Markéta
Proceedings contain contributions from the conference as part of the 5th part of the series Czech Science in the 20th Century. It concerns itself with the development of scientific fields and institutions in Czechoslovakia in the period after the forced termination of the liberalizational stream of thought of the second half of the 1960s. It represents approximately 40 texts in the following thematic wholes: Science and Politics, Universities, Czechoslovak Academy of Science, Development of Scientific Fields, Slovak Viewpoints, Persons and Personalities, Documents.

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