National Repository of Grey Literature 2 records found  Search took 0.02 seconds. 
Platform-independent Middleware for Distributed Parallel Tasks
Bořkovec, Kryštof ; Hnětynka, Petr (advisor) ; Bureš, Tomáš (referee)
The thesis presents a middleware faciliating parallel execution of tasks expressed in the Java programming language on many computers. When started at a number of machines, this software creates a so called cloud that enables splitting the task into smaller subtasks and subsequent independent execution of these subtasks at difeferent nodes. The presented software distributes subtasks throughout the cloud automatically and it performs the following collection of results. The text begins with a brief introduction to the topic of distributed computations and a discussion of possible approaches to the subject. The main part of the work describes software architecture and topology of the system, demonstrates its usage at two sample tasks and gives a brief comparison with two other projects.
Platform-independent Middleware for Distributed Parallel Tasks
Bořkovec, Kryštof ; Hnětynka, Petr (advisor) ; Bureš, Tomáš (referee)
The thesis presents a middleware faciliating parallel execution of tasks expressed in the Java programming language on many computers. When started at a number of machines, this software creates a so called cloud that enables splitting the task into smaller subtasks and subsequent independent execution of these subtasks at difeferent nodes. The presented software distributes subtasks throughout the cloud automatically and it performs the following collection of results. The text begins with a brief introduction to the topic of distributed computations and a discussion of possible approaches to the subject. The main part of the work describes software architecture and topology of the system, demonstrates its usage at two sample tasks and gives a brief comparison with two other projects.

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