National Repository of Grey Literature 1 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
The Importance of a Delegation for an Effective Management
Borková, Magdaléna ; Horáková, Jana (advisor) ; Fiedler, Jiří (referee)
This bachleor thesis is focused on delegation in management practice and its importace for effectively managing a company. The thesis is divided into two parts. The first one is theoretical and is based on the study of related literature. In that part, are the terms like structure of organisation, managerial roles, functions and finally delegation on its own, described more closely. In the second part is my own research which is based on basic method of quality research, which is a direct interview. The research for this thesis was conducted on a selected subject and the results were thoroughly processed and interpreted. In the end of this thesis, based on the results, are conducted and recommended some measures, which can help for better and more effectiveness of the company.

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