National Repository of Grey Literature 67 records found  beginprevious51 - 60next  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
The arc extinction in electrical apparatuses
Karásek, Ladislav ; Valenta, Jiří (referee) ; Bušov, Bohuslav (advisor)
My bachelor’s thesis is focused on theoretical analysis of the issues of switching arc in electrical devices, introducing successful quenching principles in present devices and the practical part of thesis is focused on innovation of lab exercises „Static V-A characteristics of DC (direct-current) arc and dynamical V-A characteristic of AC (alternating current) arc“, which is part of the course Electrical Devices. Part of the bachelor´s thesis is practical measuring of DC and AC arc, construction of static and dynamic characteristics and its subsequent reviews. The last part of my bachelor´s thesis is focused on innovation of this lab exercis
Study of arc root movement in a model of the LV quenching system
Fendrych, Martin ; Aubrecht, Vladimír (referee) ; Valenta, Jiří (advisor)
Thesis focuses on the basic characteristics of plasma, problems about origin of electrode spots and electrodynamics force acts on the electric arc. In the practical part was realized and produced model of a LV quenching system. Using optical diagnostics was received necessary data to analyze the movement of the electrode spots. The movements of the electrode spots were analyzed in terms of value RMS current passing through the electric arc, value of absolute pressure model in the LV quenching system and distance from each electrode.
Enhancement of optical diagnostics of the switching arc
Samohejl, Matěj ; Kloc, Petr (referee) ; Valenta, Jiří (advisor)
This master´s thesis si focused on determinig methodology of optical diagnostics of the switching arc using the high-speed camera Photron SA-X2. The thesis contains basic rules for proper setup of the measurement system and the rules to adjust the camera exposure. The experiments were performed on the prototype of a parametric switching chambre, while the majority of source materials was derived from the requirements of another study which was aimed on the movement of the electode spots. The process of the first adjustment of the camera, a record edit options for the presentation purposes and the process of the 3D model design of the switching arc in SketchUp software was stated. Paper contains a comparsion of the spectral filter effect and neutral density filter effect on the final record as well. The part of the work outputs are the 3D model of the switching arc and the supporting record editing software. The paper results show a degree of the inaccuracies in a optical diagnostics made from only one direction caused by the lack of the information about third dimension.
Influence of welding direction on depth of penetration for MAG method
Šmak, Radim ; Mrňa, Libor (referee) ; Kubíček, Jaroslav (advisor)
This bachelor thesis deals about Influence of welding direction on depth of penetration in S 235 JR steel for MAG welding. First theoretical part of the thesis was devoted to a description and technology of the chosen method. In the second practical patr of the thesis was designed optimal welding parameters and conditions of welding. Based on them was performed an experiment. From the experiment was detected the depth penetration, heat affected zone and structure of the metal.
Optimalization of electric arc furnace operation
Mikulinec, René ; Raček, Jiří (referee) ; Lázničková, Ilona (advisor)
The bachelor thesis deals with issues of electric arc furnaces and therefore the introductory part focuses on electric arc and its distribution according to the type of power. There is also stated the distribution of arc furnaces and heavy-current arc furnace circuit. Another part of the bachelor thesis is devoted to interferences, which operate the power network and the possibilities of reducing these interferences. The aim of this bachelor thesis is to optimize the operation of electric arc furnaces and that is the reason for the stating of the calculation of optimal parameters arc furnace with a circular diagram.
Usage of CAD Systems in Area of Electrical apparatuses
Bojanovský, Lukáš ; Kuchyňková, Hana (referee) ; Valenta, Jiří (advisor)
This thesis presents current possibilities of parametric modelling. In the first section the new features of Autodesk Inventor Series 10 and process of designing model of arc chute cut of circuit-braker BD250 are described. A next section of the thesis describes funcionality of double contact element during switching off, creation and disappearance of electric arc. The principle of electric arc exctincion using magnetic exhaustion into arc chute with the participation of dynamic forces. The data format IGES was used for animation creation and also there is a short description of the history and origin of the format. The position animation in Autodesk Iventor 10 was used for designing animation.
