Organized Drug Crime
Ivanov, Nikita ; Gřivna, Tomáš (advisor) ; Richter, Martin (referee)
This thesis focuses on the issue of organized drug crime. In the introduction of the thesis the terms related to this type of crime are defined, namely organized criminal group and addictive substances according to the Criminal Code. Furthermore, the introduction discusses organized crime in terms of criminology and the historical development of organized crime in the Czech Republic. The main part of the thesis is already devoted to organized drug crime. This part first describes how the perpetrators of this type of crime are organized, as well as explains the ways in which drugs can be smuggled, including the history of drug trafficking in the Czech Republic and other parts of the world. A significant part of the work is devoted to the use of information technology for drug smuggling, especially the dark web. A very interesting section in relation to the use of technology is the laundering of the proceeds of crime through cryptocurrencies, which gives an insight into the ways in which this new practice is being implemented. At the end of the main section, the thesis will give an insight into the current drug situation, summarizing the current trends in drug supply. The third chapter is devoted to the fight against organised drug crime. It describes international and national measures aimed at...