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The midwife's role in the sex education of the basic school pupils
The midwie?ves role in the sex education of the elementary school pupils Sex education should be, in the first place, a matter of parenting or family education, yet it should be a natural part of school education. At present, sex education is part of the elementary school curriculum and its classes are based on verbal/visual concept, which includes all drawbacks of our system of education. Despite being trained and schooled at universities, future teachers have no possibility to become familiar with the issues relating to sex education due to their study programmes. One of the crucial problems that prevents smooth implementation of sex education at elementary schools is teachers? incompetence in this specific area. The author sees a possible solution in collaboration between teachers and medical staff (midwives, doctors) when providing sex education of pupils. The objective of the thesis at hand was to observe sex education awareness among elementary school pupils, their interest in sex education as a part of elementary school curriculum, and to identify whether there is an interest of the school management in hiring a midwife to tutor the sex education classes. To meet the objective, a quantitative research combined with a qualitative one was selected. The research was carried out at elementary schools in České Budějovice and the research corpus, which was created for the purposes of the quantitative research, comprised of elementary school pupils. The qualitative research was based on a selection of teachers teaching at the schools. There were established two hypotheses and one research question. Hypothesis 1 implied that pupils lack awareness of modes of transmission of sexually transmitted diseases. This hypothesis has not been confirmed. Most of the pupils were aware of ways of sexual diseases transmission. Hypothesis 2 implied that pupils are interested in sex education as a part of elementary school curriculum. This hypothesis has been confirmed. The pupils responded that they would welcome more time spent on sex education; they want to retrieve the information mainly from their teachers and parents. While doing the research, the author learned that there was an interest in hiring a midwife to tutor the sex education classes. Two schools already had midwives to teach the classes; two other schools were discussing the possibility of inviting a midwife; and one school showed no interest in the matter. This answered the research question whether schools perceive midwives to be competent persons to tutor sex education classes. The author would welcome if the outcomes of the thesis helped improve the quality of sex education at elementary schools and introduce experts, doctors and midwives to tutor such classes.
The role of primary care nurse for children with enuresis
The research has shown that the need to empty urine with the wetting problem, the need for certainty and security with the feeling of shame not only among enuretic children but also their parents, the need for liquid intake with the problem of not meeting the sufficient intake during morning and early afternoon hours and subsequent feeling of thirst are the most frequently unmet needs of enuretic children. According to nurses their role is based on education of parents and their enuretic children in the field of liquid intake regime and emptying the urine, and basic urine examination. The nursing care provided by nurses in surgeries of paediatric practitioners to enuretic children is sufficient; nurses are aware of the problems with the needs of enuretic children and try to solve them. However they educate enuretic children and their parents badly in the treatment regime principles, they do not require a feedback and are not interested in adherence on the rules they recommend. The nurses? knowledge is particularly poor in terms of the correct drinking regime rules the principles of the correct hygienic regime and application of hygienic aids to older children, the rules of waking children up for urination by their parents and particularly the knowledge of physiologic development of a child in urination regulation and its upbringing in 7 steps. Knowledge of the treatment regime is quite sufficient among parents. They probably gain correct information from practitioners, nephrologists and further sources, like the Internet. However the knowledge in the field of enuresis problems (the term, causes, age limit of wetting pathology) and of the child development in urination regulation and its upbringing in 7 steps is insufficient. Parents sit their children on the potty early, mostly before 1 year of age which contributes to the occurrence of enuresis. The parents unfortunately consider their knowledge insufficient.
Importance of home visits in primary child care
KARDOVÁ, Kateřina
I have focused my Bachelor Thesis with the topic of ``Importance of home visits in primary child care{\crqq} on the importance and frequency of home visits of health care workers and on the visits of social workers to the family within the program of family recovery. The first goal of my Bachelor Thesis is to map the frequency of home visits of health care workers during newborn and older period of the child. The second goal of my Thesis is to map the frequency of family recovery. I worked with the method of quantitative research at processing the Thesis. I used anonymous standardized questionnaire as tool. I handed out the questionnaires to parents of children in playrooms, mother centres and outside playgrounds. The hypothesis 1 states that the visit service of health care workers in the family is under 30% during the newborn and older period of the child. To verify the second hypothesis I processed the second questionnaire to be filled out by organizations performing family recovery. Also the second hypothesis stating that the method of social work {--} family recovery {--} is insufficient in the Czech Republic was confirmed. My Bachelor Thesis can be used as impulse to increase the frequency of home visits of health care workers, not only in case of children in newborn period but also in case of older children because the research shows that parents would be interested in such service. Within family recovery, this Thesis can be used to start working with the child and the child{\crq}s family in time, so that the family is recovered and the child can stay in his or her original family and need not be placed to some institutional care facility.
