National Repository of Grey Literature 4 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
The Flemish movement and the Czech national revival
Havlíčková, Andrea ; Janssens, Guy (advisor) ; Van Bree, Cor (referee)
Czech and Flemish history have much in common: for a certain period of time, in both countries a different language than the language of the local people was dominant, and both countries managed to revive the original language. It is this period that the master thesis deals with. Its subject is the comparison between the Czech and Flemish national movements. Both movements were confronted by means of the "synchronous comparison" method under analogous historical situations. The objective was to find out in which elements they are identical and in which they differ. The main sources of research were the Encyclopedie van de Vlaamse Beweging (1998) and České národní obrození (Kočí: 1978). The first, introductory part, explains the concept of a "nation"; the following second and third parts outline the historical background of both movements. National movements are divided into three phases in the fourth chapter. The remaining chapters five, six and seven then deal with these respective phases, describing the development of both movements and providing a summary of their commonalities and differences, inter alia in the fields of language, literature and politics. The conclusion sums up these findings. The master thesis shows that while both the birth (for Czech movement in 1780, Flemish in 1830) and time of...
Case study of physiotherapy treatment of a patient with posttraumatic paresis n. peroneus communis dx.
Havlíčková, Andrea ; Novotná, Irena (advisor) ; Kozáková, Alena (referee)
Title: Case study of physiotherapy treatment of patient with the posttraumatic paresis n. peroneus communis dx. Objectives: Gain of theoretical knowledge about peripheral paresis, especially peripheral paresis n. peroneus communis dx. Subsequent case study formulation of patient with selected diagnosis made during coherent scholarly practice. Methods: The theoretical part of this bachelor thesis contains theoretical knowledge about anatomy of peripheral nervous system of the lower extremities, the clinical image of the peripheral paresis ane the treatment with sequential therapy. Results: Increase of muscle strenght in weakened muscels, improvement of movement range, elimination of reflective changes and restoration of joint play. Conclusion: Indikation of physiotherapy is very important in the treatment of peripheral paresis. Keywords: peripheral paresis, n.peroneus, physiotherapy
Case study of physiotherapy treatment of a patient with posttraumatic paresis n. peroneus communis dx.
Havlíčková, Andrea ; Novotná, Irena (advisor) ; Kozáková, Alena (referee)
Title: Case study of physiotherapy treatment of patient with the posttraumatic paresis n. peroneus communis dx. Objectives: Gain of theoretical knowledge about peripheral paresis, especially peripheral paresis n. peroneus communis dx. Subsequent case study formulation of patient with selected diagnosis made during coherent scholarly practice. Methods: The theoretical part of this bachelor thesis contains theoretical knowledge about anatomy of peripheral nervous system of the lower extremities, the clinical image of the peripheral paresis ane the treatment with sequential therapy. Results: Increase of muscle strenght in weakened muscels, improvement of movement range, elimination of reflective changes and restoration of joint play. Conclusion: Indikation of physiotherapy is very important in the treatment of peripheral paresis. Keywords: peripheral paresis, n.peroneus, physiotherapy
The Flemish movement and the Czech national revival
Havlíčková, Andrea ; Van Bree, Cor (referee) ; Janssens, Guy (advisor)
Czech and Flemish history have much in common: for a certain period of time, in both countries a different language than the language of the local people was dominant, and both countries managed to revive the original language. It is this period that the master thesis deals with. Its subject is the comparison between the Czech and Flemish national movements. Both movements were confronted by means of the "synchronous comparison" method under analogous historical situations. The objective was to find out in which elements they are identical and in which they differ. The main sources of research were the Encyclopedie van de Vlaamse Beweging (1998) and České národní obrození (Kočí: 1978). The first, introductory part, explains the concept of a "nation"; the following second and third parts outline the historical background of both movements. National movements are divided into three phases in the fourth chapter. The remaining chapters five, six and seven then deal with these respective phases, describing the development of both movements and providing a summary of their commonalities and differences, inter alia in the fields of language, literature and politics. The conclusion sums up these findings. The master thesis shows that while both the birth (for Czech movement in 1780, Flemish in 1830) and time of...

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