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Design of Rubik's Cube Solver
Palán, Petr ; Šperka, Petr (referee) ; Svoboda, Petr (advisor)
The Rubik’s Cube is one of the most famous puzzles in the world, it has evolved into countless variations and in its solving is competed all over the world. However, the record time for its solution is no longer held by a human, but by a robot. This bachelor thesis deals with the structural design and subsequent implementation of the mechanical part of the solver for the Rubik's Cube. A research of existing solvers is carried out and then individual conceptual designs are proposed. The chosen variant is then elaborated in the structural design. It individually controls 5 walls of the cube and thus ensures the possibility of its solving without the need for further positioning and at the same time there is space for comfortable insertion of the cube. The design is then realised by 3D printing. Thereafter an electronic part is connected to the created structure and a simple program written to test the structure is executed using a microcomputer. The result of the testing is that the design is functional but there is room for improvement.

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