National Repository of Grey Literature 2 records found  Search took 0.03 seconds. 
Implementation of the budget city České Budějovice years time line 2009 - 2010
Šitnerová, Lucie ; Nováková, Štěpánka (advisor) ; Takáčová, Hana (referee)
The thesis is focused on the community, their management and reporting. There is also mention of the financial reform, which took place in 2010. The work is divided into two parts on the theoretical and practical. The theoretical part deals with the characteristics of communities, their financial management and the impact of the accounting reform. The practical part is focused on the performance of a particular community and that is the town of České Budějovice. It is broken down budget of 2009 and 2010, and balance sheets, profit and loss, attachment and cash flows and changes in equity. Finally, it outlined the draft budget for 2012.
Budget implementation in the specific conditions of the village Roudné
Šitnerová, Lucie ; Nováková, Štěpánka (advisor)
In my bachelor work I deal with communities, I divided it into three parts. First, deal with characteristic communities, authorities and responsibilities of the village community. The second part deals with the budget of municipalities. At the beginning of this section, I mentioned the budget in general. In addition, the budget process, in which I work its stages. This section also makes a record of income and expenditure budget and schedule. In the last sections deal with municipalities Roudné Czech Budejovice. Here I show a specific budget for community and analyze the situation. The main objective of my thesis was familiar with the local economy and use this knowledge in a particular community.

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