National Repository of Grey Literature 9 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Pulse anodization of aluminium for nanoporous structures creation.
Bačová, Veronika ; Magát, Martin (referee) ; Hubálek, Jaromír (advisor)
Předkládaná práce se zabývá nalezením vhodných podmínek pro výrobu nanaporézní struktury na tenké hliníkové vrstvě. V této práci jsou popsány postupy výroby nanoporézních struktur a jejich přípravou. Vznikly póry o rozměrech 5–20 nm. Byla zkoumána závislosti proudové hustoty v zavislosti na přiloženém pulzu. Všechny výsledky byly zkoumány pomocí SEM analýzy. Byla použita cyklická volatmetrie pro stanovení redukčního napětí při depozici niklu a zlata.
Czech and Finnish primary school teacher in the background of inclusive education
Bačová, Veronika ; Tomková, Anna (advisor) ; Štech, Stanislav (referee) ; Krčmářová, Tereza (referee)
The dissertation addresses the issue of primary school teachers in the conditions of inclusive education in the Czech Republic and Finland. The aim of the whole thesis is to create and compare real profiles of Czech and Finnish teachers with an emphasis on finding out what is behind the quality of inclusive education in Finland and how these findings can improve inclusive education and the teaching profession in the Czech context. The key aim is to create a profile of the primary school teacher in inclusive education, i.e. the teacher's conception of the teacher's educational processes, competences and the real conditions that the teacher needs to work in a heterogeneous classroom. In order to achieve the aim, a comparative nature of the work and a qualitative case study design was chosen, where the case is understood as a primary school teacher against the background of inclusive education - the total number of participants is 20 teachers (10 Czech and 10 Finnish). Content and thematic analysis of Czech and foreign sources were chosen as the main methods to secure data, and the findings became the basis for further reflection and the creation of semi-structured interviews and observations. For data processing, the case studies of individual participants were used in the first round of data...
Education of pupils in Finland
Bačová, Veronika
The thesis focuses on description and detailed analysis of factors and the strengths which influence the Finnish educational system, which makes it one of the best in the world. These strengths include, for example, the preparation (training) of future teachers at faculties, the support for pupils in education, or the current curriculum for basic education valid from 2016, etc. The strengths are influenced by factors such as history of a country, culture, geographical and demographic characteristics or economic situation in the background. The analysis of these strengths and factors includes comments based on my personal experience with Finnish education, which I was able to get during my study stay in Finland and is the starting point for a final comparison with Czech primary education. These experiences are also included in the form of written records and other supporting materials obtained during the hospice lessons at the Finnish Primary Schools. The subsequent comparison focuses on the most important points of analysis, both in Finland and Czech education, and shows not only the differences in both schools but also some similarities that we can observe. This comparison brings us a lot of knowledge about the qualities and reserves of Czech education and, last but not least, points to the...
Education of pupils in Finland
Bačová, Veronika ; Tomková, Anna (advisor) ; Vondřičková, Klára (referee)
The thesis focuses on description and detailed analysis of factors and the strengths which influence the Finnish educational system, which makes it one of the best in the world. These strengths include, for example, the preparation (training) of future teachers at faculties, the support for pupils in education, or the current curriculum for basic education valid from 2016, etc. The strengths are influenced by factors such as history of a country, culture, geographical and demographic characteristics or economic situation in the background. The analysis of these strengths and factors includes comments based on my personal experience with Finnish education, which I was able to get during my study stay in Finland and is the starting point for a final comparison with Czech primary education. These experiences are also included in the form of written records and other supporting materials obtained during the hospice lessons at the Finnish Primary Schools. The subsequent comparison focuses on the most important points of analysis, both in Finland and Czech education, and shows not only the differences in both schools but also some similarities that we can observe. This comparison brings us a lot of knowledge about the qualities and reserves of Czech education and, last but not least, points to the...
Strategies promoting the political participation of women in the Czech republic: the case study of the NGO Fórum 50 %
Bačová, Veronika ; Havelková, Hana (advisor) ; Havelková, Barbara (referee)
Strategies promoting the political participation of women in the Czech republic: the case study of the NGO Fórum 50 % The political participation and representation of women is an important indicator of democracy. In the Czech republic, the underrepresentation of women in decision-making is considerable. Moreover, the czech political representation is not favourable for active promotion of women in politics. The only organization engaged in this issue is Fórum 50 %. It promotes women participation and representation in all decision-making positions. This case study explores this NGO. Based on the examination of documents on six interviews with its members it presents the basic information on the organizational structure, on its goals, activites and strategies. Further, the study identifies barriers like gender blindness of political parties, gender stereotypes, financial dependency of the organization restraining its activities. It presents how Fórum 50 % is legitimizing its existence as well as the whole issue of the political participation of women within the antifeminist atmosphere of the czech political arena. Finally, the study presents how Fórum 50 % advances the public discourse about the issue and how it succeeds to a certain degree in "breaking" the conservative attitude of some politicians....
Pulse anodization of aluminium for nanoporous structures creation.
Bačová, Veronika ; Magát, Martin (referee) ; Hubálek, Jaromír (advisor)
Předkládaná práce se zabývá nalezením vhodných podmínek pro výrobu nanaporézní struktury na tenké hliníkové vrstvě. V této práci jsou popsány postupy výroby nanoporézních struktur a jejich přípravou. Vznikly póry o rozměrech 5–20 nm. Byla zkoumána závislosti proudové hustoty v zavislosti na přiloženém pulzu. Všechny výsledky byly zkoumány pomocí SEM analýzy. Byla použita cyklická volatmetrie pro stanovení redukčního napětí při depozici niklu a zlata.
Fair Trade in the Czech Republic - survey of the consumers of Fair Trade products
Němcová, Kristýna ; Zamykalová, Miroslava (advisor) ; Bačová, Veronika (referee)
The thesis explains the main principle of the Fair Trade concept as an alternative form of solving poverty in developing countries and focuses primarily on the Fair Trade development in the Czech Republic. It decribes the main Czech Fair Trade Organizations concerning about the import, sales and certification of Fair Trade products. The major objective is to find out what the consumers expect from the purchase of Fair Trade products and what does the concept Fair Trade mean to them personally.

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