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Current eating habits of preschool children
The main aim of the thesis Current diet of preschool child is to find out how to realize healthy diet for 14 days. The next aim is to find out the knowledge of parents how to follow the rules. Theoretical part is focused on explanation of preschool age (physiological and psychosocial child growth). Next focus is detail analysis of health diet and acknowledge food preparation: The influence of family and kindergarten is emphasized a lot in child diet. Quantitative research method is used in processing of research part, which was realised by recording each food in 14 days at 20 preschool aged children in České Budějovice district. I collected these records from February till March 2014. Information was provided from children´s parents. Sum calculation of energy, proteins, fats and sugars income was processed by "Nutriservis Profesional" programme. 14 days records of food drinks and physical activity were used to evaluate nutrition parts. I calculated daily nutrition income from provided data of weight of each respondent. I processed provided data in "Nutriservis Profesional". I compared collected amounts of energy, proteins, fats and sugars with recommended daily income. Processed data are interpreted in form of charts and plain text. The conclusion is that all children have abundant income of energy, proteins, fats and sugars compared to recommended daily income. There is lack of energetic income and fibres income at some children. Regular physical activity is common sign of all recorded children. All children eat regularly (5 6 meals a day) and drink habit. Most of recorded children eat both at home and in kindergarten. I noticed little income of Cannes and inappropriate drinks among main courses. None of the children were under or over weight according to recorded data. The research shows that there is no deficiency in children´s health diet. Consumption of food and drinks was strictly followed.
Adolescent overweight and obesity
JINDROVÁ, Kateřina
My bachelor´s thesis deal with obesity of adolescents and problems with overweight. These problems are described in details, and after that divided into specific parts. The main goal of my bachelor´s thesis is to chart problems with obesity and overweight in age group from 15 to 18 (adolescents) and primary describe their eating habits and physical activity. Theoretical part is focused on occurrence of overweight and obesity in the Czech Republic and in the world, causes of its origin, risk factors, classification and diagnosis, types, therapy and prevention. This bachelor´s work dealing with rational diet, describing basic principles of healthy catering and explaining right or wrong foodstuffs. I point mainly on prevention of overweight and obesity by healthy eating and physical activity. Methodical part is processed thanks to quantitative research. Data were gained by questionnaires, which were given to high school students (1st - 3rd grade). The research group contains 150 respondents from different schools in České Budějovice and close neighborhood. Final results are written down primary in graphs with commentary and data charts. In case of right use of qualitative research, there were determined two hypotheses. First hypothesis: Overweight and obesity is more occurred at adolescents with wrong eating habits. Second hypothesis: Overweight and obesity is more occurred at adolescents with low physical activity. For developing exploratory part, there was used quantitative research, which was provided by questionnaires given to students of age from 15 to 18. Entire data were processed by the use of program Microsoft Excel, and its calculations and functions. The answers of respondents were registered into database, and, by using specific excel functions, I was able to report data in determined categories. The research was mainly concentrated on physical activity and eating habits. Final results are put into well-arranged graphs, which are always enriched by comments, eventually completed by data tables, and, subsequently, statistically evaluated. In results, there might be seen two main differences between adolescents with standard weight and adolescents with overweight or obesity problems. One of those is irregularity in eating and wrong eating habits; big difference is also proved in physical activity. Adolescents with obesity or overweight have often irregular food intake, they drink a lot of high caloric beverages such as Coca-Cola, Sprite, Fanta etc., deficient income of fruit, vegetables, legumes, fish, or low physical activity. Only few of obese adolescents is different, because their problem is caused genetically. Adolescents with standard weight eat more regularly, but there are also some special cases, who have similarly wrong eating habits as obese people; however, all of these adolescents have one typical quality regular physical activity. Both hypotheses are confirmed. The results show that obesity is mainly caused by genetic predispositions, but these factors can be positively affected by periodic physical activity or appropriate eating habits. At the end of the thesis, it should be mentioned that it is necessary to be focused on right eating habits and regular physical from the very young age, when the basic customs and habits are assumed. That should include parents' action around their children, as they are usually the first example and they have the biggest influence.It is important to develop knowledge about all kinds of prevention, which are in most cases major in defending against formation of overweight and obesity.
Leisure time physical activities of pupils in 9th grade of elementary schools in České Budějovice
The thesis is focused on leisure-time physical activity pupils in the 9th selected primary schools in České Budějovice. Part of this work is to identify, review and evaluate the state of physical activities in leisure-time students who are in their last year of primary school. Nowadays, more and more talk about reducing children's physical activity, not only in their spare time. As a result of the reduction of physical interests such as sport, leisure physical rings, etc., it is made a condition that can permanently affect the future development of children. For this reason, the work is aimed at pupils of 9th grade. In this age it´s very important to pursue physical activities because movement and active form of spending time directly affects the development of both the physical condition and in terms of mental and social. In the theoretical part of the thesis deals with the characteristics and defining concepts of leisure time physical activities, characteristics of the target group influences that have an impact on leisure activities for children, activities and categories of interest also negative and pathological phenomena leisure. The practical part is formed on the basis of the interview survey, the questionnaires are the basis for graphical analysis. The results of the questionnaire are indicative of leisure physical activities pupils 9th grade selected schools in terms of diversity, frequency, motivation, leadership and other aspects.
Aerobic exercise and its impact on human health.
