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The pre-school children´s faulty posture detection in nursery school U Pramene in České Budějovice
In my bachelor´s thesis I have concerned with the occurance of defective postural habits of preschool children in a nursery school in the suburb of České Budějovice, The Nursery School U Pramene was chosen at random. Twenty-seven children, at the age from 4 to 6, were researched by the method of Matthias Test. The results were elaborated into the charts and diagrams aiming intersexual and age difference. Postural habits of preschool children U Pramene were compared with The Nursery School Pražská a The Nursery School Větrná where the same research was done. Finally, seventy-seven children were researched. The main task is the research itself, completed with the questionnaire which deals with regular motoric activities in children´s free time. The research is supported by a theoretical part (the development of preschool children) and by general problems of right and defective postural habits. I have also mentioned some methods looking into the right postural habits
Analysis of physical education at primary and secondary schools from the standpoint of physiotherapy.
MAŤÁKOVÁ, Kateřina
Lack of physical activity is a dominant part of current lifestyle. It results in many lifestyle diseases and is the primary cause of posture disorders in schoolchildren. In particular, of all the long term problems monitored by physicians, the third most significant are those of motoric functions, following behind allergic deceases and sensory defects. The bachelor thesis "Analysis of PE at the primary and secondary schools from the standpoint of physiotherapy" consists of a theoretical and a practical part. The theoretical part focuses on information about lifestyle, the effect of regular physical activity on our body and which diseases can be prevented or reduced through regular exercise. Furthermore there is a chapter concerning the anatomy of a child's motoric apparatus, of the postural function, the motoric ontogenesis, basic motoric abilities in the early age and the psychological factors of children's sport activities. Achieved results are presented in the practical part. Both quality and quantity research strategies were used for the evaluation. Data collection was carried out by testing 18 pupils at primary and secondary schools and by analysing the educational programmes of 9 primary and 12 secondary schools in Mlada Boleslav. The research took place in Spring 2012. The aim of this study was to find out whether the PE concept at primary and secondary schools is satisfactory and sufficient for the maintenance of certain mobility and agility levels. Three hypotheses were set. The H1-hypothesis assumed that PE at primary schools only took place twice a week, this hypothesis was confirmed. The H2-hypothesis, which supposed that PE at secondary schools only took place twice a week, was also confirmed. However, based on the data found, it was not possible to confirm the H3-hypothesis, which assumed that primary schools do not sufficiently develop after-school sport activities. Abdominal muscles, lower back spinal muscles and gluteus muscles proved to be the most frequently weakened muscle groups. Evaluating which age group has the least problems with shortened and weakened muscles, it is unambiguously year 1 girls at secondary schools. With respect to the obtained results, it would be appropriate to pay more attention to the PE concept and after-school exercise activities, emphasise exercise during school breaks and integrate stretching exercises also into regular classes, especially for the 7-11 age group, when the biggest increase in faulty posture habits occurs.
Effect of early education of parents on faulty posture in children (preschool, school age)
The thesis deals with timely instructing of parents in the field of defective bearing of children (of pre-school and school age). The thesis consists of theoretical and practical sections. The theoretical section describes the parents´ instruction, defective bearing and its types, therapy and prophylaxis. Considering the change of lifestyle the number of children with defective holding is increasing. It is important to lead the parents and children to prevent this disease and it is most desirable to start with it as early as possible. The other section of the thesis deals with research. The research was conducted in the form of questionnaires that were the means of finding the level of parents´ knowledge of their children´s condition, and their involvement in the therapy. This is also the objective of the thesis. The achieved results were figured in the form of graphs. The thesis also compares the differences in the replies to the questionnaire inquiries both in therapy centres and in the GP paediatricians´ surgeries. The results show very high level of parents´ knowledge of the problems of defective bearing. The research also proved that the large majority of parents are involved in their child´s therapy and that they practice the exercises with them at home.
Child with defective posture in the Kindergarten (Occurrence and possibilities of prevention)
This paper provides information on the status of the musculoskeletal system and highlight the possible occurrence of poor posture is already in preschool children. In the theoretical section provides general and physical development, musculoskeletal defects, and physical activity. In the practical part presents the results of the evaluation of posture and movement activities that children engaged in nursery school and family.
Findings of appearance of bad body posture of preschool children in Preschool in Horažďovice
This bachelor thesis is dealing with the frequent occurence of the faulty posture in preschoolchildren in the age group 5 - 7 in the Kindergarten School in Horažďovice. The work inculdes the theoretical and practical parts. The teoretical part inculdes the description of anatomy of muscular system and body movement (human kinetics), and typical deviations from peroper posture. Occurence of children with faulty posture is unfortunately a growing trend. The first traces of muscular dysbalances can be found already among preschool children. Faulty posture is a health problem which can result in serious consequences. It is important to prevent this problem already at preschool age. The practical part of my work inculdes the results of my study of the group of children with this particular problem. This is the aim of my work.
