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Approach and responsibility of today's patiens to cataracta disease.
Cataract - Cataract is a disease of the eye lens and can affect all age groups. If left untreated, it can significantly impair vision or lead to blindness. In the theoretical part, I tried to clarify what the cataract actually is, what types of cataract do we have, examination methods, diagnostics, treatment, and nursing care in patients with cataract. In the second part, I tried to explain what the patient awareness is, and how important it is to inform patients about this disease, preoperative and postoperative care as well as after-care in home environment. In the practical part, quantitative survey in a form of questionnaire has been used. The survey took place at the Departmen of Ophthalmology, Jihlava Hospital. I have created two types of questionnaire, for nurses as well as for patients. Results were recorded in bar charts. Three hypotheses are determined for goals. Hypothesis No 1 - younger and younger patients undergo cataract surgery. Hypothesis No 2 - patients are more responsible and well informed. Hypothesis No 3 - level of cooperation with healthcare staff coresponds to anticipations of patient with ocular disease. All three hypotheses were confirmed. Even though the hypothesis No 2 has been confirmed, some patient answers do not indicate it. It is definitely necessary to continue putting stress on awareness, have enough time to inform patients and answer questions of all patients. Results of my work can lead to creation of time space for communication with patient; ensure synoptic and sufficient quantity of information material adequate to the patient needs.
Women?s Awareness When Preparing for a Gynaecological Surgery
When making decisions on future issues it is very important to be informed in all aspects. This applies to the health issues in particular. Being informed before every surgery on pre-operative procedure, the surgery in question and subsequent post-operative care is crucial for the patients? trust in us, medical staff. It is a communication between a health worker and a patient that is concluded with signing the informed consent. The theoretical part is focused on activities related to pre-operative care, activities related to post-operative care and communication between a health worker and a patient. The practical part is focused on the level of women?s awareness of pre- and post-operative care and activities related to them. A quantitative research method was selected in order to handle the issue and to ascertain the goals mentioned. The research was conducted using questionnaires that were anonymous. They had been designed for women undergoing a surgery at a gynaecological and obstetric department. Two goals and hypotheses related were stated. The goals of the thesis were to find out whether women are informed on pre- and post-operative care in case of a gynaecological surgery and to find out which sources women use to get the information on pre- and post-operative care. Both goals were met. Hypothesis 1 ?Most of information on pre-operative care was provided by a midwife? was not confirmed. The hypothesis 2 that most of information on post-operative care had been provided by a midwife was not confirmed, too. Hypothesis 3 ?Women search for the information on the Internet? was confirmed. This bachelor thesis can be used as a source of information and educational material for women who will undergo a planned surgery. An educational leaflet for women undergoing a gynaecological surgery is the result of the research.
General Awareness of Stalking at the Faculty of Health and Social Care, University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice
Stalking or a dangerous pursuit is considered to be a specific form of violence. Its main feature is that an offender clamps to a known or unknown person who he persecutes by an unsolicited and unwanted attention. Currently, stalking is a current issue of policy and legislation. The bachelor thesis deals with problems of stalking and domestic violence. Key findings and current information on stalking and domestic violence are summarized in the theoretical part. In the practical part there is presented an awareness of these issues, which students from Faculty of Health and Social Studies of South Bohemian University have. An aim of the bachelor thesis is to find out the awareness of students from Faculty of Health and Social Studies of South Bohemian University on stalking and domestic violence. This hypothesis was determined in accordance with the goal: ?Students of higher grades will be better informed on stalking than students of lower grades.? This hypothesis was disproved. The research was carried out quantitatively, a method of interviewing was used, a technique of a survey. The research sample consisted of students from Faculty of Health and Social Studies of South Bohemian University in České Budějovice. The research showed that students from Faculty of Health and Social Studies of South Bohemian University were informed on stalking and domestic violence. Despite this predication, however, I believe, that the general public is not sufficiently informed on these issues. It is possible to increase the public awareness by an enlightenment, which should be oriented above all to pupils of elementary and secondary schools. A benefit of this thesis I see especially in a better awareness of students on these current topics. Furthermore, even in a possibility of using the obtained data of the research part and also in gaining a greater insight into stalking and domestic violence issues among the general public and people interested in the given issue.
