Computational and experimental assessment of natural frequencies in a bladed disk system
Mekhalfia, Mohammed Lamine ; Procházka, Pavel ; Maturkanič, Dušan ; Voronova, Evgeniya ; Hodboď, Robert
This paper examines the modal characteristics of a bladed disk in rotating machinery systems using a combination of analytical and experimental modal analysis methods. The analysis involves measuring natural frequencies and mode shapes under different operational conditions. A comparative analysis is conducted to assess modal properties obtained from both analytical and experimental approaches, while also considering the influence of rotation speed. Additionally, Finite Element Method (FEM) outputs are used to accurately position the strain gauge. Integrating these techniques provides a comprehensive understanding of the bladed disk's behaviour under varying rotational speeds, enhancing result accuracy and facilitating thorough investigation within rotating machinery systems.
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Analytické postupy řešení kmitání lopatek pro použití u metody Blade Tip Timing - teoretický popis metody
Maturkanič, Dušan ; Procházka, Pavel ; Mekhalfia, Mohammed Lamine
Práce je zaměřena na analytický přístup k řešení problematiky kmitání lopatek turbíny a kompresoru metodou Blade Tip Timing. Ve zprávě je navržena nová metoda, pro niž byly stanoveny podmínky řešení. Ověření metody bylo provedeno prostřednictvím simulace, kdy byla vyhodnocena spolehlivost, u které byla zadávána správná vstupní data a výpočet probíhal po dostatečně dlouhou dobu, zatímco na základě záměrně zkreslených vstupních dat byla ověřována její přesnost. Součástí zprávy je také vazba výsledků výpočtu frekvence kolísajících otáček, získaných deterministickou metodou, která byla popsána v předchozích pracích, a s nimiž lze dosáhnout přesnějšího výpočtu frekvence a amplitudy kmitání lopatek v reálných podmínkách.\n\n
Vibration mode shape extraction of bladed disk
Mekhalfia, Mohammed Lamine ; Procházka, Pavel ; Tchawou Tchuisseu, Eder Batista ; Maturkanič, Dušan ; Hodboď, Robert
This research paper deals with the experimental protocol followed to visualize the vibration mode shape of an aero-engine bladed disk. This study is based on a comparison between the numerical results obtained through Finite element methods (FEM) using ANSYS software and experimentally using the laser Doppler vibrometer. Therefore the bladed disk was transformed into a 3D virtual environment and structural analysis was performed. The results demonstrate a match between the numerical and the experimental one, this match offers the possibility for using the model for future studies.
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Numerical estimation of blade displacement due to air excitation
Mekhalfia, Mohammed Lamine ; Procházka, Pavel ; Tchawou Tchuisseu, Eder Batista ; Hodboď, Robert ; Maturkanič, Dušan
For the last few years, vibration measurement has taken an intense interest from research activities. For this reason, this article considers, besides vibration measurements, the impact of air forced excitation on blade motion, displacement and vibration through both simulation analysis and The Transformation of mathematical analysis that explain the interaction between fluid (Air) and the structure (Blade) into numerical setup along with FEM analysis through ANSYS Software. 3D Blade was created to meet the same characteristics of the real blade to enable real environment criteria for the simulation.
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