National Repository of Grey Literature 32 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.02 seconds. 
Preparation of nanoparticles and nanofibers for application in anti-acne products
Tilšarová, Kamila ; Veselá, Mária (referee) ; Skoumalová, Petra (advisor)
The diploma thesis was focused on the preparation and characterization of nanoparticles and nanofibres with active substances from chosen herbs with the aim to apply this materials to the products against acne. Various types of extracts were tested on the content of polyphenols, flavonoids and antioxidation activity. These extracts were encapsulated to the liposomes and fibres of polyhydroxybutyrate. Prepared liposomes and fibres were tested mainly on antioxidation activity and antimicrobial activity against the strain Propionibacterium acnes. Then, liposomes were applied to cosmetic emulsions. These creams reported high antioxidation activity and excellent stability determined by analytical centrifugation. Prepared nanofibres also reported high antioxidation activity and antimicrobial effect as well. Finally, particles and fibres were tested in contact with human cells. In appropriate concentration, there was no cytotoxic effect and tested materials can be used in applications on problems with acne.
Preparation and application of nanoparticles and nanofibres with natural UV filters
Plachá, Monika ; Skoumalová, Petra (referee) ; Márová, Ivana (advisor)
The presented diploma thesis is focused on preparation of nanoparticles and nanofibres with natural UV filters. Liposomes with encapsulated aqueous, ethanol and lipid extracts were prepared. Nanofibers from PHB containing lipid extract were prepared too. As a part of this work, an overview of natural sources with potential effects as UV filters were introduced. Moreover, nanoparticles and nanofibers and methods of their characterization were described. Size, polydisperse index and colloid stability of prepared nanoparticles were characterized via DLS. In experimental part aqueous, ethanol and lipid extracts were prepared from roasted coffee, green coffee and cascara. These extracts were spectrophotometrically characterized for the content of polyphenols, flavonoids, antioxidant activity, tannins and their SPF. Liposomes and liposomes containing PHB with these extracts were prepared and the encapsulation effectivity, short–term and long–term stability as well as SPF of nanoparticles were determined. Nanofibers from PHB containing lipid extracts were prepared via electrospinning and forcespinning methods. Prepared nanofibers were examined via FTIR–ATR. Antioxidant activity, short–term and long–term stability were determined spectrophotometrically. From selected nanoparticles, emulsions and gels were prepared and their SPF was also determined. Three types of emulsions with the best SPF were selected and tested on volunteers. Sedimentation stability of emulsions was tested by analytical centrifuge. Finally, cytotoxicity of selected nanoparticles and nanofibers was tested via MTT assay using human keratinocytes.
Study of preparation and structure of nanofibers of inorganic and organic biomaterials
Ručková, Jana ; Částková,, Klára (referee) ; Cihlář, Jaroslav (advisor)
The aim of this Master’s thesis is to investigate the preparation and structure of nanofibres of inorganic and organic biomaterials. Nanofibres of polycaprolactone, chitosane and their composites with hydroxyapatite particle were prepared by centrifugal force spinning process, which uses centrifugal forces for nanofibres spinning. Designed nanofibres can be used in bone tissue engineering. Experimental activity has started with synthesis of hydroxyapatite nanoparticles and preparation of polymer solutions and composite suspensions at different concentrations. The solutions and the suspensions were characterized by density and viscosity which were changed in dependence on temperature and polymer concentration. The solutions and the suspensions were spun at varying speeds and using two different sizes of collectors. The dependence of spinneret head revolution speed, size of collectors and polymer concentration on nanofibres diameter was studied. Biological activity of polycaprolactone and hydroxyapatite/polycaprolactone nanofibres was tested by means of SBF.
