Promotion of NZDM
VÁVROVÁ, Rozálie
The diploma thesis deals with the topic of promotion of the low-threshold facility for children and youth CROSS, its current state and proposals for its improvement. Besides, the thesis includes the description of the social service NZDM, a specific description of the NZDM CROSS, promotion and promotion of social services. In order to determine recommendations on how to improve the current promotion of NZDM CROSS, the theoretical findings and the results from the research investigation were compared. This was a qualitative research in which nine communication partners from among the clients and social workers of NZDM CROSS and OSPOD were interviewed using semi-structured interviews. The thesis is supplemented with my personal views and experiences from NZDM CROSS.
Influence of selected preventive programs in NZDM
The diploma thesis focuses on the benefits of preventive programmes implemented in the social service of the CROSS Prevent Low-Threshold Facility for Children and Youth. This is reached via theoretical knowledge acquired from literature research and survey results. The survey studies seven informants qualitatively using three methods of investigation. Each of these methods answers one research question. Specifically, there is one case study, a semi-structured interview and a document analysis. Regarding the fact that prevention programmes in Low-Threshold Facilities for Children and Youth are in no way methodically defined, I will describe the implementation itself. The diploma thesis is supplemented by results that had been gathered while the survey was being carried out.
Individual planning in NZDM
The main topic of this diploma thesis is individual planning in NZDM from the perspective of employees who make IP. This thesis has a theoretical and a practical part. The theoretical part explains in particular the basic concepts related to the topic. The practical part is focused on research formed from interviews with social workers working in the established NZDM. I chose qualitative research with the help of semi-structured interviews for my research. I analyzed obtained data using open and axial coding. Then individual categories were created among which I was looking for relationships based on axial coding. Then I created a conceptual model that helped focus on data more systematically.
Activities of low-threshold facilities for children and youth as a tool of prevention of risk behavior of youth
GRIGA, Martin
Griga, Martin. Aktivities of low-threshold facility for children and youth as an effective tool for prevention of risky youth behavior. České Budějovice 2019/2020. Bachelor thesis. Theological Faculty, Department of practice, thesis supervisor, M. Ehrlichová. Keywords: LFCY, adolescence, risky behavior, prevention of risky behavior. The aim of my bachelor thesis is to present how activities in LTFCY can support the prevention of youth behavior. The bachelor thesis deals with prevention of risky youth behavior in LTFCY for using provided activities. Thesis is devided to four parts. The first chapter characterizes LTFCY, deals with their historical origin, embedded in legislation, targets and describes the course od social servicesin this facilities. The second part of the bechalor thesis is devoted to risky behavior during adolescence. In this part is characterized the development of adolescents from the perspective of physiology, sociology and psychology including the factors that influence this development. This section also deals with the manifestations of youth risk behavior, defines the behavior and also identifies risk and protective factors affecting this behavior. The third part of thesis deals with prevention of risky youth behavior and role LTFCY in the prevention systém of the Czech Republic. This section also lists the specific activities that LTFCY provides and their practical use as tools for prevention of risky youth behavior. The fourth part contains characteristics of LTFCY DEPO Kaplice, where I performed compulsory study practice. This part also contains four practical examples. Two of them show that LTFCY activities can in some situations be successful tools for preventing risky behavior. The remaining two practical examples show that there are situations where the activities of the LTFCY didn´t function as preventive tools for risky behavior.
Utilization of leisure time in a youth centre and prevention of risky behavior
KRESLOVÁ, Michaela
The bachelor's thesis will introduce low-treshold facilities for children and youth with the intention of fulfilling educational goals. The work will be divided into theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part will describe the facilities, their goals, mission and development. The aim of the work will be to map how the center in Strakonice uses free time, what leisure activities it offers, what is the target group of these facilities and also risky behavior of young people. Methods of working with the client and using social services will be introduced. The second part, practical, will deal with how young people perceive spending free time in the facility in Strakonice and how is it beneficial for them from their point of view. Whether it influenced them in any way and thus contributes to the prevention of risky behavior, or what would they change. The research will be qualitative and data collection will be based on a structured interview with clients.
