National Repository of Grey Literature 2 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Determination of rock mass failure using acoustic and optical television - volcanic rocks, Experimental gallery Josef
Staš, Lubomír ; Waclawik, Petr ; Souček, Kamil ; Vavro, Martin ; Kubina, Lukáš ; Rutar, Tomáš
In order to evaluate the geological structures on the boreholes walls, using optical and acoustic logging methods (OBI and ABI) the boreholes were logged at the Experimental gallery Josef. Optical and acoustic recording was performed in the down borehole (JT1) using an optical (OPTV - Optical TeleViewer) and acoustic (HiRAT - High Resolution Acoustic Televiewer) televisions. Due to the inclination of the horizontal borehole (JTGeo01) -10°, oriented records by both methods (OBI and ABI) were made too. The measured oriented records by OBI and ABI methods were processed and evaluated in WellCAD software for logging data processing. Based on the evaluated structural data, a structural cross-section was constructed, which was the background material for correlation with geophysical data.
Determination of rock mass failure using acoustic and optical television - metamorphic rocks, Rožná Mine
Staš, Lubomír ; Waclawik, Petr ; Souček, Kamil ; Vavro, Martin ; Kukutsch, Radovan ; Rutar, Tomáš ; Nohejl, Zdeněk
In order to evaluate the geological structures on the core boreholes walls, using optical and acoustic logging methods (OBI and ABI) the boreholes were logged at the Rožná Mine. Oriented recording of the walls was performed using optical television (OPTV - Optical TeleViewer) in the horizontal borehole (VRT-H). The optical recording was supplemented by the acoustic television record (HiRAT - High Resolution Acoustic Televiewer) in the down borehole (VRT-U). The measured oriented records by OBI and ABI methods were processed and evaluated in WellCAD software for logging data processing. Based on the evaluated structural data, a structural cross-section was constructed, which was the background material for correlation with geophysical data.

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