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The life experiences and opinions of young homosexuals
This bachelor thesis's occupation analyses matters of young homosexual people. The aim of this work is to describe experineces and opinions which relate to their different sexual orientation. The first part of the thesis is the base for the next practical part. It defines kinds of sexual orientation, possible causes of homosexuality and it furthermore outlines the issues of coming out, homophobia and registrated partnership. The practical part is represented by qualitative research. The researched group consists of three gays and four lesbians aged from 19 to 26. The method of data collecting were depth focusing semi-structured interviews. The data were divided in categories which are interpreted in the second part.
The possibilities of raising children by homosexual couple
The bachelor thesis deals with the education of children by homosexual couples. The theme of the work. I have chosen primarily because the education of children by homosexuals is a particularly sensitive subject and liable to make it in the future solved. The work is divided into two parts, namely the theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part defines homosexuality, describing its different types, both in terms of gender and in terms of the feelings of the individual. It analyzes the theories of homosexuality. It talk also about homophobia and discrimination.The next section is devoted to the family. It deals with the functions and behavioral characteristics. Finally, it focuses on foster care presents arguments for and against gay parenting couples. It summarizes the various legal standards in this area, not only in this country but also the EU and around the world.The aim was to find out what are the options for gay couples in the Czech Republic, they can become homo parents, whether there are differences in the attitude to the child between the feminine and masculine gender, as if we can talk about a specific model to issues of educational values in the Czech gay families and also if u studied pairs are concerns of pathologies in children raised by homosexual couples such as bullying, violence, alcoholism or drug addiction.For processing the empirical part, the chosen method of qualitative research, the technique of group discussion. Elected were semi-structured interview, which allows to combine the advantages of structured and unstructured interview. The survey covered three lesbian couples and three gay couples in my vicinity.The obtained data were processed by the encoding. Written in the course of discussion was analyzed and divided into areas corresponding research questions. Within these areas were highlighted specific questions, which served to identify adequate responses, which were subsequently provided with codes. The following codes were then derived the conclusion of this work.The result brings information about a form of education in the education of children by homosexual couples. Positive in this case is the shift from a social taboo elimination, the adoption of children by homosexual couples education as unquestioned part of theirlives. It also provides information about whether gay and lesbian couples actually stands for children, either your own or adopted.Based on this work, we can say that gay couples and lesbian couples of children standing. To some extent, their opinion is influenced by life situations in which they find as finance. Another reason that this situation affects them whether they are prepared to do their surroundings.
Homosexuals and adoption of children in the European context: Study 5.294
Pejchalová-Grünwaldová, Vladimíra
Tato práce pojednává o právní úpravě přípustnosti adopce dětí osobami s homosexuální orientací v evropských státech. V úvodu je vymezena moderní terminologie vztahující se k jiné než k heterosexuální orientaci a k adopcím obecně. Další části jsou zaměřeny na relevantní dokumenty mezinárodního práva a na judikaturu Evropského soudu pro lidská práva v této oblasti. Z poslední věcné kapitoly této práce vyplývá, že individuální a společnou adopci dětí homosexuálně orientovanými osobami umožňují Belgie, Dánsko, Island, Nizozemí, Norsko, Španělsko, Švédsko, Velká Británie, a dále, že adopce dětí pouze svobodnými osobami s homosexuální orientací je přípustná v Rakousku. Z evropských států, ve kterých je přípustná pouze adopce biologických dětí homosexuálně orientovaného partnera, jsou uvedeny Finsko a Německo.
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Child education of same-sex partners
This work deals with the child's education same-sex partners and society's view on this issue. The theoretical part describes homosexuality in general, homosexuality from the perspective of Christianity and the law on registered partnership. It also describes the family and the child education in her. It also discusses the development of sexual identity and gender roles, especially the effect on the development of the composition of the parents. The theoretical part concludes with a chapter on the child education of same-sex partner, which also describes some possibilities for the composition of families with homosexual parents. The practical part includes a questionnaire that deals with society's view of homosexuality and child education by homosexual couples. Among the attachments included an interview with a person who is trained pair of same-sex.
