National Repository of Grey Literature 2 records found  Search took 0.02 seconds. 
Evaluating BPL Communication: A Simulation Approach
Baranyk, Matěj ; Benešl, Lukáš ; Rusz, Martin
In recent years BPL (Broadband over Power-line) technology is becoming more used. Despite the technology not needing any additional cable installation it is important to make sure that using the technology itself makes sense or what the needed requirements will be. Due to this reason, we opt to simulate almost real scenarios and compare them with outputs from network simulator ns-3. This way we can recognize the usefulness of our efforts even before we make any plans to install anything, which saves time and money. Furthermore, we can use the same simulator for diagnostics of already installed BPL routes.
Modeling and simulation of PLC-BPL communication of smart metering in Network Simulator 3
Baranyk, Matěj ; Rusz, Martin (referee) ; Benešl, Lukáš (advisor)
n recent years BPL technology is becoming more used. Despite the technology not needing any additional cable installation it's important to make sure that using the technology itself makes sense or what the needed requirements will be. Due to this reason we opt to simulate real life scenarios and compare them with outputs from network simulator ns-3. This way we're able to recognize the usefulness of our efforts even before we make any plans to instal anything, which saves time and money. Furthermore we can use the same simulator for diagnostics of already installed BPL routes. Furthermore a laboratory measurement shall be conducted in order to increase dataset sizes and to have more data that can be compared with simulation outputs.

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