National Repository of Grey Literature 7 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Methodology of basic practical training of a Private Pilot
Jakubec, Jakub ; Chlebek, Jiří (referee) ; Hammer, Jaromír (advisor)
This bachelor thesis describes Methodology of basic practical training of a Private Pilot. Most of the information used is based on regulations EASA and PART-FCL. The main part of this thesis describes a basic excercises of training of a Private Pilot starting from the first solo flight to the final examination. The last part of this thesis describes most common student mistakes and problems.
Methodology of basic practical training of a Private Pilot
Jakubec, Jakub ; Chlebek, Jiří (referee) ; Hammer, Jaromír (advisor)
This bachelor thesis describes Methodology of basic practical training of a Private Pilot. Most of the information used is based on regulations EASA and PART-FCL. The main part of this thesis describes a basic excercises of training of a Private Pilot starting from the first solo flight to the final examination. The last part of this thesis describes most common student mistakes and problems.
Company health-care services
Tomšej, Jakub ; Pichrt, Jan (advisor) ; Chvátalová, Iva (referee) ; Drápal, Ljubomír (referee)
- 193 - Abstract This dissertation theses describes the topic of company health-care services. The thesis provides a complex analysis of providing company health-care services with particular focus on the connection of these services with the employment relations and the legal instruments governed by the Labour Code. The thesis focuses in particular on the topic of medical examinations and medical reports, as well as the unfitness to work due to health-related reasons as a reason for termination of employment or other employment-law consequences. Besides an analysis of the current legislation, the theses further deals with the current case law, and in particular the judicial decisions on medical reports and their review by administrative and civil courts. The thesis also describes related legal instruments in the field of personal data protection and liability for damages, and provides a short comparison of the analysed legal regulation and the regulation of public service.
Pracovnělékařské služby
Dostál, Filip ; Havelka, Josef ; Scheu, Lenka ; Štefko, Martin
Jednou z povinností zaměstnavatele je komplexně řídit rizika. Současně k jeho povinnostem podle ustanovení § 103 odst. 1 písm. a) zákona č. 262/2006 Sb., zákoník práce, ve znění pozdějších předpisů (dále jen „zákoník práce“) náleží i nepřipustit, aby zaměstnanci vykonávali zakázané práce, stejně jako práce, ve kterých by náročnost nebyla adekvátní jejich schopnostem a zdravotní způsobilosti. Ke splnění těchto povinností by měl být výrazně nápomocný poskytovatel pracovnělékařských služeb. Ten je obeznámen s problematikou bezpečnosti a ochrany zdraví při práci v takové míře, že by se měl podílet na snížení počtu pracovních úrazů a nemocí z povolání, což se týká především méně rizikových prací. S účinností od 1. dubna 2012 jsou pracovnělékařské služby definovány v ustanovení § 53 zákona č. 373/2011 Sb., o specifických zdravotních službách, ve znění pozdějších předpisů (dále jen „zákon o specifických zdravotních službách“). V této souvislosti je možné poznamenat, že podle Úmluvy ILO č. 161 o závodních zdravotních službách pojem závodní zdravotní služba přesahuje pouhé provádění pracovnělékařských prohlídek zaměstnanců. Závodní zdravotní služba je důležitá hlavně z pohledu prevence vzniku onemocnění. K tomu je nezbytná důkladná znalost pracovního prostředí. Ačkoliv pod pracovnělékařské služby spadá preventivní, diagnostická a konzultační péče, stěžejní je zvláště služba posudkové péče. V jejím rámci poskytovatel pracovnělékařské péče zjišťuje, je-li zaměstnanec schopen vykonávat dosavadní práci.
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Occupational medical services
Švandelíková, Klára ; Morávek, Jakub (advisor) ; Tomšej, Jakub (referee)
This rigorous thesis deals with the institute of occupational medical services, enshrined in the legal order of the Czech Republic by Act No. 373/2011 Coll., on Specific Health Services. This Act was, together with some other acts, part of the so-called health reform and replaced the legal regulation of occupational preventive care, contained mainly in Act No. 20/1966 Coll., on Public Health Care. In spite of the fact that the Act came into effect almost eight years ago, the rules relating to the provision of occupational medical services still pose problems in practice, i.e. on the both sides of the individual employment relationship, as well as on the side of occupational medical services providers. The importance of occupational medical services and the orientation in the rights and obligations of these providers, employers and employees are underlined by the fact that the obligation to provide these services falls on all employers, regardless of their number of employees, turnover or any other parameter. In the light of the above mentioned, this thesis aims to map the legislation of occupational medical services taking into account the existing case law practice and to provide answers to some problematic questions arising from practice. For a broader context, the first part of the thesis is...
Company health-care services
Tomšej, Jakub ; Pichrt, Jan (advisor) ; Chvátalová, Iva (referee) ; Drápal, Ljubomír (referee)
- 193 - Abstract This dissertation theses describes the topic of company health-care services. The thesis provides a complex analysis of providing company health-care services with particular focus on the connection of these services with the employment relations and the legal instruments governed by the Labour Code. The thesis focuses in particular on the topic of medical examinations and medical reports, as well as the unfitness to work due to health-related reasons as a reason for termination of employment or other employment-law consequences. Besides an analysis of the current legislation, the theses further deals with the current case law, and in particular the judicial decisions on medical reports and their review by administrative and civil courts. The thesis also describes related legal instruments in the field of personal data protection and liability for damages, and provides a short comparison of the analysed legal regulation and the regulation of public service.
The valorization of organizing procedure for unites voluntary firemen in municipalities in category JPO II and JPO III for dictrict Jindřichův Hradec. The proposal for its modification.
FUČÍK, Martin
The topic of this thesis is evaluation of management of local voluntary fire brigade units of category JPO II and JPO III in the district of Jindřichův Hradec and suggestions to its amendment. The contents of the thesis is permanent organizational, technical and professional competence which is the essential prerequisite for their setting to rescue and liquidation jobs at emergency events and in critical situations. The goal of the thesis was to judge the management further to the professional training by description of the way of achieving professional competence and realizing professional preparation of local fire brigade members, and to try to find out possible imperfection or unbalanced state between requirements and factual situations. The technique of questionnaires and auricular discussions were used to explore if professional training is carried out regularly and with proper coverage and quality set for the category of fire brigade units of JPO II and JPO III. Through the achieved results of the research the level of management of local voluntary fire brigade units of the category JPO II and JPO III in the district of Jindřichův Hradec has been ascertained. The results of the questionnaire research have shown that the organizational, technical and professional competence is below standard. This allegation can illustrated by the combination of replies in the questionnaires. The research sample was formed by 16 local units of voluntary firemen with 229 active members. In order to improve the situation some procedures have been suggested to eliminate the imperfection. Primarily it is necessary to focus to thorough following the laws, regulations and rulings which are concered with the given points at issue, including checking of their fulfilment. If it is impossible to achieve improvement of duality of organizational, technical and professional competence then it is advisable to talk about the way how to change the relevant legislation followed by optimization of the required prerequisite for ensuring the units preparedness. The members of the local voluntary fire brigade units are required to achieve too high level of knowledge and preparation in comparision with the time assigned to management at present. The set of organizational, technical and professional training as a whole is not complied by any local voluntary fire brigade unit belonging to category II and III of fire protection unit.

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