National Repository of Grey Literature 4 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
The Changes Of An Advertising Campaign In Dependency Of The Medium In Action (Signs, Sign Systeme and Semiotics)
Hellebrandová, Kateřina ; Šoltys, Otakar (advisor) ; Dvořák, Tomáš (referee)
The topic of this thesis is the variability of the second wave of the advertising campaign "CHODICILIDE.CZ" in dependency of the media in action. This campaign is a social advertising project by the Sirius Foundation. This project highlights the topic of relationships between disabled people and the rest of society in an unusual way. Therefore, the thesis introduces the theoretical base in order to define "social advertising" and all terms and definitions needed and connected. The following chapter discusses the methodology of this thesis. The campaign is subsequently introduced as well as the foundation and the creative team. The proceeding chapter is analytical. Firstly, there is the narrative analysis focusing on the story of the video. Secondly, there is the semiotic analysis that describes the picture, the sound and verbal and nonverbal aspects. TV spots, posters, internet sites, guerrilla and ambient marketing will be described as well as PR. The final chapter of the thesis is a survey on the topic from a quantitative perspective. Some questions of the survey are asking f. ex. about the acceptance of the topic in question, the remembrance, and opinion and highlights of the campaign and so on. The conclusion will compare the differences of each form of the campaign in context of the survey's...
The applicability of marketing trends and its exemplification on the phenomenon of twerk
Hellebrandová, Kateřina ; Riedlbauch, Václav (advisor) ; Janeček, Václav (referee)
The theoretical part of this thesis describes marketing in the field of culture, particularly dance, and it defines today's Internet world. It focuses on the tools and the most important aspects of current marketing practices. It also defines the dance 'twerk' examining its history, present and also the reasons why it became an international sensation. The practical part is then devoted to a detailed analysis of three subjects - dancer Aneta Antošová, STAGE Prague dance studio and Ballet of the National Theatre Brno. By a comparison of quantitative data of the 'before and after twerk marketing' period the thesis is trying to evaluate the applicability and success of this marketing decision. Qualitative expert interviews with big names of Czech dance and marketing fields are accompanying the analysis.

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