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Prevalence of Childhood Obesity and Associated Problems
Obesity is a major concern not only of the Czech Republic, but of all developed countries of the world. It is therefore a global pandemic, against which it is necessary to introduce effective measures. According to epidemiological studies, the countries of Central and Eastern Europe are among the states with the highest prevalence of obesity. In most European countries, the prevalence of obesity in women is higher than in men, by about 3-6%. But a big issue is childhood obesity, which predisposes individuals to obesity also in adulthood. This results in an increased risk of premature morbidity and mortality due to complications of obesity. In obese children the risk of musculoskeletal diseases and cardiovascular and respiratory systems is increased. Obesity often leads to disorders of sexual development, skin complications and changes in the psyche. According to the World Health Organization, there are about 43 million overweight or obese children in the world. The treatment of childhood obesity is not simple. It is necessary to establish a long-term strategic plan, based on the lifestyle change focused on nutrition and eating habits, physical activity and strengthening the self-confidence of the child. This diploma thesis was carried out by the quantitative research through the secondary data analysis. The research group consisted of children registered at the general practitioner for children and adolescents, Šárka Mičanová, M.D. The main goal of my thesis was to survey the prevalence of obesity and overweight in children at this selected pediatric office. Four hypotheses were stated for the research. Hypothesis No.1, children with a high BMI at the age of 5 years show the signs of obesity also at the age of 15-17-years, has not been confirmed. Hypothesis No.2, in childhood, obesity originating in alimentation prevails over obesity of endocrinological origin, has been confirmed. The hypothesis that obesity prevalence has increased in recent years has not been confirmed. The last hypothesis presuming that levels of biochemical markers in children with overweight and obesity do not differ from those of children with a normal weight has not been confirmed.
The prevalence of overweight and obesity for pupils in the 2nd degree of primary school in Ceske Budejovice
This thesis deals with the prevalence of overweight and obesity among students in primary schools in the Ceske Budejovice. The main objektive is determine the prevalence of overweight and obesity in the selected file location. In the first part was prepared the literature review, which aims to define obesity and its related concepts. Based on the review of the literature and scientific publications that are listed in the bibliography, have been developed clear characteristic of obesity and its problems especially in childhood. The practical part is devoted to research the prevalence od overweight and obesity among students in primary schools in the locality. Based on the cooperation of selected schools and parents was carried out anthropometric observations measuring a total of 188 pupils. Mesured was height and weight, waist circumference and skin folds under the hyoid bone. Based on the data was drawn clear presentation of the results to determine the prevalence of overweight and obesity for pupils in the 2nd degree of primary school in Ceske Budejovice.
The occurrence of obesity and overweight of the preschool children
Author of this work deals with the overweight of children and current lifestyle, which the majority of the population lives. It has a large influence on the prevalence of obesity and overweight, and it is already in childhood. It is necessary to change this trend. Increasing physical activity also change bad eating habits in children. Meals will be varied and balanced. This involves engaging the whole family, because parents have the greatest influence on a child, they can change the situation. The first part is a theoretical nature. The second half deals with research of preschool children and the goal is to determine the prevalence of obesity and overweight in these children.
