National Repository of Grey Literature 4 records found  Search took 0.02 seconds. 
Multiple sclerosis detection
Kopuletý, Michal ; Mangová, Marie (referee) ; Uher, Václav (advisor)
This thesis is focused on detecting multiple sclerosis lesions from magnetic resonance images. Correctly retrieved lesions are very important for medical diagnosis. Detection of lesions using machine learning techniques is quite challenging because of large variability in size, shape and position of lesions in the brain. In the practical part is designed base software, which after completion will classify pixels, so that is possible to find lesions of multiple sclerosis. For classification will be used Support vector machine. Theoretical part describes multiple sclerosis, basic operations performed with biomedical images and data classification.
Software for assisted study of access control protocols
Kopuletý, Michal ; Burda, Karel (referee) ; Vlček, Lukáš (advisor)
This bachelor’s thesis allows the reader to penetrate into the issues of access control protocols in area such as computer network, banking and access contactless cards. Each chapter provides example of frequently used authentication methods and lists of the pros and cons. Partially describes the methods of authoritzation. The main outcome of this bachelor’s thesis is an educational software executable in a web browser. For the reader’s better understanding there are, animation in the software. In order to verify student knowledge, there are test in teaching material. The thesis proposal provides authentication protocol that can be implemented into ACP protocol. The proposed authentication protocol can transmit information to a wide number of authentication methods (hash, symmetric cryptography, asymmetric cryptography)
Software for assisted study of access control protocols
Kopuletý, Michal ; Burda, Karel (referee) ; Vlček, Lukáš (advisor)
This bachelor’s thesis allows the reader to penetrate into the issues of access control protocols in area such as computer network, banking and access contactless cards. Each chapter provides example of frequently used authentication methods and lists of the pros and cons. Partially describes the methods of authoritzation. The main outcome of this bachelor’s thesis is an educational software executable in a web browser. For the reader’s better understanding there are, animation in the software. In order to verify student knowledge, there are test in teaching material. The thesis proposal provides authentication protocol that can be implemented into ACP protocol. The proposed authentication protocol can transmit information to a wide number of authentication methods (hash, symmetric cryptography, asymmetric cryptography)
Multiple sclerosis detection
Kopuletý, Michal ; Mangová, Marie (referee) ; Uher, Václav (advisor)
This thesis is focused on detecting multiple sclerosis lesions from magnetic resonance images. Correctly retrieved lesions are very important for medical diagnosis. Detection of lesions using machine learning techniques is quite challenging because of large variability in size, shape and position of lesions in the brain. In the practical part is designed base software, which after completion will classify pixels, so that is possible to find lesions of multiple sclerosis. For classification will be used Support vector machine. Theoretical part describes multiple sclerosis, basic operations performed with biomedical images and data classification.

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