Preparation and characterization of nanostructured resorbable substitutes for accelerated skin healing
Kacvinská, Katarína ; Muchová, Johana (referee) ; Vojtová, Lucy (advisor)
Spolu s narastajúcimi nárokmi na kvalitu liečby v oblasti popálenin a plastickej chirurgie existuje možnosť ako uplatniť nové technologické riešenie na liečbu porúch s celkovou stratou kožnej vrstvy. Diplomová práca sa zaoberá prípravou nanoštrukturovaného, dvojvrstvového skafoldu pre využitie v tkánivovom inžinierstve, ktorý nahrádza kožnú časť dermis (dolná porézna vrstva) a bazálnu membránu (horná a tenká nanovlákenná vrstva). Zákaldom dolnej pórovitej vrstvy je kolagén, charakterizovaný v prítomnosti ďalších polysacharidových aditív: chitosan, vápenatá soľ oxidovanej celulózy (CaOC), sodná soľ karboxymetylcelulózy (NaCMC). Zároveň prídavok dopamínu a fibroblastového rastového faktoru (FGF), s cieľom zlepšiť biomechanické vlastnosti, regulovať a podporovať hojenie kože. Tenká nanovlákenná vrstva je zložená zo želatíny, polycaprolaktónu (PCL) a CaOC. Sú navrhnuté dva rôzne mechnizmy prípravy skafoldu, ktoré sa odlišujú sa v prítomnosti sieťovaných a nesieťovaných nanovláken. Skafoldy boli charakterizované z hľadiska biomechanických, štruktúrnych vlastností a in vitro. Vrchná nanovlákenná vrstva poskytuje mechanickú podporu, ktorá je výrazne zvýšená prítomnosťou polydopamínu (PDA). Test botnania poréznej vrstvy skafoldu ukázal na dostatočne veľké póry, umožňujúce filtráciu buniek. Táto botnatosť bola znížená v prítomnosti PDA, ktorý má zároveň významný vplyv na časové predĺženie degrádácie v prítomnosti kolagenázy a lyzozýmu. Spolu s FGF výrazne podporil proliferizáciu a životaschopnosť myších fibroblastov. Nanoštrukturovaný, dvojvrstvový skafold má potenciál pre budúce aplikácie pri hojení rán, kedže sa vyznačuje dobrými mechanickými vlastnosťami a umožňuje bunkám adherovať, proliferovať a formovať extra celulárny matrix.
Hyaluronan nanofibers
Linhartová, Beáta ; Velebný, Vladimír (referee) ; Pekař, Miloslav (advisor)
This bachelor´s thesis deals with the most common methods of producing nanofibres, it presents an overview of these techniques and briefly desribes common models. It shows their advantages and disadvantages and tries to follow the develompent of nanofibres. This theoretical part is followed by an experimental one which describes concrete example of producing nanofibres.
Determination of additives in multicomponent electrospinning systems
Gajdová, Barbora ; Petr, Knotek (referee) ; Knotková,, Kateřina (advisor)
This bachelor thesis deals with methods of producing nanofibres from mixture of different polymers. Different methods of preparation and production nanofibres by 4SPIN® are described in theoretical part. Experimental part deals with incorporation of additives into fibred layer. There were four different dyes used in this thesis: brilliant green, erythrosine, riboflavin and eriochrom black. UV – VIS spectrophotometry was used to measure volume of additives in nanofiber layer.
Toxicity study of antimicrobial wound dressings and perspective novel nanomaterials
Kozlíčková, Hana ; Vojtová, Lucy (referee) ; Zajíčková, Lenka (advisor)
This bachelor thesis deals with the study of toxicity of selected commercial antimicrobial wound dressings (StopBac STERILE, containing silver ions and Traumacel Biodress Disinfect, containing chlorhexidine) and antimicrobial nanomaterial, provided by CEITEC BUT laboratories. The experimental part of the work describes the preparation of this polycaprolactone nanomaterial, on which a layer of copper was subsequently deposited by the magnetron sputtering system BESTEC (MAGNETRON). Furthermore, a method was designed to study the cytotoxicity of individual shelters with antimicrobial additives. These tests were performed in vitro on cell cultures by leaching the materials in the laboratories of the Faculty of Science, Masaryk University in Brno. We found that, with the exception of chlorhexidine, low concentrations of active substances extracted from the materials promoted the proliferation of the studied cells, while at high concentrations there were also cytotoxic effects. The analysis of individual materials was also performed using scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy.