Diferences in body image in eating disorders and obesity
ABSTRACT Eating disorders (mental anorexia and bulimia) and obesity entail grave health, social and economic problems, and lead to detrimental health consequences, often irreversible consequences. Currently the disorders affect about 6% of population, with young girls particularly vulnerable and 16% of women obese. As the relevant surveys reveal, these figures are constantly on the rise. Apart from producing somatic symptoms, both the disorders, anorexia and bulimia, have been observed to bring about typical negative emotions and maladaptive cognition, first and foremost a distorted (negative) self-image focused on inappropriate perception of own body also known as the body image. The paper aims to find out and mutually compare features characteristic of the body image issues as they relate to the eating disorders and obesity / excessive weight. The paper is based on a survey combining qualitative and quantitative research strategies. To collect data, both strategies employed the technique of inquiry - the qualitative part relied on the theory of semi-structured interviews while the quantitative part used a questionnaire. The data thus acquired were processed by quantitative and qualitative procedures. Building on the previous Bachelor paper intended to map the issues of body image in persons with eating disorders, this paper expands the previous survey set of women suffering the condition and adds a new set of obese females. Results of the qualitative part of the survey brought about hypotheses on how the mentioned disorders affected the body image. The quantitative part of the survey revealed similar characteristics in the perceived body image in both the sets, but disclosed also some differences. Significant differences were found when the body image of the diseased persons was compared with that encountered in healthy population. This paper can boost the awareness of this subject in lay public but also in professional community, primarily where psychotherapy and prevention are regarded.
Kinesiotherapy of diabetes mellitus
My bachelor thesis is focused on kinesiotherapy in diabetes mellitus with focus on type 2 of the disease. Diabetes mellitus is a chronic whole-life disease leading to high morbidity, disability and mortality. A patient with high glycaemia level fluctuation and variable inadequate body mass (and further decompensation indicators) overburdens his/her organism and does not contribute to postponement of occurrence of cardiovascular, neuropathic, nephropathic, retinopathic and other problems. Adequately selected kinesiotherapy help people with diabetes mellitus compensate this disease. The theoretical part deals with diabetes mellitus in general and discusses physical activities focused on diabetes mellitus. The practical parts processes four case reports (women with diabetes mellitus type 2 diagnose) in the form of qualitative research. The first three respondents take regular exercises in groups divided according to physical and mental ability. The fourth respondent does not participate in any physical activity in the groups. Anamneses were found out through semi controlled interviews. Check-up results (dynamic examination of spine, anthropometrical examination, goniometrical examination, examination of shortened muscle groups, examination of weakened muscle groups, hypermobility examination, neurological examination, measurement of heart rate and blood pressure, determination of glucose concentration and HbA1c) were collected by direct observation. The aim of the work was to provide a theoretical outline of kinesiotherapy possibilities in diabetics, to map the forms of physical activities among diabetics and to evaluate efficiency of the individual physical activities of diabetics. Personal interest and active approach to physical activity regime are the main preconditions to successful kinesiotherapy in individuals suffering from diabetes mellitus. In the instance of individual and purely personal goal a suitable form of physical activities can be found for diabetics and thus contribute to compensation of the disease.
Nutritional quality evaluation of school dinners and monitoring of food habits and their changes at children in age category seven till twelve years
HLAVATÝ, Miroslav
