National Repository of Grey Literature 2 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Green purchasing: Case of Bottled Water Consumption in the Czech Republic
Hanusová, Klára ; Ščasný, Milan (advisor) ; Opatrný, Matěj (referee)
To tackle various environmental issues, many of which stem from unsustainable consumer behavior, policymakers make an effort to transition toward a circular economy. One of the initiatives in the Czech Republic includes a reduction in single-use plastic waste. An example of this waste category are plastic bottles used for beverage packaging. Consequently, this thesis aims to uncover the determinants of bottled water consumption in the Czech Republic, as a similar study does not appear to exist in this context. Data (n=3 411) used for the analysis are obtained from a survey "TAČR Kohoutková". Methods used include estimation by Generalized Ordered Logit and Multinomial Logit. Results uncover socio-demographic characteristics, taste, health reasons, constructs from the Theory of Planned Behavior, and habits as predictors of bottled water consumption. It was found that highly educated people and those with a strong habit of drinking tap water are less likely to consume bottled water. The main consumers of this product appear to be those who negatively perceive tap water taste and healthiness, or positively perceive such characteristics of bottled water. On contrary, there is not enough evidence for identifying a relationship between environmental values and bottled water intake.
Health, Happiness and Consumption of Sugary Goods
Hanusová, Klára ; Ščasný, Milan (advisor) ; Opatrný, Matěj (referee)
Numerous studies have examined socio-economic and demographic determinants of sugar consumption, happiness, and life satisfaction. However, little is still known about association between sugar consumption on one side and happiness (or life satisfaction), on the other side, in particular, if we control for other key factors such as health, dietary patterns, or even addictive behaviour that all potentially affect both sugar consumption and life satisfaction. This thesis fills this research gap. Individual-level data obtained from the INHERIT multi-country survey are used to analyse these determinants in five European countries, the Czech Republic, Latvia, Portugal, Spain, and the United Kingdom. The analysis is relying on several econometric models for count and limited dependent variable data, including negative binomial, logit, multinomial logit, and bivariate probit. We found that younger, respondents with children, and in particular males are eating more portions of sugary goods. Higher consumption of sugary goods is also correlated with eating more meat and smoking, and bad health status, gastrointestinal disease in particular, that is likely consequence of these healthadverse habits. Many of the explanatory variables which are positively associated with sugar consumption, tend to have opposite...

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