The process of adaptation to a foreign culture
Gálik, Tomáš
The goal of this bachelor thesis is research of adaptation process of Czech immigrants to Finland, which reside in Finland for long-term. Theoretical part consists of definitions used vocabulary, overview of differences of Finnish nation compared to Czech nation, followed by definition and stages of a culture shock. Practical part is focused on qualitative research of migrants from Czech Republic living in Finland through interview. Research shows ability of Czechs to adapt in Finnish culture and integrate in society. Main problems with adaptation was different communication style.
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Design of heat source for heating
Galík, Tomáš ; Chýlek, Radomír (referee) ; Baláš, Marek (advisor)
This bachelor’s thesis was created to apprise of heat sources used in family houses and to design a heat system for a specific house. The first chapter is informational and it describes advantages and disadvantages of individual systems. In the second chapter we design and evaluate each alternative for that house.
Impact assessment of the use of hydrogen-enriched natural gas
Galík, Tomáš ; Pospíšil, Jiří (referee) ; Baláš, Marek (advisor)
The Master’s thesis reviews the topic of hydrogen in within European and Czech energy industry. Hydrogen’s usage in gas industry, heating industry and power engineering may play a significant role in meeting European Union’s ambitious goals aiming to reduce emission production. This work identifies specifications of technologies used to produce, transport, and use of hydrogen and their impact on today’s energy systems and safety. The technical, economic, and political context is emphasized. The technical part covers the topic of injecting hydrogen into natural gas and it’s impact on physico-chemical properties of gas. The work analyses concentrations of 0, 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 molar percent of hydrogen in real composition of natural gas measured on a handover point of transition system. Furthermore, calculations for these mixtures have been done to determine a change in characteristics of a heat exchanger. The results show, that with higher concentrations of hydrogen, the power of heat exchanger rises, while the power of a burner decreases due to lower calorific value of gas mixture. The last chapter follows up on a economical analysis of fuel and emission allowance costs for above-mentioned concentrations of hydrogen in gas mixture. Specific values of combined cycle gas plant Počerady from year 2019 were used for calculations. The results show, that in all of the three considered scenarios of emission allowance price predictions, replacing hydrogen with natural gas did not have a positive economic impact.
Evaluation of the energy community concept in the Czech Republic conditions
Vojtěch, Jan ; Galík, Tomáš (referee) ; Ptáček, Michal (advisor)
The thesis is divided into six main parts. The first part deals with the description of European directives, regulatory instruments, and support instruments in the field of energy communities in the countries of the European Union, specifically Austria, Germany, France, and Spain. The second part is devoted to a study predicting the future development of domestic decentralized sources and their installed capacity potential. The third part deals with the current legislative state of domestic energy communities, including an outline of the possible future form of energy communities. The fourth part deals with the description of usable allocation keys and the differences between them, as well as distribution tariffs of the public distribution network and their possible adjustments and discounts related to energy communities. The fifth part deals with the description of the model and the scenarios used for its analysis, including the presentation of the results and the impact on distribution tariffs. The last part presents recommendations for distribution system operators, the Energy Regulatory Office and for energy communities.
Impact assessment of the use of hydrogen-enriched natural gas
Galík, Tomáš ; Pospíšil, Jiří (referee) ; Baláš, Marek (advisor)
The Master’s thesis reviews the topic of hydrogen in within European and Czech energy industry. Hydrogen’s usage in gas industry, heating industry and power engineering may play a significant role in meeting European Union’s ambitious goals aiming to reduce emission production. This work identifies specifications of technologies used to produce, transport, and use of hydrogen and their impact on today’s energy systems and safety. The technical, economic, and political context is emphasized. The technical part covers the topic of injecting hydrogen into natural gas and it’s impact on physico-chemical properties of gas. The work analyses concentrations of 0, 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 molar percent of hydrogen in real composition of natural gas measured on a handover point of transition system. Furthermore, calculations for these mixtures have been done to determine a change in characteristics of a heat exchanger. The results show, that with higher concentrations of hydrogen, the power of heat exchanger rises, while the power of a burner decreases due to lower calorific value of gas mixture. The last chapter follows up on a economical analysis of fuel and emission allowance costs for above-mentioned concentrations of hydrogen in gas mixture. Specific values of combined cycle gas plant Počerady from year 2019 were used for calculations. The results show, that in all of the three considered scenarios of emission allowance price predictions, replacing hydrogen with natural gas did not have a positive economic impact.
Design of heat source for heating
Galík, Tomáš ; Chýlek, Radomír (referee) ; Baláš, Marek (advisor)
This bachelor’s thesis was created to apprise of heat sources used in family houses and to design a heat system for a specific house. The first chapter is informational and it describes advantages and disadvantages of individual systems. In the second chapter we design and evaluate each alternative for that house.
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