The diploma paper aims to appraise the composition of menu offered to pupils aged seven to twelve attending the Elementary School (ES) based in Suché Vrbné, a quarter of České Budějovice. The menu was assessed for its contents of macronutrients and a range of chosen micronutrients considered to meet nutritional demands of school children. The research covered 64 examinees (of both sexes) from the second, fourth and sixth grades, and was organized as a test of their dietary habits and physical a tivities. The paper deals with: -Nutritional quality of school lunches; -Weights and statures of children from the relevant grades measured at the beginning and the end of the appraised span of time, with the observed changes evaluated; -Average cost spent to prepare one lunch; -Variety of the food and the numbers of specific dishes taken in a month; -Adherence to the recommended alimentary basket; -Weights of the different components of lunches; -Nutritional test designed to examine dietary habits and physical activities of c ildren aged 7 to 12; -Changes in the diet of children moving up to the senior stage of the Elementary School; -Formulating hypotheses focused on drinking regimen, Body Mass Index (BMI) and physical activities. Percentage of nutrients derived from lunch, represent the proportion of recommended daily intake for the day. The ideal figure of 35 % of the recommended daily energy intake was achieved only in girls of the 4th grade. The other categories of boys and girls ranged between 5 % and 9 %. As regards proteins, these were supplied in the above-the-limit quantities to the 2nd and 4th graders, while the 6th graders received 79,65 % to 82% of the recommended daily intake. Fats kept at the optimal level of 30 % to 35 %. Saccharides stayed at the low level of 19 % to 24,69 % for the entire time of monitoring. Fiber was found to maintain the acceptable level of 29 % to 37,41 %. As regards the macroelements, calcium supply was insufficient - at 15,0 % to 18,46 % only a small portion of what is desirable. Magnesium intake was at 41,86 % to 59,1 %. Potassium reached on average 53,6 % to 59,66 %. As to microelements, iron was supplied at 42,37 % to 48,91 %; zinc at 41,15 % to 52,91 %; selenium at 59,1 % to 175,21 %. Vitamin A reached 60,78% to 89,23 %; vitamin E was at 38,66 % to 55.1%, and vitamin C at 58,81 % to 66,0 %. Vitamin B6 was supplied in the quantity of 38,50 % o 47,83 %. Vitamins B6 and B12 were supplied in above-the-standard quantities for the whole monitored period. Measurements of weights and statures were related to the age and then used to calculated the BMI - thus one 2nd grade girl was found overweight and one boy and another girl of the same grade were found obese. Pupils of the 4th grade kept within the optimal figures. In the 6th grade two girls and four boys registered overweight. Expressed in percentages, the research has showed that in the 7 to 12 age bracket 3.2% of children were obese and 9.15 overweight. The average cost of lunch preparation was 42 CZK. The numbers of specific dishes were revealed inadequate for pulses and fish. The share of fruit was duly met while vegetables were insufficient. Low was observed also the proportion of milk and sweet & meatless dishes. Conversely, the frequency of dishes made of chicken and pork was excessive. Yeast and pulse soups were served optimally, as suggested by the Ministry of Health. Inspection carried out in view of the alimentary basket specified in Decree 107/2005 disclosed these values as average for the entire period of interest: meat 92,9 %; fish 69,4%; milk 54.8 %; milk products 72.9 %. Fats were supplied at the level of 69,3 %; sugar 46 %; vegetables 59.9%; fruit 124%; potatoes 87,4 %; and pulses 54,4 %.
Health and social risks of obesity and unhealthy life style in relation to preadolescents and adolescents self-concept
The intention of this dissertation is a special investigation of a new innovative approach to reduce the weight of pubescent and adolescent people with overweight and fatness by creating positive changes in self-control and self-respect using an interventional active programme. The goal is to determine a method to reduce the overweight and describe the correlations of psychic conditions and social risks of the overweight and fatness of pubescent and adolescent people. The basis of the programme is several techniques of yoga and yoga configuration. The investigation observed 224 participants and the interventional programme was undertaken by 133 participant of the age of pubescence and adolescence. The programme was applied for twelve weeks. After finishing the interventional active programme, the body weight and BMI were reduced and positive significant changes were reached in shortage of hypodermic fat and decrease in depressive states and anxiety of the participants of the programme. Generally, the anthropometric measurements were implemented in case of 1136 participants. The established hypothesises have confirmed the right supposition of the effect of the interventional active programme. The ascertained data were processed statically and evaluated in collaboration with the Gartner{\crq}s Biomedical Laboratory of CTU Prague.
