National Repository of Grey Literature 4 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Democratic Architecture – Kamenný vrch
Borkovcová, Tereza ; Moler, Vít (referee) ; Palaščak, Michal (advisor)
The bachelor thesis deals with architectural design of a building near gable of a prefabricated house on Kamenný vrch in Brno. My building is one of four designed projects at this spot. All the buildings created the center that has been missing before. It brings new functions to the locality and also new people. Residents of the building are constantly changing thanks to its function, which are offices for startups, temporary accomodation and added foyer with small bar not just for residents. Space is the most variable as it can be, so it can be used by residents as they please.
Democratic Architecture – Kamenný vrch
Borkovcová, Tereza ; Moler, Vít (referee) ; Palaščak, Michal (advisor)
The bachelor thesis deals with architectural design of a building near gable of a prefabricated house on Kamenný vrch in Brno. My building is one of four designed projects at this spot. All the buildings created the center that has been missing before. It brings new functions to the locality and also new people. Residents of the building are constantly changing thanks to its function, which are offices for startups, temporary accomodation and added foyer with small bar not just for residents. Space is the most variable as it can be, so it can be used by residents as they please.
How to decrease severe hospital acquired infection in newborns admitted to NICU
Bořkovcová, Tereza ; Straňák, Zbyněk (advisor)
With the rapid development of science and technology and related advances in medical care, pediatricians are, respectively, neonatologové, to save less and still nezralejší newborn. To care for critically ill newborns often (premature low gestational age or congenital defects) are inherently large number of invasive diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, bringing a number of risks as nosocomial infections (in Anglo-Saxon literature referred to as NI = nosocomial infection, HAI = Hospital-Acquired infection or healthcare-associated infection). These are today high time contributor to perinatal morbidity and mortality. And not only that. Extension of stay in NICU newborns increases additional risk of hospital infections, prolong suffering, and suffering newborns and families themselves, and not increase the extent cost of hospital care. As is clear from the conclusions various international studies, regular and consistent compliance often quite elementary hygiene habits (such as hand washing and disinfection of medical and parents before any contact with the newborn, disinfection stethoscope, etc..), can prevent the emergence of nosocomial infections or at least substantially reduce this risk.
How to decrease severe hospital acquired infection in newborns admitted to NICU
Bořkovcová, Tereza ; Straňák, Zbyněk (advisor)
With the rapid development of science and technology and related advances in medical care, pediatricians are, respectively, neonatologové, to save less and still nezralejší newborn. To care for critically ill newborns often (premature low gestational age or congenital defects) are inherently large number of invasive diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, bringing a number of risks as nosocomial infections (in Anglo-Saxon literature referred to as NI = nosocomial infection, HAI = Hospital-Acquired infection or healthcare-associated infection). These are today high time contributor to perinatal morbidity and mortality. And not only that. Extension of stay in NICU newborns increases additional risk of hospital infections, prolong suffering, and suffering newborns and families themselves, and not increase the extent cost of hospital care. As is clear from the conclusions various international studies, regular and consistent compliance often quite elementary hygiene habits (such as hand washing and disinfection of medical and parents before any contact with the newborn, disinfection stethoscope, etc..), can prevent the emergence of nosocomial infections or at least substantially reduce this risk.

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