National Repository of Grey Literature 4 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Complements parcels "ZE" to "ISKN"
Bláhová, Marie ; Beran, Vít (referee) ; Fišer, Zdeněk (advisor)
This Bachelor thesis deals with different ways of filing plots of the simplified land inventory in the cadastre information system. First there is information on the origin and evolution of cadastre of real estates. The next part deals with bulk filing of plots of the simplified land inventory in the cadastre information system, i.e. different types of renewal of cadastral documents and maps and filing plots of simplified land inventory separately or in group to ISKN. The conclusion of the thesis gives assessment of each method.
Tidal heating of Neptun's moon Triton
Beran, Vít ; Čadek, Ondřej (advisor) ; Patočka, Vojtěch (referee)
We study the largest Neptune's moon Triton and the anelastic deformation associated with the obliquity tides by employing spectral methods. For this purpose, we developed our Python 3 program and computed tidal heating for both conductive and convective heat transfer mechanisms in Triton's ice shell. We found that the conductive mechanism predicts marginal powers. However, we had found a family of convective models that anticipates tidal powers of 25- 30 GW, which is not enough to maintain a subsurface ocean but it represents a non-negligible amount. We also found that most of the heating is concentrated around the equator, which raises the question of the connection between tidal heating and cryovolcanism and cantaloupe terrain on Triton. 1
Support of natural science teachers who are starting their teaching career, and their development during the educational practice as shown also with the example of the selected school
Beran, Vít ; Lisnerová, Romana (advisor) ; Trojan, Václav (referee)
The ABSTRACT The Final Work named 'The support of natural science teachers who are starting their teaching career, and their development during the educational practice" as shown also with the example of the selected school, examines the way in which such school supports the fresh teachers, and whether for the fresh teachers at the selected school such support of their pedagogical development is beneficial, profitable and contributing to the teacher's development when compared with those schools which were addressed via a questionnaire designed for the headmasters and fresh teachers. The essay has been divided into its theoretical part and practical part. The theoretical part deals with the profession of a fresh teacher, the ways that support pedagogical development of these fresh teachers through the so called mentoring, pair teaching, professional portfolio, personal pedagogical development plans and alike. The methods of supporting fresh teachers have been described in general, and only then the Work aims also at the support implemented at the school selected. The practical part examines how the professional support has been provided for within the sample of primary schools and high schools, and this from the viewpoints of headmasters and fresh natural science teachers. It outlines the way of...
Complements parcels "ZE" to "ISKN"
Bláhová, Marie ; Beran, Vít (referee) ; Fišer, Zdeněk (advisor)
This Bachelor thesis deals with different ways of filing plots of the simplified land inventory in the cadastre information system. First there is information on the origin and evolution of cadastre of real estates. The next part deals with bulk filing of plots of the simplified land inventory in the cadastre information system, i.e. different types of renewal of cadastral documents and maps and filing plots of simplified land inventory separately or in group to ISKN. The conclusion of the thesis gives assessment of each method.

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