This bachelor's thesis contains a comprehensive overview of aerobic exercises and its physiological aspects on human health. Introduction is focused on characteristics of aerobic exercises and the importance of physical activity as prevention, followed by a more detailed analysis of physiological aspects of physical activity on a human health and it continues with next section about heart rate. The heart rate section is also associated with the cardiac stress test and cardiopulmonary exercise test. Other section describes the intake of food and drink during exercises, food supplements and weight reduction in correlation with physical activity. The last section presents the examples of aerobic physical activities which are divided to outdoor, indoor and water activities. The result of this dissertation is a comprehensive overview of aerobic activities and their consequences and is intended for the general public.
Life of university student
Thesis is devoted to the topic of lifestyle Master's student of the Department of Health Education. The aim of this work is to determine the extent to which individual informants identify and live in accordance with the spirit and the reference department studied. The theoretical part describes the specific components of a healthy lifestyle. Also focuses on the factors that harm human health. Discusses the different developmental stages of man and life satisfaction. The empirical part of the thesis is devoted to a research investigation. It is detected whether students are satisfied with their lives. Perceptions of study in the Department of Health Education. To fulfill the research objectives was chosen qualitative approach, in-depth interview method.
The Condition of Motion Activities at Female Students from Pedagogical Faculty of University of South Bohemian in České Budějovice
A significant problem of the 21st century, across different countries, is currently insufficient physical activity and a large increase in obesity . Influence of physical impairment on the prevalence of obesity is proven. At this time the physical activity is not sufficient for biological needs of man and as a result of this is a threat to the human species. With the alarming rise of health problems, which results from improper lifestyle , against all the progress in medical science, these conditions are a reality of modern civilization. Physical activity with its health benefits is one of the key topics of health education. In this thesis, the state of physical activity among female students of The Faculty of Education, University of South Bohemia in Ceske Budejovice, both day and part-time bachelor's and master's degree program is monitored by using the International Physical Activity Questionnaire. The theoretical part deals with concepts such as physical activity and a summary of the activities practiced out in a unit of time and definition and classification of them. Another two chapters are devoted to the health benefits of physical activity and another aspects of physical activity in relation to health. The practical part of this thesis analyzes in detail the results of the standardized questionnaire IPAQ, which monitors the activity of the individual within seven days. Female Students responded to 27 questions , which were divided into four part evaluation exercise. A separate part of the evaluation was the time spent sitting and personal anamnesis of the respondent. The evaluation was processed using simple statistical method and recorded in a bar graph.
Quality of lifestyle of students studying Philosophical faculty at University of South Bohemia.
This thesis deals with the research quality of life of students studying the Faculty of Philosophy University of South Bohemia in the České Budějovice. In the form of an email questionnaire survey were contacted 915 students during the academic year 2012/2013. The questionnaire was produced by Doc. MUDr. Tatianou Kimákovou, CSc., from The Department of Medicine, UPJŠP in Košice, as a pilot study for The Czech Republic. The investigation is focused on health, nutrition, smoking, consumption of alcohol, substance abuse and physical activities. The results are subject of the discussion and compared with JU research and investigation of SZÚ for Czech population.
The Physical strain of geocaching individual age categories
Due to the reduced activity of the movement for the wider public we want to prove that the concentration game geocaching and the movement is a good foundation for the development of movement and health. First, it is explained in the history of the game, its principle and performance requirements. Subsequently described physical activity and physical activity when Geocaching. Not forgotten the definition of physical exertion and energy conversion. Followed by a presentation of the system to write data and characteristics of the Indares qualitative research. By comparing the values for respondents at selected ages during the two seasons we want to prove which of these periods will be more productive. The findings of the energy performance of the movement of all physical activities at the research we want to clarify the demands of Geocaching. In the system of volunteers write required data Com for energy load by using a pedometer. In the exelových tables data the average heart rate, distance and the kilocalorie. The results clearly demonstrated the superiority of the summer for all respondents, and confirmed the intensity between physical activities of Geocaching.
Lifestyle analysis of controllers in the Control center of Emergency Medical Services of South Bohemian region.
KÖSZEGI, Jarmila
The thesis deals with the lifestyle analysis of controllers working in twelve-hour shifts ofcontinuous operation in the control centre of Emergency medical services of South Bohemianregion. The theoretical part is divided into two sections and focuses on researched issues. The first section describes the Emergency medical services of South Bohemian region, the respective activities, the job description of the controllers, their education and their place of work - the control centre. The second section of the theoretical part concentrates on the lifestyle; it mainly points to the sleep hygiene, nutrition and daily diet, physical activities, as well as addictive and health-harmful substances, stress, and origins of obesity. The empirical part is based on two methods - questionnaires, and tests of fitness level and mobility level of respondents. Acquired data was statistically elaborated and compared to the adult stage of development. The conclusion contains a proposal how to improve the lifestyle in the researched groups of respondents.
The Monitoring of Youth participation in children's homes in sport and physical activity
This bachelor thesis monitors the participation of youths in institutional care and orphanages youths in sports and other forms of physical activity. The study enrolled a total of 50 children, 33 boys and 17 girls, from selected orphanages in Jihocesky county, Czech Republic. During the study, children filled out an anonymous survey, Compass II, which was used to determine the subjects' participation in sports or other preferred pastime activities. The study subjects were further examined and data including height, weight, BMI were recorded. Subcutaneous fat levels were measured using a caliper. Testing of motor fitness of each individual was tested in accordance with Unifit-test manual (6: 60): standing broad jump, sit-ups (60 seconnds), pull-ups, endurance shuttle run. Results from these tests are displayed in tables and graphs in this work.

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