Purpose at work. Motivations of Workers of Selected Low-threshold Facilities for Children and Youth
Valentová, Michaela ; Moree, Dana (advisor) ; Košák Felcmanová, Alena (referee)
Purpose at work. Motivations of Workers of Selected Low-threshold Facilities for Children and Youth Bc. Michaela Valentová Abstract Diploma thesis focuses on the experience of purposefulness of employees of low- threshold facilities for children and youth. In theoretical part low-threshold facilities are firstly conceptualized as a part of Czech organized civil society. Secondly, relevant theories of purpose are introduced. In empirical part, qualitative research is conducted by in-depth interviews with nine employees of two typical civil society organizations. Workers of low-threshold facilities for children and youth construct their purpose around four categories: helping clients, professionality, work ethics and self-development. Each of these categories brings specific consequences for their organizations. The theory expects purpose to be inspirational for others, however research participants do not reflect on the possibility to inspire their clients that way. This work suggests it is caused by workers' strong emphasis on professionality which creates borders in relationships between clients and workers and also limits the possibility to inspire one another with purpose. Keywords low-threshold facility for children and youth, civil society organization, CSO, non-profit organization, mission, meaning of...
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Low - threshold institutions - work with clients, preparation of social workers
Zemanová, Hana ; Zelinková, Olga (advisor) ; Čedík, Miloslav (referee)
This thesis deals with low-threshold institutions for juveniles. First part describes the usual clients and their problems, i.e. what are clients' needs and what the institution is supposed to offer them. Influence of the society on an individual mental development are covered as it is one of the important agents of problems in the youth. Briefly is presented the Czech streetwork association, an organization supporting low-threshold institutions. The theoretical part includes origin and historical development of low-threshold institutions, their standards, their focus group and methods of work with clients. Second part contains results of a survey carried out among low-threshold institutions workers. The questionnaire was focused on motivation for this particular job, methods of work, burnout syndrome etc. The practical part of the thesis also includes a description of a chosen institution. Personal experiences is described to complete an overview of requirements and effects of the low-threshold institutions.
Human dignity as the principle of social and pedagogical work with Roma clients in Youth club
VÁŇOVÁ, Dominika
This work focus to social and educational work with gypsy adolescents in youth club,consistents of worthiness and human rights. This theoretical work describes Gypsies in the territory of Czech republic mainly in present. It defines and describes period of adolescence, it represents differences between of Gypsies adolescence and youth of majority world. This work decribes youth club as one of the recent social services in Czech republic, focus to explanation of principle low-treshold, definition of purposes, target group, offered services and individual planning. This planning is very important for work with these clients in youth club. There is else definition of human worthiness, human rights and theirs setting to national and international legal documents. The ethical dilemmas are described, which the workers in youth club confronted in praxis in the end. The way of possible approach to maintain and support the human worthiness and client´s rights. The aim of this thesis is to show that workers youth club approach based on respect for the dignity and rights of every human being leads the clients to positively influence their personality and morality, to shape their values.
Application of ethics in social work when working with Romany clients in NZDM Cross Strakonice
The introduced diploma thesis deals with the application of ethics in social work in Open door youth club Cross in Strakonice, where the Roma are the target group of clients. The diploma thesis is divided into three parts. The first chapter deals with the everyday problems of Romany people, from the history to social situation of Romany ethnic group of nowadays. The question of education of the Roma in Czech school system is also included there. The aim of the second chapter is to introduce the Open door youth club Cross, to present the role of this organisation, its principles, aims and its target group of clients who are very often considered to be in unfavourable life and social situations. The third chapter is the fundamental part of the diploma thesis. The main focus is on moral acting of social workers and on the sense, necessity and application of ethic rules in social work, especially while working with Roma clients in Open door youth club Cross.