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Practical use of theatroterapy in the activation process of adults with intellectual disability
The aim of my bachelor thesis "A Practical Usage of Theatrotherapy During a Stimulation of Adult People with Mental Handicap" was to create, execute and evaluate a theatre performance focusing on a stimulation of mentally disabled adults. During leisure activities, it is possible to offer to mentally disabled people such activities that develop their personalities universally, lead towards their own activity and creativity. However, the mentally disabled people´s selection of activities is limited in comparison with the intact ones. Considering an offer of leisure activities for the target group, I decided to use theatrotherapy which has been created for them and then to implement a theatre performance. According to the specialised literature, by using it, it is possible to reach positive results in the field of communicative and locomotive skills as well as the memory and social relations. This thesis consists of three chapters. The target group will be defined in the first chapter in which I define the term of mental disability, characterise adult people with medium or severe mental disability and specify their social, mental and locomotive limitations in details. I define the theatrotherapy, describe its development, aims and methods in the second chapter. Simultaneously I mention it as a means of stimulation in the conclusion of this chapter. Theoretical part of the work is followed by in the third, practical chapter. I prepare a theatre performance based on specialised literature which I implement and evaluate here. The theatre performance was based on principles and rules of theatrotherapy. An original script adapted to the target group was used for its implementation. Classical teaching methods and drama teaching methods were used for rehearsing, namely methods verbal, graphically demonstrative, practical skills gaining, roleplaying, methods and techiques of training games and exercises, evaluation and reflection. During the evaluation and objective technique was used which aims for an analysis of actor´s activity, and a subjestive technique which aims for self-evaluation and actor´s feedback. The above mentioned activity was supported by IN Civic Society and ten people with medium and severe mental disability aged 25-45 participated. There was a process of involvement during a making of the performance and positive results in the field of communicative and locomotive skills were reached. The actors experienced new and unusual situation during the performance. They met new people too because some students of the University participated too. This resulted in social integration. The bachelor thesis is meant as an inspiration for the personnel of institutions providing social services.

Smoking in restaurants in the center of Pilsen
The topic of this diploma thesis is ´Smoking in restaurant facilities in Pilsen city center´. Smoking in restaurant facilities harms not only their visitors but especially their employees. This group of citizens becomes passive smokers for the entire working time which may have negative health consequences. The main goal of this thesis was to map out the problem of smoking in restaurant facilities from their employee´s point of view. Three research questions have been determined towards fulfilling this goal. The research was implemented with the help of qualitative survey. Semi-structured in-depth interview was carried out with 13 respondents who had been chosen through the snowball sampling method. Information was evaluated through the open coding method and it has responded to the research questions. The first research question - What are the smoking habits of smoking restaurant facility employees? The research has proven that the amount of cigarettes smoked by the smoking restaurant facility employees has raised. The second research question - How do the employees of smoking restaurant facilities perceive the risk of passive smoking? Respondent´s answers have provn that they do not perceive passive smoking to be a risk factor which might harm their health. Only a minor part of respondents minds working in a smoking environment. The third research question was put this way: What is the attitude of employees in smoking restaurant facilities towards the new planned anti-smoking legislation? The research has proven that most respondents does not wish the acceptance of smoking prohibition in restaurant facilities. The reasons are concerns for their jobs, decrease in revenue, refusal of prohibition in general ort he fact that they themselves are smokers. Only a small number of respondent sis acutally concerned about their health and would welcome an amendment to the Act. A short intervention was carried out with the respondents within the research, which was supposed to inform the employees of restaurant facilities about the risks of passive smoking. The research has proven that employees of smoking restaurant facilities do not perceive the risk of passive smoking really. They are often exposed to tobacco smoke even in their leisure time. The most effective prevention may be ensured by politicians who would enforce a stricter legislation.