Midwifery home visiting from the point of view of the public
DUŠKOVÁ, Marcela
Due to the Czech Republic's health care system, the need for medical care during pregnancy - even when it is progressing physiologically - has become deeply-rooted in the mind of the public. The theoretical part of this work deals with midwifery in relation to community care. The general theoretical section sums up the roles and competencies of midwives and the forms of their education, both qualifying and lifelong. The following section deals with actual procedures in the care provided by midwives during home visits, according to valid standards issued by CKPA (Czech Midwife Confederation). The questionnaire method, one of quantitative research methods, has been selected for the research part of the work. The questionnaire used consisted of 28 questions and has been processed during April 2009. The sample group was a large group of non-professionals with no limitations by age, gender or place of residence. A total of 150 respondents have been asked for cooperation, and 126 filled questionaries were returned to the researchers. The main goals of the work were determining the public opinion on home visiting by midwives and its necessity. Futhermore, determining the public knowledge of midwife competencies and awareness of the range of midwife services covered by health insurance. The following hypotheses have been examined by the researchers: Hypothesis 1: Expectant mothers prefer gynecologist's care to midwifery. This hypothesis has been confirmed. Hypothesis 2: Women are not interested in home visiting by midwife after the birth. This hypothesis has been refuted. Hypothesis 3: Most of all, women expect high-quality prenatal courses from a midwife. This hypothesis has been refuted as well. Hypothesis 4: Men do not consider home visiting by midwife as valuable for women. This hypothesis has not been confirmed. Hypothesis 5: Women with no access to medical care in their place of residence are in greater need of home visiting by midwife than women with such access. Because of the non-representative distribution of respondents in the sample group, this hypothesis has been neither confirmed nor refuted. Hypothesis 6: The public has no knowledge of the actual competencies of midwives. This hypothesis has been confirmed . Hypothesis 7: The public has no knowledge of the range of midwife care covered by health insurance. This hypothesis has been confirmed as well. This work is of informative nature. It sums up the opinions and knowledge of the public about midwifery. It also helps to outline the uncertainties of the public in this field. The work can be used for public education or as a starting point for future research.
Works family for educe children with visual handicap
Family plays a very important role in every man{\crq}s life. In family we hawe a haven, we can lay on it all the time and it is a stepping stone into our life. We learn the basics of manners and mutual relations within our family. It is also a pattern for us, how the family relationships should look like. Of course we consider family without any pathological problems. Such a family can offer the right start into the life so that a man becomes an even and self {--} confident personality. I chose this topic for the reason, as I found it interesting for absorbing and elaborating. As mentioned above plays the family an important role in every man{\crq}s life the more if it considers a child which is disadvantaged. The way and grade of handicap plays no role, but the attitude of the family and the closest does. It takes different period of time to each person to cope with this fact, but in my personal opinion, most families can successfully go over it. In this time there are a lot of organizations devoted to taking care of families of visual handicapped children who work as well as with the parents as with the children themselves. Although the access to information can be sufficient for the parents, the offer is not always used by the parents and this happens even though complex and special attitude is needed in these cases. The aim of my work is to make clear the issue of children with a visual handicap education. My hypothesis was, that for an optimal grow up and education of these children is a sufficient source of information and cooperation with the parents with the institutions needed and I also proved it in my qualitative research. For my research I used a questionnaire and a guided dialogue with the parents and handicapped children. I interviewed in total four families, who assisted very well. I can see a practical use of my conclusions mainly in the sphere of people awareness about the problems and hurdles of the families with a handicapped child, further on their education and interests as well as their integration into society.
Home violence and primary care
Domestic violence and primary care. Domestic violent is the most frequent form of violence. But it is also the least observed and the most underestimated form of domestic abuse. It often refers to physical violence, sexual and emotional abuse between spouses that occurs hidden away and does not draw attention of others despite the intesifying abusive behaviour of a family member. The victim feels humiliated and distressed and suffers from a high level of fear. The theoretical part of my thesis gives the definition of domestic violence, its forms and causes. Other issues within the context of domestic violence are also addressed: characteristics of persons commiting domestic violence, medical care and assistance rendered to victims of domestic violence, primary care, the role of a nurse in identification of domestic violence, administrative measures relevant to domestic violence. The practical part of my thesis examines the role of a nurse in treatment of a victim of domestic violence. The aim of the research was to learn if nurses often come into contact with such patients and have enough information on the issue. I suggested 3 hypotheses to be confirmed or rejected. The information was obtained by a quantitative research in the form of questionnaires handed out to nurses working at general practitioners´, pediatricians´ and gynaecologists´ offices. The hypothesis I was rejected, hypotheses II and III were confirmed. The conclusions of the research show that nurses get into contact with the victims of domestic violence but do not have access to enough information on the issue to be able to treat them properly.
