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Reflections on the Nuclear Taboo in Selected Foreign Affairs Articles Published between 2009-2020 in the US
Konrád, Ondřej ; Pondělíček, Jiří (advisor) ; Smetana, Michal (referee)
This bachelor thesis examines the reflection of the nuclear taboo in selected Foreign Affairs articles from 2009 to 2020 in the US. The aim is to determine whether there has been a weakening of the taboo during this period or a change in the atmosphere in which the taboo exists. The articles were analyzed using a content analysis method, particularly to determine whether elements of the nuclear taboo were challenged. At the same time, the change in atmosphere in these texts was examined to see whether there was fear or pessimism about the future. Identifying these phenomena is essential, as both may signal a change in attitude towards the nuclear taboo. The main finding of the analysis is that the nuclear taboo is not weakening in the period under review, or rather, the thesis concludes that the nuclear taboo is under pressure and facing significant challenges but is not weakening overall. On the contrary, the change in the atmosphere has been confirmed, as there has been an apparent increase in the fear of nuclear weapons during the period under review, whether due to new proliferation, the arms race, or the threat of nuclear war. The conclusion of this thesis confirms that the nuclear taboo remains an essential factor in international relations, and its maintenance is crucial for the preservation...

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