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Assessment of Company Financial Situation Using Statistical Data Analysis
Čapka, Jakub ; Bartocha, Jaroslav (referee) ; Doubravský, Karel (advisor)
The diploma thesis is focused on using of statistical data analysis as the effective tool for evaluation of characteristics and efficiency of the company, especially economic indicators. The goal will be to analyze the data by these means, to compare them and to make the conclusions and suggestions for improvement. From the knowledge of historical data and forecasting preconditions for the future the company will gain clearer image about its development and future direction.
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Assessment of Company Financial Situation Using Statistical Data Analysis
Čapka, Jakub ; Bartocha, Jaroslav (referee) ; Doubravský, Karel (advisor)
The diploma thesis is focused on using of statistical data analysis as the effective tool for evaluation of characteristics and efficiency of the company, especially economic indicators. The goal will be to analyze the data by these means, to compare them and to make the conclusions and suggestions for improvement. From the knowledge of historical data and forecasting preconditions for the future the company will gain clearer image about its development and future direction.