Caesarea section- perioperative nursing care during regional and total anesthesia
In my thesis I focused on perioperative nursing care for women with a caesarean section in regional and general anesthesia. The thesis is divided into a theoretical and research part. In the theoretical part of my thesis history, conditions, indications and contraindications, and also complications during a caesarean section performance are described. Information about anesthesia which is used for a caesarean section is also given. Conditions for general, epidural and spinal anesthesia administration are described. Advantages, disadvantages, indications, contraindications and complications of different types of anesthesia are also mentioned. A substantial part of the theoretical part is devoted to perioperative nursing care. The preoperative nursing care is described, the preparation for it is divided according to the type of anesthesia. Nursing care during the intraoperative and mainly postoperative phases is mentioned in detail. The aim of my thesis was to identify differences in perioperative nursing care for women with a cesarean section in regional and general anesthesia. My work was also focused on women's level of awareness about possibilities of anesthesia for caesarean section. Another goal of my work was to make up standards of perioperative nursing care for women during a caesarean section delivery in regional and general anesthesia, which is administered in the delivery room. Two hypotheses were stated. The first hypothesis is the supposition that women after a caesarean section need a different nursing care, which depends on the type of anesthesia administered. The second hypothesis is the supposition that women are adequately informed about the possibilities of anesthesia for a caesarean section. Quantitative research conducted through questionnaires was chosen to conduct the survey. Questionnaires were distributed to women after a caesarean section at the confinement department. Research results are shown in graphs .The both hypotheses were confirmed by the research investigation. The research has revealed a new finding that women need different nursing care not only after a caesarean section, but also during the intraoperative phase. I used this finding to develop a standard of perioperative nursing care for women during a caesarean section delivery in regional and general anesthesia. The standard is designed for midwives and is intended to improve nursing care for women in the course of a caesarean section delivery during the intraoperative phase. The research has proved that women with a cesarean section need a different perioperative nursing care, which depends on the type of anesthesia administered. It is therefore necessary to differentiate between the two groups and provide them with a different nursing care. The research has also shown that women feel sufficiently informed about anesthesia for a caesarean section. Women´s awareness is a prerequisite for a good cooperation with the patient and successful nursing and medical care. The nursing care provision according to the perioperative care standard will ensure a quality professional nursing care for women before, during and after a caesarean section.
Educational availability, organization, health and social benefits of hippo therapy for children with mental, DEF and visual disabilities in comparison of Middle Bohemia and South Bohemia regions.
Hippotherapy is concerned with physiotherapy, which is carried out with the help of the horses. This therapy includes the fields of psychology, medicine, pedagogy and also sport. Hippotherapy helps not only children but also adults with various types of disability. This decades used method of rehabilitation is an excellent and the most comprehensive therapy. It combines physical therapy, psychotherapy and social therapy. This thesis deals with the educational availability, organization, health and social benefits of hippotherapy for children with mental, aural and visual disability on comparison of Central Bohemia and South Bohemia regions. The aim of this work is to determine what possibilities of the hippotherapy usage are and what activity offers and prices for hippotherapy service provision are available in the particular organizations which offer hippotherapy in South Bohemia and Central Bohemia regions. In our research we used content analysis of literature and the Internet, were selected websites and literature which are focused on issues and problems of riding and hippotherapy. Some information was also obtained by direct interview, telephone and email inquiries. Acquired information about educational availability, amount of organizations and affordability were statistically evaluated and percentage assessed in the final tables and graphs. The assumption was that a greater range of organizations and activities are in the Central region. This assumption was confirmed. Contribution to improving the awareness and orientation would be complete lists of organizations, which are engaged in hippotherapy, on the websites. The inclusion of the hippotherapy between the services supported by health insurance is also very important, so that such physiotherapy could be financially accessible to all clients and the financial grants would help to increase the number of organizations providing hippotherapy.
