National Repository of Grey Literature 3 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Collective bargaining
Dobeš, Vojtěch ; Pichrt, Jan (advisor) ; Morávek, Jakub (referee)
Collective bargaining The subject of this thesis is collective bargaining. Alongside individual labour law, it is a traditional branch of labour law with roots going back to the 19th century. In the Czech Republic, the foundations of modern collective law were laid as early as 1870, when the so- called Coalition Act was adopted. The great flowering of collective labour law then occurred during the period of the First Czechoslovak Republic. Today, collective bargaining has an irreplaceable place in Czech society. The aim of the thesis is to describe collective bargaining and to reflect on the shortcomings of the Czech legal framework, or to contribute to the general discourse with de lege ferenda considerations. The thesis consists of the introduction, three chapters and the conclusion. The first chapter is devoted to the sources and legal regulation of collective bargaining. In addition to being enshrined in the Czech legal system, including at the constitutional level, the documents of international organisations, in particular the conventions of the International Labour Organisation, have a major influence on collective bargaining. The influence of the Council of Europe or the European Union cannot be overlooked. The second chapter describes the subjects of collective bargaining. The first subject is the...
START Treaties: Really so Necessary? (1982/91-2010)
Dobeš, Vojtěch Sebastian ; Koura, Jan (advisor) ; Kovář, Martin (referee)
The presented bachelor thesis deals with the issues of American-Soviet (Russian) weapons reduction treaties START, i.e. since the early preparations of the first treaty to the ratification of the third treaty. The goal of this thesis is especially to analyze the texts of the treaties and show their impact on the nuclear arsenals of both countries. Besides the analysis of the treaties, author will also show the reflection and the impact of the treaties on the other countries and other non-proliferation processes. Keywords: START, weapons of mass reduction disarmament, disarmament treaties, analysis, Cold War, USA, USSR, Russian federation, nuclear weapons, proliferation
START Treaties: Really so Necessary? (1982/91-2010)
Dobeš, Vojtěch Sebastian ; Koura, Jan (advisor) ; Kovář, Martin (referee)
The presented bachelor thesis deals with the issues of American-Soviet (Russian) weapons reduction treaties START, i.e. since the early preparations of the first treaty to the ratification of the third treaty. The goal of this thesis is especially to analyze the texts of the treaties and show their impact on the nuclear arsenals of both countries. Besides the analysis of the treaties, author will also show the reflection and the impact of the treaties on the other countries and other non-proliferation processes. Keywords: START, weapons of mass reduction disarmament, disarmament treaties, analysis, Cold War, USA, USSR, Russian federation, nuclear weapons, proliferation

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