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Václav Hudeček - Profile of the Artist
Říhová, Markéta ; ČEPICKÝ, Leoš (advisor) ; PANOCHA, Jiří (referee)
Violin virtuoso Václav Hudeček dedicated his life to music and concert stages.Among the musicians, especially violinists, in the whole word, the name Václav Hudeček means a lot. This bachelor thesis is brief section of his life since his violin beginnings, across the cocerts with the best orchestras in the most prestigious halls, studies with David Oistrach, ending with passing his virtuoso experiences to the young generation of musicians.
Management of claims
ŘÍHOVÁ, Markéta
Control of outstanding is one of the most important activities of financial flow managing. A company should have a lot of working funds to its running and development. However, if company{\crq}s debtors do not pay their accounts, the company will be threatened by problems with its liquidity. For this reason it is necessary not to underestimate outstanding control as is in many companies occurred. First it is necessary to screen companies´ standing and put the accent on terms of contract so that debts will be paid in a term of maturity. However, if disputable or desperate debts will appear (even thought precautions are done), it is required to use all of the possible security instruments, with respect to their effectiveness. In my diploma thesis I would like to evaluate control of outstanding and then I make a proposal of debts control system in the ABCmont company. Integral part of my case study will be a rating of the particular customers´ segment, methods of the emendatory items and possibilities of accountant and taxation solutions.

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