Influence of education on life style in woman after hysterectomy.
BASTLOVÁ, Stanislava
The Bachelor thesis was aimed at pre-operational education and its impact on the lifestyle of the women after hysterectomy together with these women´s awareness of appropriate lifestyle after hysterectomy in some hospitals of the Plzeň region. The thesis also led to completing an effective educational handbook for women after hysterectomy.Hysterectomy is one of the most common types of major surgery performed on women. It is often understood very negatively, some women can even see it as an attack to their gender identity. On the other side, it reduces or eliminates long-term health problems. Therefore the clients should be entirely and properly informed and so be confident about their lifestyle after coming home from the hospital.Women in chosen hospitals suffer from lack of information on the sexual life after hysterectomy. The non-educated women felt the lack of information on the lifestyle after hysterectomy and would appreciate an educational handbook. They had no information on sexual life after hysterectomy, the ways of getting a complex spa care and the impact of the operation on menopause.The research findings have proved the need to educate women in the lifestyle after hysterectomy. The information on the life after coming home from the hospital are often omitted. Based on this thesis, the educational handbook could be prepared for women after hysterectomy. This way all women can get sufficient information which will positively impact their mental condition after surgery.The thesis can also be used as a complete source of information on hysterectomy.
Awareness of students in secondary schools in Trebon of physical violence against children.
The theme of this work is the awareness of secondary school in Trebon of physical violence against children. The thesis is divided into theoretical and practical parts. The theoretical part deals with the issue of physical violence against children within the CAN syndrome, an explanation of the concept of CAN syndrome, legal protection and assistance to children, providing information through primary and secondary prevention. The practical part consists of custom research. The investigation was carried out by anonymous questionnaires, which are trying to find out whether the students are the second stage of two elementary schools in Trebon informed about the physical abuse of children.
Awareness of Preventive Programmes Aimed at the CAN Syndrome
The thesis ``Awareness of Preventive Programmes Aimed at the CAN Syndrome{\crqq} is divided into two main parts. The theoretical part of the thesis is focused on the CAN syndrome, i.e. a syndrome of a child exposed to violence, abuse or neglect. It describes its different forms and symptoms, presents characteristic of the most frequent victims and offenders and the situation in the Czech Republic in terms of legislation and CAN syndrome occurrence. A substantial part is dedicated to prevention of violence, abuse and neglect of children at all levels {--} i.e. primary, secondary, tertiary and quartery prevention. The thesis illustrates preventive measures on the STOP Violence on Children campaign and on methodological measure defining a procedure for doctors having suspicion of CAN syndrome. The thesis is aimed at finding out the extent of awareness of these prevention programmes among the general public as well as professionals. To reach the aim a research was performed in the practical part. A questionnaire investigation among secondary students, paediatricians, child social-law protection workers and police officers was chosen for the research method. Two hypotheses based on the given aim were formed. The first one says that students of the last year of secondary schools in Tábor do not know the STOP Violence on Children campaign. The hypothesis was not confirmed. The second hypothesis says that paediatricians, child social-law protection workers and police officers of the South Bohemia Region are not familiar with the methodological measure defining a procedure for doctors having suspicion of CAN syndrome. This hypothesis was not confirmed either. The Bachelor Thesis may be utilized as a source of consistent information on the CAN syndrome. Its main contribution is in summarizing the awareness of the issues of mistreating, abusing and neglecting children and of preventive programmes aimed at the CAN syndrome among the general public as well as professionals.
