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The Analysis of the Remuneration System and Motivation in the XYZ Company
Pešavová, Karolína ; Palíšková, Marcela (advisor) ; Němec, Otakar (referee)
The Bachelor Thesis deals with the Analysis of the Remuneration System and Motivation in a specific company. The main objectives are to analyze the current system of the remuneration and working motivation in the XYZ company, identifying its strengths and weaknesses and recommendations for improving the functioning of the already established system. The beginning of the theoretical part focuses on key concepts related to work motivation and basic motivation factors. The second part is about the system of remuneration. Finally, there is an evaluation system of employees. The practical part is based on internal company documents, a questionnaire and a semi structured interview with the manager. I made my own recommendations on the basis of theoretical knowledge and the results of the survey. I examined the question whether the lower categories of employees are properly motivated or fairly rewarded as well as management usually is.

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