Occurrence of poor posture by children, pupil of primary school (confrontation, eventualy interventional measures)
Locomotive organ diseases, such as bad body control, belong nowadays to the most frequent chronic, non-infectious diseases. This problem is not only related to adults but the appearance of this problem in the early children´s age is constantly increasing. According to the research made in 2001 the prevalence of adult locomotive organ diseases varies from 16 % to 30 %, from which the appearance at women patients is more frequently recorded. Locomotive organ diseases at children, which need a long term medical monitoring, represent 16 %. The occurrence of bad body control was reported at 30 % of younger school age children in the Czech Republic. 50 % of the respondents in the age between 13 and 15 mentioned back ache. Changes in life style not only of adult generation, but above all, of children and teenagers, which result from today´s stressful life conditions, influence negatively human locomotive organs. This thesis focuses on the occurrence of bad body control at elementary school pupils at the age from 11 to 15. The theoretical part summarises knowledge about human locomotive organs, right and bad body control, moreover it gives information about methods used for bad body control diagnosing and it describes examination principles. At the end it covers possibilities of prevention. The practical part of this thesis collects and analyses facts gathered form a questionnaire. The questionnaires were given to pupils at elementary schools in small towns Sedlčany and Příbram and then in the capital city Prague. The aim of this thesis is to monitor the healthy life style of children, especially if they are encouraged to locomotive activities at school and in their free time. Correct method and variety of locomotive activities is very important in the early children´s age as prevention from locomotive organ diseases. Furthermore, the thesis focuses on risk factors causing the occurrence of bad body control, such as weight and long term, one sided spine load of. I try to process these facts and use them to verify or disprove the defined hypothesis. It was proved that children are encouraged to locomotive activities not only at school during their PE lessons, but also by their parents, they attend different sport clubs (football, hockey, dancing, canoeing) and they do a lot of sport activities in their free time (cycling, working out in the gym, swimming). The survey has also shown that on average children spend 6 hours a week doing sports activities and in the contrary they spend 20 hours a week watching television and playing computer games.
Results of one-sided endurance of a kinetic apparatus in volleyball players and possibilities of a therapy
The one-sided load of volleyball players leads to occurence of pathokinesiologic changes of the locomotive system. The objective of the bachelor thesis is to ascertain whether volleyball players suffer from locomotive system disorders due to the one-sided overload and whether it is possible to make up a uniform compensatory set of exercises as a therapy. The objective of the theoretical part is to ascertain what functional disorders of the body system occur in connection with the one-sided load of volleyball players, what muscular dysbalances accompany the disorders and what physiotherapeutic procedures can influence them. The objective of the practical part is to use the obtained theoretical findings as the basis for making-up a set of compensatory exercises as a proposed therapy applied within the scope of case reports. The practical part involved a qualitative research using the techniques of interviews and observation, and included two case reports of randomly selected professional volleyball players. Examination of the probands has confirmed the one-sided load of the locomotive system manifested in insufficiency of the deep stabilization system and functional disorders in the area of the shoulder joint. Focused on activation of the deep stabilization system and including shoulder-blade stabilization features, two individual therapeutic plans were made up and undertaken by both the probands in accordance with the charakter of the specific movement activity of volleyball players. The final examination has shown objective improvement of the function of the posture stabilization system of one of the men. Activation of the deep stabilization system with stabilization of the shoulder joint within the specific movement activities of volleyball players appears to be a suitable basis of the compensatory exercises preventing the one-sided load of the locomotive system. The therapy requires an individual approach. For further research in this area I propose measurement of the muscular actvity by means of electromyography and focusing on co-activation of stabilizers of the shoulder joint within the specific movement activity of volleyball players.
Tennis seen as unilateral strain from perspective of physiotherapy
SOUČEK, Vojtěch
The thesis called ``Tennis as a Unilateral Strain from a Physiotherapeutic Point of View{\crqq} describes not only the anatomy and function of the body axis, the coordination of muscle groups, the principle of disrupting movement stereotypes and the impact of these disorders on the body, but also the technique of basic tennis strokes and the muscles playing their part in the movements during playing tennis. Studying the above-mentioned theory and training plans of the players resulted in creating a series of compensatory exercises, which are described in the methodological part of the thesis along with the results of a check-up and testing. The thesis aimed to generate such an intervention programme, which would be effective and undemanding and therefore could be with no difficulties included in the training of the players. The outcome part of the thesis recorded input and output values of the experimental and control groups. The conclusion was that the unilateral strain still prevails despite doing compensation exercises; therefore the compensation demands an individual approach and more intensive engagement of each player.
The Training System of Pilates and Effects on Movement Body System
GLIEROVÁ, Jaroslava
At present there are a fast growing number of physiotherapists and their clients who discover Pilates, a form of body and mind exercises that have a positive influence on the rehabilitation of injuries (Wilson, 2005). The principles of the Pilates method are identical with some physiotherapeutic concepts and methods (e.g. Mensendieck, Feldenkrais). The application of the Pilates exercises is spread especially among physiotherapists in the USA. In this country it is practiced a part of fitness exercises. This thesis deals with connecting the principles of the Pilates method with physiotherapeutic methods, their application in practice and confirming their positive effect on the change in body posture. The theoretical part deals with the analysis of the information as yet achieved on the Pilates exercises. It defines the Pilates exercises, sums up information from the history of the exercises, mentions the basic principles and their principal connection. The principles of breathing and describes the ``centre{\crqq} by the effort for explaining the subject matter from the professional point of view, and finally, it deals with the subject matter of the incorrect body posture. The practical part presents a set of exercises applicable in the prevention of the incorrect body posture, as a reason of vertebrogenic troubles. The quantitative strategy was used for the reasons of the empirical part. To confirm the effect of the Pilates exercises on the change in body posture, the development of the thoracic vertebral column in flexion and extension, I used Otto{\crq}s test. The results were statistically evaluated by the pair t-test. RESULTS: the positive influence of Pilates on body posture was confirmed.
Využití balančních ploch ve fyzioterapii
Since the childhood, i.e. the period that the human organism is developing, even the slightest bad habit is reflected in the overall body construction in the future life. The body works as one unit, and that is why one component influences the other. Weakening one group is reflected in the other, which resulsts in forming an incorrect body posture. This weakening concerns not only larger muscule groups, on the contrary, very often the deep stabilisation system is also affected, and abdominal muscules, muscules of the pelvic bottom and other body stabilisation components are badly conected. One of the possibilites of teh therapy of the incorrect body posture is to exercise on balancing areas.

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