National Repository of Grey Literature 4 records found  Search took 0.09 seconds. 
D&O (Directors and Officers Liability) insurance of members of a joint stock company bodies
Hřeben, Tomáš ; Borkovec, Aleš (advisor) ; Hraba, Zdeněk (referee)
The topic of the submitted diploma thesis is the directors and officers liability insurance of members of a joint stock company bodies and its aim is to analyze this insurance product and to evaluate possibilities of its use in domestic conditions. This theme is topical because of the recent financial crisis as well as with regard to the recodification of the Czech private law which resulted in demanding more requirements on members of a joint stock company bodies during performance of their office and most importantly the danger of guaranty for obligations of company in accordance with the provision § 68 of the law on commercial corporations constitutes a really big threat for members of a joint stock company bodies. In order to understand the dangers from which the insurance should protect, first of all the first chapter is dedicated to basic characteristics of joint stock company and mainly to duties of members of a joint stock company bodies which are divided into two groups in this thesis - fiduciary duties (duty of due care, duty of loyalty, duty of secrecy, prohibition of competition, duty of personal performance of office) and so called "technical" duties. In the next chapter there is briefly examined the legislation of liability and compensation for damage where these issues are consulted...
D&O (Directors and Officers Liability) insurance of members of a joint stock company bodies
Hřeben, Tomáš ; Borkovec, Aleš (advisor) ; Hraba, Zdeněk (referee)
The topic of the submitted diploma thesis is the directors and officers liability insurance of members of a joint stock company bodies and its aim is to analyze this insurance product and to evaluate possibilities of its use in domestic conditions. This theme is topical because of the recent financial crisis as well as with regard to the recodification of the Czech private law which resulted in demanding more requirements on members of a joint stock company bodies during performance of their office and most importantly the danger of guaranty for obligations of company in accordance with the provision § 68 of the law on commercial corporations constitutes a really big threat for members of a joint stock company bodies. In order to understand the dangers from which the insurance should protect, first of all the first chapter is dedicated to basic characteristics of joint stock company and mainly to duties of members of a joint stock company bodies which are divided into two groups in this thesis - fiduciary duties (duty of due care, duty of loyalty, duty of secrecy, prohibition of competition, duty of personal performance of office) and so called "technical" duties. In the next chapter there is briefly examined the legislation of liability and compensation for damage where these issues are consulted...
Distraint by sale of property and by property management
Hřeben, Tomáš ; Moravec, Tomáš (advisor) ; Valenta, Petr (referee)
This diploma thesis deals with issues of distraint by sale of property and by property management which represent two kinds of distraint with important impacts on debtor's proprietary rights. The diploma thesis is divided into four chapters complemented by introduction and conclusion. The first chapter deals with distraint order in a general way and also examines the term "real estate" in the context of the recent recodification of the civil law. The second chapter explains phases of distraint by sale of property and by property management from the initiation of the distraint order to the delivery of warrant of distress. Next third chapter deals closely with the distraint by sale of property and its particularities and the final chapter analyses in a similar way the distraint by property management.
Professional liability insurance
Hřeben, Tomáš ; Křížek, Tomáš (advisor) ; Zetek, Pavel (referee)
This bachelor thesis deals with issues of professional liability insurance in Czech Republic with a deeper focus on attorneys at law and private doctors -- providers of non-state health care facilities. The thesis concentrates on the actual possibilities of negotiation of professional liability insurance on the czech insurance market, it compares the differences between individual offers of professional liability insurance and the collective contracts negotiated by the professional chambers. After a brief basic characteristics of the general liability insurance comes a chapter devoted to the general introduction of the matter of liability and damages legislation. Next chapters closely deal with the particular specifics of professional liability - first generally then with a focus on the insurance product designated to attorneys at law and eventually with focus on professional liability insurance optimalized for the needs of the private doctors.

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