Corruption and bribery from the point of view of criminal law
Kučerová, Karolína ; Jelínek, Jiří (advisor) ; Galovcová, Ingrid (referee)
The rigorous thesis is focused on the phenomenon of corruption, which is one of the most serious problems of today's society. Given that the issue of corruption is quite broad, the aim of the work is not to cover all its aspects and not to solve the problem of corruption as such, as these goals would be more than ambitious. On the other hand, the work aims to clarify corruption from the perspective of criminal law and to cover at least some of its basic aspects. The work is divided into a total of five chapters. The first chapter deals with corruption in general and primarily seeks to define the concept of corruption as such and demonstrate the diversity of forms of corruption activities, as well as their prevalence. The second chapter then deals with a brief historical excursion, which aims to introduce corruption in previous criminal law, thus providing a comparison with the current legislation. The following third chapter focuses on the current criminal law regulation of corruption offenses. Attention is focused mainly on bribery offenses, which form the core of the criminal law of corruption. However, it also briefly deals with some other selected corruption offenses. Chapter four then deals with selected anti-corruption instruments, which it not only describes, but also evaluates in terms of...