National Repository of Grey Literature 4 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Optimization of Company Information Infrastructure.
Luska, Jiří ; Holub, Zdeněk (referee) ; Ondrák, Viktor (advisor)
The thesis discusses the problems of data infrastructure in the company Instalační materiál – Herman s.r.o., which dealing with sale and comlex services in plumbing. The current state of computer networks is generally poor, combines current and older technologies, resulting in problems with the functionality of the sale system. Therefore the company decided to invest in upgrading IT. The goal is to evaluate the current situation and propose a range of optimization to an extent that meets the criteria of the company as a customer
Optimization of Company Information Infrastructure.
Luska, Jiří ; Holub, Zdeněk (referee) ; Ondrák, Viktor (advisor)
The thesis discusses the problems of data infrastructure in the company Instalační materiál – Herman s.r.o., which dealing with sale and comlex services in plumbing. The current state of computer networks is generally poor, combines current and older technologies, resulting in problems with the functionality of the sale system. Therefore the company decided to invest in upgrading IT. The goal is to evaluate the current situation and propose a range of optimization to an extent that meets the criteria of the company as a customer

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