Psychological intervention in long-term space missions
Klosová, Matylda ; Bahbouh, Radvan (advisor) ; Čípková, Pavla (referee)
The present bachelor thesis proposes a system of psychological intervention for long-term space missions, based on techniques promoting team performance and coherence. These missions present a number of technological, psychological and psychosocial challenges caused by the prolongation of the time and distance of the flight, during which specific environmental factors are also at work. Intervention methods increase team efficiency and performance, strengthen relationships, and also reduce the likelihood of human error, which is critical to long-term mission success. The theoretical part discusses examples of work in specific environments and possible support mechanisms or facilitating factors. It also opens the topic of the importance of intervention techniques in space environments and the historical context of Czech space research. The research project elaborates on the author's proposal to train crew members in order to increase their autonomy and ability to predict and subsequently resolve possible complications at the level of relationships, bonds and communication. The proposal is set in the upcoming fourth phase of the international SIRIUS 22/23 study and presents possible methods to measure the effectiveness of the intervener's influence, which by their use support psychosocial space research.