Reprodukční užitkovost v chovu prasnic
AIDELOMON, Emmanuel Onosimuan
The objective of this study was to analyse the level of reproductive efficiency of sows. Data of 1013 records of sows between 2019 to 2022 from a commercial herd were collected and analysed (Large White and cross between Large White and Landrace sows). Sows ranged from parity 1 to 7 with the number of parity grouped into 1-2 (1); 3-5 (2); 6-7 (3). Sows were raised in well-ventilated pens and were vaccinated according to the veterinarian's recommendations and sows were well-fed to meet their nutritional requirement. Water was available ad libitum via the drinking nipple system. All-born piglets and live-born piglets were analysed by monitoring the influence of parity, season at first conception, genotype, age at first farrowing, gestation length, farrowing interval, weaning-to-conception interval, year of conception and boar. Data were analysed using Statistika.12, TIBCO software package. Significant influence (P < 0.05) was observed between parity group 1 (parity 1-2) and parity group 2 (parity 3-5) for all-born piglets and live-born piglets with the highest value at parity group 2 (parity 3-5) and decreasing thereafter. Prolificacy (all-born piglets and live-born piglets) appeared highest in animals during the summer months and the lowest in autumn (statistically unconfirmed differences). Crossing sows between Large White and Landrace produced the highest number of all-born piglets, and sow Large White produced the highest number of live-born piglets. Crossing sows between Landrace and Large White produced a statistically lower number of piglets. Prolificacy at 361-381 days (age of first farrowing) was significantly different from < 361 days. There was reduction in number of all-born piglets and live-born piglets for above > 381 days when compared to 361-381 but it was not different statistically. Higher value was recorded for gestation length of 114 days compared to 115 days in all-born piglets and live-born piglets (but no significant influence). The mean of all-born piglets and live-born piglets shows that the larger the litter is, the shorter the gestation length becomes. Farrowing interval for 146 days had a high mean value for both all-born piglets and live-born piglets compared to 147 days but no significant influence. Weaning to conception interval for 4 days is significantly different from 5 days in all-live born piglets. The highest average for all-born piglets and live-born piglets was recorded in 2022 and the lowest was recorded in 2019. Result for 2022 was significantly different from 2019 and 2020 results. In conclusion, this study showed that sow parity, genotype, age at first farrowing, weaning to conception interval and boar can be used as indicators of reproductive performance. Furthermore, this study has provided the basis for future development of a benchmarking tool to monitor and improve productivity in sow herds.