Prevalence of obesity in primary schools pupils in Prachatice
Obesity has become a global problem. Its prevalence has been increasing not only in the world but also in the Czech Republic. There exist two main causes of its development - imbalance between energy reception and energy expenditure. This imbalance can be explained as an excessive food supply containing improper constitution and lack of movement. However, there can also occur genetic predispositions. Moreover, obesity is connected with various kinds of health complications. It cannot cause only physical problems but also psychological, social and economic ones. Reducing of weight is based on way of living including diet and movement. Long-term preservation of this regime is difficult. Is is much better to prevent occurrence of this negative phenomenon. Prevention activities should be done even at very early age. The aim of the thesis is to map out prevalence of obesity among pupils attending second stage of basic schools in Prachatice. The graduation thesis presents a quantitative research in which a questionnaire is used as the main research method. The targeted group comprises pupils attending second stage of basic schools in Prachatice. Prevalence of obesity is found out by using Body Mass Index and all obtained data are compared with percentile graphs. The research has shown that 4,8 % of them are obese and 11 % overweighted. Higher prevalence of obesity and overweight was detected with boys. The other aims of the graduation thesis are to find out other factors which can influence obesity. The influences contributing to the development of obesity can be eating in fast foods or being influenced by advertisements presenting food products. Monitored children admitted drinking of different sweet lemonades. The thesis introduces three hypothesis. First, chidren are unaware of health risks connected with obesity. The hypothesis is confirmed. Second, obese children prefer high-energy foods. This hypothesis is not confirmed. Third, obese children lack movement. The final hypothesis is confirmed. The thesis will be provided as an information source for public, mostly for parents and teachers. All obtained information is hoped to be used for increasing interest in prevention of childhood obesity.
Risky livestyle behaviours as a health social problem
Every man influences his health by his own life style. Our health is in 80% determined by the life style. Remaining 20% is determined by other influences, inheritance {--} above all, and health care. This thesis analyses the life style of students of South Bohemian University {--} Faculty of Health and Social Studies and Faculty of Economics and is focused on negative factors e.g. drug taking, alcohol consumption, smoking, obesity and stress. The thesis involves explanation of basic concepts that are the foundation stones of this work. The first part is focused on the definitions such as health and disease, life style, prevention, health support, psychology of health and health determinants that significantly influence health of a man. Great part of work deals with risks factors such as alcohol consumption, obesity, stress and other factors that can be influenced positively by a man himself. However, individuality of a man and his will play an important role. The objective of the thesis is to survey the life style of the students of the above mentioned faculties and to compare the results. The research part of the thesis, realised in the form of a questionnaire, is focused on diet, movement, smoking, drugs and alcohol. The first hypothesis - The students of Faculty of Health and Social Studies are better informed about risk life style, than the students of Faculty of Economics {--} was proved. The second hypothesis {--} The students of Faculty of Health and Social Studies are familiar with the principles of healthy lifestyle- has been confirmed partly. The third hypothesis {--} There are no differences in life style between the students of Faculty of Health and Social Studies and Faculty of Economics {--} was proved.
Nutrition of younger school children of age 7- 10 in district Třebíč - progress, trends, present situation
In my bachelor thesis I deal with nutrition and eating habits. In the theoretical part I have tried to sum up by means of secondary literature the basic information on principles of healthy nutrition and principal nutrients necessary for healthy development of the organism. Meanwhile I focus on the researched group, that is school children in the age of 7-10. I further describe the historical development of nutrition from our ancestors to present day, I deal with actual trends in nutrition coming along our modern time and I describe pathophysiology of nutrition, especially obesity. The paper aimed at describing eating habits of school children in the district of Třebíč. The quantitative research method applying questionnaire survey was applied. The research was carried out among children at 6 primary schools, both in the town as well as in the villages. Besides researching the issue of eating habits of children and finding out information on their awareness and knowledge, the paper aimed at confirming or overcoming 4 set hypotheses. Based on the assessment of data two hypotheses have been confirmed and two overcome. The results of the research have shown that school children do not follow healthy nutrition principles. It has been further confirmed that children consume throughout the day empty calories that have no nutritional value. Unexpectedly the hypothesis was overcome which stated that along with the increase of inappropriate eating habits the BMI value is increasing. The hypothesis that eating habits differ in town and village was also overcome. The bachelor thesis can be used as a source of information on healthy nutrition and the right eating habits of children in general and the eating habits of the researched file of child population. It could be of benefit for parents and teachers as they have a great influence on children and ought to exercise a positive impact on children.

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