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Analysis the level of enthusiasm of the residents of Varnsdorf in recycling - comparison 2006 - 2009
Mudrochová, Jana ; Dvořák, Antonín (advisor) ; Hadrabová, Alena (referee)
This diploma thesis analyses the level of enthusiasm of the residents of Varnsdorf in recycling and the level of participation in waste management between 2006 - 2009. The level of enthusiasm is influenced by legal and economic incentives as well as programmes and strategies focused on supporting environmental awareness. The legislation of Czech Republic and the main educational programme - the State Programme of Environmental Education, Upbringing and Enlightenment in the Czech Republic was developed over three years and was implemented via my case study. The case study explored the change of the resident's habits in recycling. The reasons of their change is increased public awareness and compliance with new regulations. Finally there are a few recommendations to increase the level of participation of residents.

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