National Repository of Grey Literature 77 records found  beginprevious68 - 77  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Image analysis for correction of electron microscopes
Smital, Petr ; Schwarz, Daniel (referee) ; Kolář, Radim (advisor)
This thesis describes the physical nature of corrections of an electron microscope and mathematical methods of image processing required for their complete automation. The corrections include different types of focusing, astigmatism correction, electron beam centring, and image stabilisation. The mathematical methods described in this thesis include various methods of measuring focus and astigmatism, with and without using the Fourier transform, edge detection, histogram operations, and image registration, i.e. detection of spatial transformations in images. This thesis includes detailed descriptions of the mathematical methods, their evaluation using an “offline” application, descriptions of the algorithms of their implementation into an actual electron microscope and results of their testing on the actual electron microscope, in the form of a video footage grabbed from its control computer’s screen.
Image Motion Detection
Zítka, Michal ; Richter, Miloslav (referee) ; Horák, Karel (advisor)
This bachelor project dissert on detection of motion in image. Also sumary basic methods for detection of motion in image and method of segmentation using active contour. In practical section is attention paid to detection of motion in video camera screenshots.
Measuring of Vehicle Instant Velocity
Štencel, Jakub ; Petyovský, Petr (referee) ; Horák, Karel (advisor)
The theoretical part of this paper summarizes the methods for motion analysis in an image. Inspected in detail are the methods used for motion detection in the image sequences. The practical part is focused on finding the significant points in the image (the targeting reticles on the body of the vehicle) which are then used to calculate the speed of the vehicle.
Computer analyse of LBIC pictures
Štencel, Jakub ; Křivík, Petr (referee) ; Vaněk, Jiří (advisor)
This thesis is concerned with image picture analysis, especially with images obtained by diagnostic LBIC method. The individual defects occuring on solar cells are described in theoretical part, including methods which serve for making referential image. Furthermore, the creation of difference image is analysed, from whom the interferences will be evaluated. The aim of practical part is to focus on generation of algorithms which investigate the defects, and the description of application for program control is described in conclusion.
Microdots scanner
Červinka, Luděk ; Honec, Peter (referee) ; Horák, Karel (advisor)
The microdots are very small object. The microdots are applied in protection object. The project purpose is to find and to analyze the microdots. The project consists from two parts. A first part describes the hardware sensor construction and a second part describes the software solution. I selected the optics, camera module and illumination in the hardware part. I’m analyzing of the microdots on a picture in software part.
Tools for image processing in ecology
DOMIN, Daniel
This thesis deals with automated image processing in biology and ecology. Based on the analysis of image processing steps and most common cases of application in biology and ecology, the main outcome of this thesis is a modular application framework prototype. It allows modeling of the whole process of image analysis which can be applied on a large batch of input data. Moreover, it can be extended by modules with new features so it can be used generally for any sequential data processing.
Recognition measured values
This work deals recognition measured values. The main task is to find suitable method for preprocessing images and create interface to software performing recognition. Created application will be used primarily to analyze the photos on site acquisition. Application is developed in Java and properly documented on javadoc level.
Evaluation of vegetation flooded coast sand using image analysis of photographic material
The main aim of this study was added and verified metodology, analysis of quality and quantity coastal vegetation, considering experience about my previous bachelor´s work and with help pictorial analysis. The ekotonal vegetation were analysed at 9 km long section of coastline, included three sandy-gravel lake (Cep II., Tušť a Františkov). Pictorial analysis, photographs about coastline, was refilled in fytocenology snapshots. Pursuase of this study were discussed influences of cause succession coastal vegetation, species variety and utility of method analysis of pictorial to evaluace vegetation.
ImageJ - program for scientific processing of digital images
ŠKRABAL, Miroslav
Because image analysis is a very broad topic, this thesis deals only with the use of computer vision and image analysis for common tasks solved in the scientific industry. The thesis investigated the applicability of common hardware and software tools for creating a methodology for measuring the mass area of knotweed leaves. Part of the methodology is a description of its steps, including addressing possible pitfalls that can occur during application of the methodology. Furthermore thesis contains a description of the included macro created for ImageJ analysis program and introduction to the program itself. Finally, there are presented results obtained by application of the methodology.
Using of digital imaging in fish biology
MAREK, Miloš
The aim of this batchelor thesis is introduction to the methods of digital imaging and its utilization within the fisheries science and fisheries generally. Next aim is practical training in basic methods of digital imaging techniques. Integral part of the work is introduction to the laboratory and practical methods of fish artifcial reprudction techniques. Aim of the practical part is evaluation of egg fertilization rate using standard methods and to elaborate proposals of fertilization rate evaluation using software for image analysis.

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