How to prevent the proliferation of Legionella pneumophylis in hot water in the hospital Czech Krumlov
This diploma thesis deals with microbiological quality of hot water in a hospital in Cesky Krumlov as well as hot water piping condition with respect to Legionella. It also deals with arrangements for improving the quality of hot water in this hospital. The subject and target of this thesis are the findings of the mentioned parameters based on own observations, technical documentation and analysis of warm water performed by an accredited laboratory. The hospital in Cesky Krumlov, the construction of which began in 1909, was built in 1911 as the 'Nemocnice Císaře Františka Josefa I.' As the time went by, new buildings were built up. The hospital was renamed to 'Všeobecná veřejná nemocnice' in 1942. In the following years the hospital expanded until the current condition. Water quality and presence of Legionella is a world-wide issue, which we must fight against. The thesis is divided into two parts. First, theoretical part, which includes both general and specific knowledge about Legionella, its health risks, the environment in which it occurs, possibilities of eliminating, suitability of the material for hot water pipes, gained in professional literature and a part of the Czech legislation dealing with public health protection, the law 'No. 258/2004 Coll.' in actual version and quality of drinking water and hot water. In the second, empirical part, I focus on the situation of the hospital in Cesky Krumlov from 2009 till 2015, concerning newly built boiler room and the whole distribution system of hot water regarding Legionella. Particularly I focused on materials used for ecologisation of the gas boiler room and materials used for hot water pipes and actual state of water distribution in individual buildings of this health care facility. I mentioned the analysis of the water samples performed by an accredited laboratory with corresponding technical documentation, which concerns the water distribution system, provided by the medical facility. I used secondary data analysis to evaluate these documents. Regarding the results from 2009 to 2015 the microbiological quality of warm water doesn't meet the limits defined in the Attachment No. 3 of the above mentioned law Order 252/2004 Coll. Limit value for colony forming units of Legionella is set to maximum of 100 CFU. In most of the samples this limit was exceeded by series of units up to hundred thousands of units. The last results in 2015 prove improvement of the unfavorable situation. In that year the analysis was tested three times. First in February, where the CFU units were 'only' in hundreds, with the top value of 550 CFU in the Postacute Care ward. Second analysis was performed in June that same year. Results were acceptable. The highest value was 64 CFU. Last analysis in the hospital was performed in December. Increased concentration of Legionella was again in the Surgery building. There were established of 1400 colony forming units. There were 300 CFU in the Postacute Care ward and the limit value of 100 CFU was in the ward of Internal medicine. The answers to research questions 'How to prevent reproduction of Legionella peumophylis in the water distribution system of the hospital in Cesky Krumlov?' and 'How to ensure a sufficient amount of quality hot water in the medical facility?' are included at the end of the stated recommendations. A risk factor causing the fast reproduction of Legionella is the old water distribution system in most of the buildings and low water temperature of water leaving the boiler, which is 55°C. All mentioned results and evaluations are included in this thesis as well as attached pictures, which show the environment and situation within the Health Care Institutions.

Nové postupy biomonitoringu cizorodých látek ve vodním prostředí
Within the presented work, several approaches of biomonitoring were studied. A well-established method for human health risk assessment was applied to evaluate the quality of fish from open waters in the Czech Republic. As this work is targeted on sport fishermen, who frequently consume their own catches, besides the publication in scientific journal, a brochure with results of this study was distributed via the Czech Fishing Union. Health risks for consumers related to the consumption of wild fish were found strongly species and locality dependent. As there is no risks related with the consumption of carp (Cyprinus carpio) at all investigated sites, frequent consumption of predatory fish should be avoided at some fishing grounds. The use of passive samplers has become more and more attractive in the last two decades. As these devices are able to mimic the biological uptake of chemicals, their potential for replacing fish as bioindicators in routine biomonitoring programmes is evident. In our study, the comparison between analysis of fish tissues and POCIS extracts from selected sampling sites confirms this idea about interchangeability of these indicators in the case of PFASs as target pollutants. Moreover, no metabolic transformation of contaminants present in water take place in passive samplers contrary to living organisms, thus these reflect the actual contamination at the locality more precisely. The use of passive samplers completely fulfils the internationally accepted principles of Replacement, Reduction, Refinement (the three R´s). Another promising approach using YOY fish as bioindicators was evaluated within the present study. Multispecies samples of YOY fish homogenate was found as a better indicator for wide range of pollutants than muscle tissue of adult fish within one species from the same locality. As all inner organs and tissues are presented in analysed samples, more target pollutants in higher concentrations are detected compared to the muscle of adults. Besides the higher sensitivity in pollutants detection and quantification, practical and economic benefits are of concern in the case of the YOY fish approach. The YOY fish approach also particularly fulfil the three R´s strategy, as sampling of this age group of fish has a smaller impact on the environment than the sampling of adults. In case of mercury, that was found as a limiting contaminant for the consumption of fish from open waters in the Czech Republic, a nonlethal method of finclips sampling can be used for the monitoring of this compound in aquatic environments. Besides the monitoring, our optimised method for the estimation of muscle tissue concentrations could be used for human health risk assessment as well. The difference between real muscle concentrations and concentrations estimated using our method differs less than 10% in most of the investigated localities. Benthic organisms are an important part of the food web in aquatic environments, but insufficient information about its contamination is available. In another study included in this thesis, first evidence about bioaccumulation of certain pharmaceuticals in benthic organisms was described. Although, pharmaceuticals are generally considered to be not accumulative in organisms, our study proved that certain pharmaceuticals have bioaccumulation potential. From this finding, it is evident that not only the concentrations of pharmaceutical dissolved in water but also the diet represents an important exposure pathway of contamination by these compounds for organisms (fish) inhabiting aquatic environments.

