School socialization as an instrument of social selection
Knapová, Jana Katarína ; Strouhal, Martin (advisor) ; Koťa, Jaroslav (referee)
Bakalářská práce, Jana Katarína Knapová, obor Pedagogika, 2023 Abstract in English The aim of the work is to describe and characterize the influence of the school socialization process on the education of individuals with different dispositions and their academic success. The basic method of the work is analysis, which is based on an objective view of the significance and selective function of school socialization in the societal system and the associated requirements that an individual must meet in order to be successful in school education, achieve a certain level of education, and obtain an appropriate social status. The work describes the importance of school socialization from a subjective perspective for academic success, achieved education, and social status. Based on professional knowledge and research, it describes and analyzes the influence of individual dispositions on success in meeting the requirements set within school socialization. It examines in detail the impact of the family's social and cultural environment on the individual's education, which is considered the most significant and differentiating factor, and although there is an effort to mitigate its influence, it has a significant impact on individual academic success in the Czech education system. Following the current criticism of...