National Repository of Grey Literature 9 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Feminist Electrifying Art as Challenging People to (Re)think Their Relationship to Electricity
Chauvette, Daphnée ; Lorenz - Meyer, Dagmar (advisor) ; Jiroutová Kynčlová, Tereza (referee)
Feminist Electrifying Art as Challenging People to (Re)think Their Relationship to Electricity Abstract The need for decarbonization of energy production and the war in Ukraine has emphasized European's dependency over Russian oil and accelerated attention to the issues of the energy crisis in Europe. In Quebec, as electricity is powered mainly from hydropower, decarbonization has evaded proper considerations forgetting how this invasive energy production comes from and benefit settler colonialism. The pressing needs to address the energy crisis highlights its complexity and ongoing (mis)conceptions of electricity and its system within the general population. Electrical anthropologists have problematized western societies' understanding and conception of electricity as essential to (re)think our energy futures. Through an analysis of two case studies based on works of electrical art created by two women artists, this thesis analyzes how these works of art potentially challenge male dominant STEM practices by attending to the complexities and interconnectedness of electricity, its system, and the environment. The thesis argues that participants/listeners/viewers are challenged in their relationship to electricity (and its system) towards more responsible and response-able approaches. Drawing on feminist...
The Gallery of Fine Arts in Ostrava launches an exhibition of contemporary German art
Galerie výtvarného umění v Ostravě
Mezinárodní výstavní projekt DESET s podtitulem současné německé umění ze sbírky Adam Gallery nabízí sondu do německého umění 21. století. Výstavu připravila Galerie výtvarného umění v Ostravě ve spolupráci s kurátorem Richardem Adamem. Jedná se o rozměrná plátna, kresby, tisky i objekty. Vernisáž se uskuteční v úterý 22. ledna v 17 hodin. Výstavu si v Domě umění, GVUO můžete prohlédnout až do 24. března.
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GVUO Ostrava as an inner theme in the paintings, drawings and objects of Marta Kolářová
Galerie výtvarného umění v Ostravě
Galerie výtvarného umění v Ostravě (GVUO) a kurátor Milan Weber připravili výstavu ostravské akademické malířky Marty Kolářové. Vystavovaná umělecká díla jsou inspirována ostravskou krajinou a prostředím. Expresivní výstava vychází z autorčiných duševních nálad a prezentuje ji jako velmi citlivou duši se sklonem k melancholii. Zahájena bude v úterý 28. ledna v 17 hodin. V Domě umění, GVUO bude k vidění do 15. března 2020.
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Ján Mančuška and acquisitions of the Gallery of Fine Arts in Ostrava in 2018
Galerie výtvarného umění v Ostravě
Galerie výtvarného umění v Ostravě (GVUO) se v loňském roku zapojila do akvizičního projektu Ministerstva kultury České republiky. GVUO se i díky tomu podařilo v loňském roce zakoupit více než 160 uměleckých položek do galerijních sbírek v řádu milionů korun. V letošním roce proto GVUO zahajuje cyklus výstav ZISKY 2018, který bude po několik let prezentovat nové nákupy GVUO. První výstava s názvem (KON)TEXTY Jána Mančušky bude zahájena v úterý 22. ledna v 17 hodin. V Domě umění, GVUO bude k vidění do 24. března.
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Motives of the commedia dell'arte in the art
Gordejeva, Anna ; Jarošová, Markéta (advisor) ; Šmied, Miroslav (referee)
The aim of this thesis is to evaluate certain artistic pieces with motives of Italian Theatre of Renaissance. Further, this work discusses the literature dedicated to this topic in the framework of Czech and foreign history of art and theatre. In this regard, attention is drawn to analysis and the interpretation of particular pieces of an art from the formal and iconographic perspectives. The introduction is concerned with the key historical aspects and personalities of the Commedia dell'arte in connection with chosen pieces of art. Based on provided facts, this thesis comes to an acquired evaluation and comparisons of motives with the character of theatre performance.
Copyright aspects of international trade with art works
Felklová, Hana ; Holcová, Irena (advisor) ; Křesťanová, Veronika (referee)
Copyright Aspects of International Trade in Works of Art My thesis deals with copyright aspects of international trade in works of art. I decided to elaborate the theme due to my interest in the study of copyright and the international art market. The issue is explored mainly through overview of the relevant international, EU and Czech legislation. The work is introduced by historical development of the copyright and excursus to the development of international trade in works of art. This study aims at analysing of the copyright aspects of international trade, not international trade law and private international law, even they affect the copyright aspects of international trade undoubtedly and both are crucial for this field. But if necessary, in spite of its copyright focus my thesis interferes in this area too. Breakdown of my work is based on a systematic examination of the issue described. First, I focused on copyright aspects of the theme relevant to the overall focus of the work, i.e. the path to recognition of copyright, its different concept in the continental and the Anglo-American law system and the beginnings of its embedding. Then I focused on the international trade in works of art, from the most general basis pertain to its development and specifics, complemented an overview of the...
Fixtures, Fittings and Visual Art Objects in the Building of the Former Czechoslovak Federal Assembly
Konopčíková, Petra ; Biegel, Richard (advisor) ; Klimešová, Marie (referee)
This bachelor thesis deals with the building of the former Federal Assembly, designed by architect Karel Prager (1923-2001). The thesis depicts the circumstances relating to the new Parliament building and the resulting architectural design. The target is to map out the fixtures, fittings and visual art objects in the building. It was necessary to look up in- dividual artists whose works of art had been initially designated to decorate the building. The original artistic concept was created in the sixties during the time of political relax- ation that culminated by the Prague Spring. However, the concept had to be substantially altered in connection with the start of subsequent "political normalization" when most formerly participating creative artists became officially unacceptable. Important sources of information concerning visual art objects for the building were periodicals from the time of construction, monographies of individual artists, catalogues from their exhibitions and dialogues with those who were directly involved. The thesis does not merely enumerate individual works of art in the building but it considers them both with regard to their creators' other visual art objects and the cultural and political situation.
Insurance of art
Lhotská, Tereza ; Ducháčková, Eva (advisor) ; Trojan, Jaromír (referee)
The diploma thesis is focused on insurance of art. In the first part of the thesis the chapters contain areas of art which are insured in practice. The paper analyzes insurance of cultural heritage, works of art, musical instruments and cultural events. Each chapter describes the specifics of the areas and the most used kinds of insurance, including practical examples. In the last chapter of the first part I outline the situation abroad and its comparison with the Czech market. As an example, a foreign insurance company has been selected by AXA Art. The second part is devoted to insurance of Czech Philharmonic. It contains links to the orchestra, the historic building and the gallery. Funded organizations of the Ministry of Culture occupy a significant portion of the paper. In this thesis, I do not mention insurance in the film industry.

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