Inovativní metody v chovu a reprodukci candáta obecného (Sander lucioperca)
BLECHA, Miroslav
The whole Ph.D. thesis includes in total 10 chapters on 146 pages. Chapter 2 9 are specific parts of thesis where following scientific and practical aspects of pikeperch reproduction biology and aquaculture are described. Quality and quantity of pikeperch spermatozoa after varying cold water treatments are presented in the chapter 2 and can help to optimize broodstock management of males with the aim to obtain high quality spermatozoa during a seasonal and an out of season spawning as well. Benefits of hormone treatment of both sexes in semi-artificial reproduction in pikeperch are described in the chapter 3 where the importance of hormonal treatment of both sexes in tank spawning is evaluated for effective production pikeperch larvae. The use of an alcalase treatment for the elimination of pikeperch egg stickiness is being shown in the chapter 4 of this thesis. Post-ovulatory oocyte ageing and its effect on eggs viability rates and occurrence of larval malformations and ploidy anomalies are listed in chapter 5. These results describe the effects of the egg over ripening fertilization process in pikeperch. The first report of heat shock triploidisation in pikeperch is described in chapter 6 with production of 100% pikeperch triploid population. The effect of water surface treatment on survival, swim bladder inflation and growth of larvae is given in the chapter 7 with the aim to optimize the intensive culture of pikeperch larvae. Last two chapters (8 and 9) are describing the adaptation of intensively cultured juveniles to pond culture and the adaptation of pond-cultured juveniles to RAS as a new and effective methods for ongrowing production of pikeperch. In total, four published scientific papers, one handbook, one accepted scientific paper for publication, and two prepared scientific manuscripts are included and discussed in this Ph.D. thesis.

The Public Procurement for the Supplies
Holzäpfelová, Vlasta ; Civínová, Denisa (advisor)
The thesis deals with the theme of procurement of supplies in the Czech Republic from its beginnings to the present in the context of legal and economic developments. The current situation is analyzed on the basis of the Public Procurement Act, in connection with monitoring the preparation and adoption of new legislation. Legal issues will be extended by an overview of relevant laws and evaluate the problems in the formation of tender documents for the conclusion of framework agreements for the supply and reviewing compliance with the principles of the Act on financial control in public administration. Theme in the application of profiling on public procurement, focusing on a framework agreement designed to capture recurring delivery. The study is supplemented with practical experience in the field of public procurement for the conclusion of framework agreements, provides an analysis of the positive and negative aspects of this method of procurement, including proposed solutions. The practical part is elaborated on the basis of a comparison of the specific tender documents with the statutory legislation, qualitative research and secondary data analysis of tender documents for contracts to supply a valid framework contracts signed by the selected organization in the years 2012-2016.

Supplier management in automotive industry
Holubcová, Romana ; Štůsek, Jaromír (advisor)
In my thesis I deal with the process of Supplier management in automotive industry. Supplier - customer relationship is very important for a success both company and for the global development of the economy too. These relationships must be partnership and support the development of the companies and their each other businesses are beneficial for both sides. In my thesis I analyze current process of the supplier management in the company, what directly supply to OEM. Original Equipment manufacturing (OEM), is the final producer of automobiles, it is mean this company do not produce components but assemble supplied modules. I propose improvements and up-date the directive Strategic purchasing according to results from the analysis.

Analysis of connectivity of territorial system of Landscape ecological stability in Hradec Králové region
Jebavá, Lucie ; Šímová, Petra (advisor) ; Skaloš, Jan (referee)
The thesis deals with analysis of connectivity of a territorial system of landscape ecological stability in the Hradec Králové region. This area is also famous for its typical agricultural production. The calculations done in software Conefor were counted for three groups of animals with different dispersal possibilities. It was made in several phases. At first, the connectivity of all biocentres was counted then the connectivity without nonfunctional biocentres. In the next step was counted connectivity for three categories of biotopes and the same calculations were made for newly proposed biocentres. The results from software Conefor show that the indicies are not so clear. Also the rate of connectivity in the study area is questionable.

Competitive advantage
Gregora, Jakub ; Tichá, Ivana (advisor) ; Pavel, Pavel (referee)
This diploma thesis was based on the main theme of Competitive advantage. The theoretical part of this thesis is concerned with concepts of competition, competitiveness and competitive advantage. Next part is based on analysis of outside surroundings where are specified the main methods of analysing company surroundings. The names of the methods are PEST analysis, SWOT analysis and Porter five forces. In the last part of theoretical thesis are explained types of innovation and innovation process. The conceptual part of the diploma thesis is related to company Snag s.r.o. and its evolution in two periods. The aim of these analysis where to name the main elements with the biggest impact. In the end of the first period was made a decision about new company strategy. According to the new company strategy there was effected innovation process that created new product for selling. This innovation has had crucial market to the competitive position of the company. The implementation of the new strategy has started new periond of growing the company.

Supplier management in automotive industry
Holubcová, Romana ; Štůsek, Jaromír (advisor)
In my thesis I deal with the process of Supplier management in automotive industry. Supplier - customer relationship is very important for a success both company and for the global development of the economy too. These relationships must be partnership and support the development of the companies and their each other businesses are beneficial for both sides. In my thesis I analyze current process of the supplier management in the company, what directly supply to OEM. Original Equipment manufacturing (OEM), is the final producer of automobiles, it is mean this company do not produce components but assemble supplied modules. I propose improvements and up-date the directive Strategic purchasing according to results from the analysis.