Sectio caesarea on women´s request
ABSTRACT Cesarean section by request of a para Cesarean section is a surgery terminating pregnancy in the third term and during the delivery. This surgery has been known already from the before Christ period. Cesarean section currently belongs to the most often carried out obstetrics surgeries. Much untrue and misleading information about the Cesarean section spreads among pregnant women; such as that a woman can decide herself whether to undergo the Cesarean section or to deliver her child vaginally. Pre-operative examination and an examination of health condition of the para to undergo the surgery precede the surgery itself. The medical action consists in providing the para with anaesthesia and opening uterine cavity through abdominal wall. After arrival of the child there follows uterine cavity revision, closing and sutura treatment of the section. All the above described is done under a strict asepsis and antisepsis in the presence of erudite doctors and nurses. The Bachelor{\crq}s Thesis set three targets. The first one was to find out if women are informed about the legal regulations related to a Cesarean section. The second target was to find out whether women prefer natural delivery to Cesarean section regardless of the fact whether they were giving birth or were pregnant. And the third one was to find out an interest of women in Cesarean section by request regardless of medical indication. Corresponding hypotheses were assigned to the targets. Hypothesis No. 1 says: Women are not sufficiently informed about the legal regulations regarding Cesarean section by request. Hypothesis No.2 says: Women prefer vaginal delivery to Cesarean section. Hypothesis No. 3 says: Women are not interested in Cesarean section by request without medical indication. The research was carried out using a questionnaire containing 21 questions answered by women in-patient at the Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics or attending Obstetric out-patient department of Nemocnice České Budějovice a.s. Based on the research hypothesis No. 1 was prove as 43.75 % of questioned women sad to be informed about the legal regulations. The remaining two hypotheses were proved by the research. The conclusion of this thesis is finding out that the questioned women were rather well informed about legal regulations regarding Cesarean section by request. The women also mostly agreed that vaginal delivery is less risky and they would like to terminate their pregnancy by natural delivery. The research also found out that women are not interested in Cesarean section by request. This thesis could be used as an information booklet for pregnant women interested in Cesarean section. They could receive complex information about the Cesarean section.
The Awareness of HIV/AIDS among students of the Secondary Health School in Písek
HIV / AIDS places many governmental, national and international organizations in a difficult situation. Despite the global efforts aimed at the prevention and treatment of this disease, the number of HIV positive persons as well as people dying of AIDS is increasing every year. It is considered that a key role to reduce this trend is played by education, especially among teenagers, who are one of the most vulnerable groups in the transmission of HIV / AIDS. Healthcare professionals should have enough quality information about the issue of HIV / AIDS, because it may just be they who will be one of the links leading to the reduction in the incidence of this infectious disease. This thesis, titled ?Informing students of the Secondary Medical Schools Písek about HIV / AIDS?, contains two parts. The first one is theoretical and it deals with general issues of HIV / AIDS, its characteristics, history, epidemiology, transmission, clinical picture, diagnostics, and treatment. Moreover, it deals with possible methods of preventing HIV transmission, including prevention of HIV transmission in healthcare facilities. This part does not omit the role of peer education and nurses as possible mediators for the transmission of information on preventing HIV / AIDS transmission. The second part summarizes the results of quantitative research, which was conducted with the participation of students of the Secondary Medical School in Písek in the survey. The questionnaire, intended for the students of the said school, was designed in order to verify the knowledge of future healthcare professionals about HIV / AIDS and also it asked whether the students, as adolescents, behave in a way as to increase the risk of HIV transmission. In the questionnaire, which contained 22 questions, the students could express their subjective views on the quality and amount of information about HIV / AIDS provided in their classes at school. The research results were processed and presented by the graphs, bar as well as pie ones, in the empirical part of this thesis. After reviewing the results from the questionnaire these hypotheses were confirmed: H1 Students know the methods of preventing HIV infection. H2 Higher-form students have a wider knowledge of the principles of HIV / AIDS than students of lower forms. In contrast, hypothesis H3 was disproved , which was: ?Students of all forms at the SZŠ in Písek have more information on HIV / AIDS, as compared to an earlier research, than students of another non-medical branch secondary school?. For this purpose, the results of a thesis by Lucie Stříteská were used. Stříteská studied the level of knowledge about HIV / AIDS among students of a secondary vocational school in Valašské Meziříčí in 2008. The results of this thesis can be used by the Secondary Medical School in Písek, or its management and teachers, to learn about the level of students? knowledge about HIV / AIDS and to intensify education in areas where students do not have a good knowledge level during the study.

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