National Repository of Grey Literature 4 records found  Search took 0.04 seconds. 
Zhodnocení zdravotního stavu dřevin v lokalitě Přemyslovická alej
Švec, Daniel
Bachelor thesis is focused on assessment of health condition of the trees in the alley along the road no. II/366 including monitoring of all factors that may have a significant impact on the timber species in the examined locality. Pursuant the off road survey were evaluated physiological age, vitality, health condition and perspective of trees in the alley. Bachelor thesis i also focused on assessment of the occurrence significantly negatively affecting small eggar (E. lanestris) and also on another entofauna occurring in delimited territory. The output of the bachelor thesis is the total inventory of trees in the alley and proposing of arboristic care for the present trees with focusing on improvement of their operational safety and sustainability in the locality.
The state support of the building savings
Švec, Daniel ; Urbánek, Václav (advisor) ; Moravcová, Jana (referee)
In this diploma thesis I have dealt with the description of the most significant public expenditures, mandatory expenditures. I have focused on building savings, the state support for building savings and the profitableness of building savings as a whole. In the first part of the work, different types of public expenditures are defined and categorized; you may also find there a definition of mandatory expenditures. This section also contains the historical development of building savings to the current form and the development of the basic indicators of building savings in the Czech Republic. Another part is devoted to legislative regulation of building savings; this section also contains the development of the state support and its impact on the state budget. The third, analytical part contains an analysis of microeconomic benefits and macroeconomic consequences for the economy. In this part I analyze the profitability of the savings phase and the cost of credit phase of the building savings, compared with the selected alternative products. At the end of this chapter I will try to offer a picture of the possible forms of the building savings in the future.
Analysis of infuence of given factors on the price of black coal
Švec, Daniel ; Zajíček, Miroslav (advisor) ; Babin, Jan (referee)
The bachelor thesis deals with the relationship of the price of thermal coal and chosen variables on the European market. It describes principles of business with coal on both local and international basis and summarizes pricing of thermal coal. It examines the connection of the price of thermal coal with the price of its closest substitutes. Using regression analysis it determines variables that have the biggest impact on the price. It is shown, that in the long run, the price of thermal coal follows the pattern of its substitutes, energy commodities. With an increase of natural gas price by one dollar, the price of thermal coal increases by 0,275 dollars. An increase of crude oil price by one dollar increases the price of coal by 0,155 dollars. The most significant impact on the price has variable representing the transport costs required to transport coal. With an increase of one dollar of transport costs, the price of thermal coal on European market increases by 1,279 dollars.
Support for building savings
Švec, Daniel ; Urbánek, Václav (advisor) ; Kubík, Rudolf (referee)
In this bachelor thesis I have been dealing with the description of the most significant public expenditures, mandatory expenditures. The work studies the structure and the development of mandatory expenditures pointing at the state support for building savings. The first part of the work deals with different types of public and mandatory expenditures and also the definition for mandatory expenditures is given. In the second chapter I have been looking at the issue of building savings and the state support for building savings in Czech Republic. The development of basic indicators of building savings and the state support is shown in graphs and charts. The last part of the work deals with the analysis of the contemporary state on the building savings market in Czech Republic.

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