Advanced preparation of inorganic (ceramic) particles and nanostructures
Šťastná, Eva ; Martinovou,, Lenku (referee) ; Vojtová, Lucy (referee) ; Částková, Klára (advisor)
Elektrostatické zvlákňování (v literatuře též uváděné jako electrospinning) bylo použito pro příprvu čistě polykaprolaktonových nanovláken a kompozitních nanovláken na bázi polykaprolaktonu s hydroxyapatitovými nanočásticemi. Připravená vlákna byla analyzována za použití rastrovací elektronové mikroskopie. Mechanické vlastnosti vláken byly určeny prostřednictvím zkoušky jednoosým tahem. Testy prokázaly silnou závislost mechanických vlastností vláken na jejich směrovém uspořádání a fázovém složení (především přítomnosti hydroxyapatitových částic). Směrové uspořádání vláken přispělo k výraznému zlepšení napětí při přetržení a celkové tažnosti. Zajímavý jev byl pozorován v případě kompozitních vláken– hydroxyapatitové částice zhoršily mechanické vlastnosti neuspořádaných vláken (napětí při přetržení a celkovou tažnost), ale vliv částic nebyl tak patrný v případě směrově uspořádaných vláken. Povrchové vlastnosti vláken byly modifikovány prostřednictvím nízkoteplotní plazmy. Změny povrchových vlastností vláken byly analyzovány pomocí měření kontaktního úhli a XPS analýzy (rentgenové fotoelektronové spektroskopie). Měření kontaktního úhlu ukázalo výrazný vliv plazmového opracování na povrchovou smáčivost vláken, kdy kontaktní úhel byl zcela neměřitelný. Výsledky analýzy ukázaly vliv plazmového opracování struktur na mikroskopické úrovni – plazmové opracování ovlivnilo pouze polymerní složku vláknitých struktur, zatímco hydroxyapatitové částice nebyly ovlivněny vůbec. Na vybraných strukturách bylo provedeno několik biologických zkoušek. Test v simulovaném tělním roztoku prokázal bioaktivitu kompozitních (polykaprolaton/hydroxyapatit) nanovláken prostřednoctví precipitace fází na bázi fosforečnanů vápenatých na povrchu kompozitních struktur. Následné in-vitro buněčné testy (dle normy ISO 10993-5 a WST-8 test) prokázaly významný pozitivní přínos hydroxyapatitových částic ve vláknitých strukturách, stejně jako kladný vliv plazmového opracování, kdy kompozitní oplazmovaná vlákna vykazovala 1,5násobnou bioaktivitu v porovnání s neplazmovanými čistě polykaprolaktonovými vlákny.
Flexible generators of electrical energy
Tesařová, Tereza ; Holcman, Vladimír (referee) ; Tofel, Pavel (advisor)
This bachelor thesis is focused on actual research part of energy harvesting technologies – flexible electrical generators, which mean the special generating of electricity using specific flexible materials. The net charge result is affected by the incidental mechanism to transform certain energy form into electrical power and is influenced of material range, which determines what will be harnessed as a source of energy. The energy harvesting is aiming at producing alternative and efficient ways instead of harmful and strained manufacture processing.
Possibilities of light weight brick body innovation
Fric, Jan ; Stančík,, Hynek (referee) ; Sokolář, Radomír (advisor)
This diploma thesis will discuss possibilities of using nanofibres to increase the strenght of the brick body, replacement of the current schrinkage reducing agent – quartz sand by stone dust, the use of flocculants as pore-forming agent and coloration of the body using iron trioxide.

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