Experimental verification of properties of circuit breaker quenching chamber
Kadrnka, Petr ; Vávra, Zdeněk (referee) ; Valenta, Jiří (advisor)
The circuit breakers are able to switch on and off automatically either the short circuit currents up to the limits of their breaking capacity. While the disconnection of the contacts in the switching devices are generated by the arc then it is needed to put it out quickly. A manner of the arcing in the electrical switching devices is influenced by several different factors. It must be taken into account the dynamics of a plasma, a current flowing in the electrodes, a flowing stream in a plasma and a magnetic field generated by a flowing current. This paper is devoted to describe the manner of the arcing in the arc chamber. The experiments carried out in an experimental way attempt to explain, specify and thoroughly comprehend the movements and the characteristics of the arc in a metal arc and in a metal enclosure circuit breaker.
Thermodynamic Conditions in Quenching Chamber of Low Voltage Circuit Breaker
Urban, Ferdinand ; Hüttner,, Ľudovít (referee) ; Kapička, Vratislav (referee) ; Aubrecht, Vladimír (advisor)
Práce se zabývá studiem procesů probíhajících při zhášení silnoproudého oblouku ve zhášecí komoře jističe. Je zaměřena na výpočet dynamiky tekutin a teplotního pole v okolí elektrického oblouku. V práci je dále popsán vliv vzdálenosti plechů v komoře a vliv tvarů plechů z hlediska aerodynamických podmínek uvnitř komory. Dalším cílem dosaženým touto prací je poskytnutí informací o vlivu polohy elektrického oblouku na termodynamické vlastnosti uvnitř komory. Toto je důležité, zejména pokud je oblouk do komory vtahován jinými silami, např. elektromagnetickými a během tohoto vtahovacího procesu mění svůj tvar i polohu. Za účelem co nejjednoduššího, ale zároveň co nejefektivnějšího řešení úkolu, byl vyvinut software určen speciálně pro výpočet dynamiky tekutin numerickou metodou konečných objemů (FVM). Tato metoda je, v porovnání s rozšířenější metodou konečných prvků (FEM), vhodnější pro výpočet dynamiky tekutin (CFD) zejména proto, že režie na výpočet jedné iterace jsou menší v porovnání s ostatními numerickými metodami. Další výhodou tohoto softwarového řešení je jeho modularita a rozšiřitelnost. Cely koncept softwaru je postaven na tzv. zásuvných modulech. Díky tomuto řešení můžeme využít výpočtové jádro pro další numerické analýzy, např. strukturální, elektromagnetickou apod. Jediná potřeba pro úspěšné používání těchto analýz je napsáni solveru pro konečné prvky (FEM). Jelikož je software koncipován jako multi–thread aplikace, využívá výkon současných vícejádrových procesorů naplno. Tato vlastnost se ještě více projeví, pokud se výpočet přesune z CPU na GPU. Jelikož současné grafické karty vyšších tříd mají několik desítek až stovek výpočetních jader a pracují s mnohem rychlejšími pamětmi, než CPU, je výpočetní výkon několikanásobně vyšší.
The effectiveness of welding on furnace structures.
Rousová, Michaela ; Mrňa, Libor (referee) ; Kubíček, Jaroslav (advisor)
This diploma thesis is resolving all the possibilities of enhancing the efficiency of furnace structures welding. Small batch production does not offer many possibilities for implementing mechanization or automation. On the other hand, when using a big batch production, efficiency can be enhanced by means of a robotic workstation. When the production batch is big enough, we will see a costs save after a short time, mainly in labor costs. This means the return of investments will be in short time period. In the LAC company there are three types of products made. At laboratory furnaces the efficiency can be enhance by using fixtures. At other standard and atypical furnaces is very difficult to design fixtures or positioners because of their different sizes. Big complication can be also a company location on second floor. The most suitable product regarding to welding efficiency enhancement is big batch production of heaters. For this type the welding time can be shortened by means of a robotic workstation.
Idea design of experimental model for LV electric arc properties investigation
Fazekas, Tibor ; Valenta, Jiří (referee) ; Vávra, Zdeněk (advisor)
The aim of the work was a planing of an experimental model for the observation of the low voltage electric arc. The opening part observes the basics of the electric network switching and the electric arc in theory. The next point is definition about the behaviour of the electric arc in the low voltage switching devices, focusing on the movement of the arc along electrodes and in the extinguish chamber. The design of the experimental model, created in Autodesk Inventor 2008, is described in the last part of the work.

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