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System management of liquid-propellant rocket engine for rocket model
Svoboda, Jakub ; Mašek, Jakub (oponent) ; Černoch, Jakub (vedoucí práce)
The bachelor’s thesis deals with the study and implementation of systems engineering for the design of a student liquid rocket engine for use on a sounding rocket. The first part of the work deals with the illustration of the principles and procedures of system engineering, as well as the study of existing similar engines and the study of the rules of competitions in which a sounding rocket with such an engine could participate in the future. The second part then deals with the implementation of the findings from the first part into the actual solution of the project, the goal of which is the design of the given rocket engine. It also deals with the implementation of standards from the ECSS system, which are used in the European space industry. In the end, the entire implementation and its parts are evaluated. Since the given project continues and will be followed by other projects in the future, it is possible to use this work as a basis for solving the system engineering problem.

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