Using services of the Centres of wet healing of wounds by primary care nurses
Treatment of chronic wounds is a complicated multidisciplinary problem. Modern therapeutic dressings which are permeable and keep the wound wet play an important role in the treatment. At present many professionals strive for support and wider spread of wet wound healing in the Czech Republic. They are mostly nurse organisations, journals, pharmaceutical firms and ``Centres of wet wound healing``. The Centre of Vysočina region is in Jihlava. Centre staff help nurses, doctors and patients to improve the care of wounds. As seen from the results, in spite of all obstacles which nurses have to face while using modern therapeutical dressings the method of wet wound healing in the treatment is spreading. More and more nurses use this method. The Centre of wet wound healing and departments for chronic wounds help towards this effort.
The necessity of visiting duty of primary care nurses at children´s patients
Visiting service is a lawful activity of nurses working in paediatric departments. During the visiting service there is a possibility to obtain valuable information on the child{\crq}s family and its background. A nurse recommends the parents how to prevent diseases or injuries at their children. A nurse also educates them about a suitable diet, hygiene and upbringing. During the visiting service there is enough time for parents to ask about their children{\crq}s prevention and upbringing. A community nurse can stand in for this post of primary care nurse as well. Such kind of nurses has not been initiated yet in the Czech Republic. The Ministry of Health is going to include this kind of nurses in general educational programme.
Primary care nurses experience with wound treatment
In this work study ``Experiences of nurses of primary care with wounds healing{\crqq} there are two main relevant questions {--} primary care of patients and wounds healing. Process of wounds healing has been for many years in significant attention of some medical branches. According to this interest many useful studies, discoveries and researches have been done. Wounds healing is not according to only affected locality, but also to the whole organism, immune system, metabolism, nourishment and many other aspects referential to this question. Patients with wounds can have more comfortable health care due to interests for tissue defects. However lots of experts try to implement new methods of wounds healing, majority of clients meet still the out of date therapies. Some kinds of primary health care have been used for a long time, other ones used to be used a long time ago and now are again renovating. All providers of primary health care are under capacity, financial and legislative pressure and so are not able to provide this health care in full extent. The aim of this study was to find ``Experiences of nurses of primary care with different materials for wounds healing{\crqq}. For this aim the hypothesis ``Nurses of primary care have not enough experiences with modern methods of wounds healing{\crqq} was settled. The second aim was ``To discover the interests of nurses of primary care for new experiences of wounds healing{\crqq}. This aim was encouraged by hypothesis ``Nurses have interests about new experiences of wounds healing{\crqq}. The information needed for this research were taken by questionnaires given to nurses working by general practitioners in České Budějovice and Benešov. Answers of 50 nurses were used for data processing. The hypothesis that nurses do not have enough experiences with wounds healing was confirmed. The second hypothesis was also confirmed. My work study could be useful for nurses of primary health care as summary of actual situation and so could improve the health care for clients.
Principles utilization possibilities of the educational activities of the nurse in the primary care
The objective of this bachelor's work is to find the principles utilizing of the nurse educational activities in the primary care. The education seems to be the important caracteristic of the treatment practice and has gone hand in hand with the primary care since the treatment beginning. The education as a training, cultivation and tutoring is emphasized lately as the self-evident part of the professional nurse occupation. The educational nurse activity in the primary care has own particularities which are described in detail in the theoretical section of this bachelor´s work. The contemporary treatment conception talks up the important aspects of the nurse role {--} the educator and the coordinator of the patient care. The nurse education should correspond to this thus the nurses could perform their profession as the qualified medical officer. The primary care field is the inseparable piece of the theoretical part of this work. The community nursing as the first care line has been continuously developed recently and the role of the primary nurse is emphasized mainly in the support and maintenance of the people health. Their services are provided in the wild scale in the various environment and cover the whole life cycle since conception to lenitive care at the dying. The education in the primary care represents the great importance. Its purpose is to continuously raise the population health consciousness. In the practical part of the work the quantitative research was performed, the data collection questionnaire technique was used. The research set consisted of sixty-two primary care nurses. The research performed within this work at the nurses working in the primary care has demonstrated a quite good knowledge and also principles utilizing of the educational activities in the nursing practice. Unfortunately it has showed subsequently that nurses don´t have sufficient possibilities in the present system of the primary care and principally the time scope for the education performance. There is the left room for the next knowledge consolidation and perfection in this field even though the good education principles knowledge. The space for the potential further research in the prevention field regarding positive health support and maintenance has been opened consecutively.

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