Look into Life Story of Homosexuals in South Bohemia Region
This thesis is about life of homosexuals and repercussion on their mentality. It strives to compare results of my own research made in southern region and results available in professional literature. It is most of all about impact on individual's mentality. There are outlined basic information about this orientation including definition, cause, history and variants of homosexual life. I also deal with public attitude to homosexuality which undoubtedly has influence on individual's mentality. In last chapter, there is also mentions parency of homosexual couples. The goal of this thesis was to find out effect of homosexuality on individual's mentality. To achieve this goal, research questions were made. Asking method was used to collect data - depth interview. Gathered data were processed and compared with existing knowledge of this matter. Matches and disagreements between professional literature and my own research are highlited. This thesis can enrich existing knowledge of this matter and can be a resource for further research.
Intergenerational perceptions of sexual differences in Vrchlabí
This bachelor thesis deals with the inter-age perception of homosexuality in Vrchlabí and its nearest neighbourhood. The thesis focuses on three main age categories: young adults (18-30), middle age (31-64) and seniors (65+).The theoretical part is divided into five main chapters. In the opening chapter the concept of homosexuality and other related terms is defined. The next part deals with the coming out, clarifies its process and specifies its particular phases. The following chapter offers a short view of the history of homosexuality and its transformations during the time since the middle age, across the medieval prosecution, till the 1990?s ? time of decriminalisation of homosexuality and the beginnings of public enlightenment for the homosexual minority. The chapter Nr. 4 helps to understand homosexuality in a biblical context and deals with theological stance towards homosexual minority and last but not least with the stance of the Church. The last part concentrates on homosexuality within the purview of the legislation of the Czech Republic and offers a short look at the process of decriminalisation, question of discrimination, civil partnership and the possibility of adopting children by homosexual couples. In the empiric part are evaluated the results of the survey, that investigated the level of awareness of homosexuals and the level of tolerance towards the homosexual minority. The method of the quantitative research was the questioning. The anonymous questionnaire was distributed to 150 respondents, returned were 84,6 % (127). The respondents were selected and questioned in local restaurant, manufacture, grammar school and retirement home. The reason for this selection was trying to find the widest possible spectrum of respondents from many points of view (identification). The aim of this thesis was to find out, how the younger generation perceives homosexuality compared to the perception of the older generations and seniors in Vrchlabí. The partial aim was to investigate, how well is the society informed about this problem, where the people get their information about this topic and whether they are well or ill-disposed to the other emerging questions about homosexuality. The issue of knowledge showed a strong influence of the media. However the school environment can be defined as not stimulating in the question of dealing with homosexuality. In connection with the aim of this thesis was proved the veracity of the hypothesis H1 which assumed that the younger generation is more tolerant to homosexuality than the older generation and seniors. Younger respondents have shown higher level of tolerance than seniors. The hypothesis H2 which presumed that seniors perceive homosexuality as a disease or deviation was confirmed just partially. The study states that homosexuality is mostly considered as a mental disorder by seniors, yet it is only 16 % of the questioned seniors. Because of this fact the hypothesis H2 cannot be with certainty confirmed.
Coming out as a risk period for using addictive substances
The process of self-acceptance of and dealing with homosexual orientation is called coming out. The coming out can be defined as an internal psychical conflict between internalized homophobia and also newly identified or at least significantly notified own sexual orientation. It this period of time the risk of social discrimination and psychopathological phenomenons, including depressions, suicides, and drugs abuse, increases. (Weiss, 2010) In the paper, we focused on the coming out process as the risk period for drugs abuse.The paper consists of two parts, theoretical and practical. In the theoretical part, we explain the coming out term, we provide its definition and its phases, which are pre-coming out, the coming out itself, exploration phase, partnership phase, and integration. We search for information about coming out as the risk period in literature. Prior to the description of coming out, we have to briefly describe the current perception of homosexuality, and homophobia. The following chapter focuses on identity, its development, family identity, gender identity, and homosexual identity and its phases, which are identity confusion, identity comparison, tolerance of identity, acceptance of identity and taking pride in the identity. The relation of the coming out and drug abused is connected with the identity acceptance or denial. The last chapter of the theoretical part focuses on drugs, their classification and effects. It also focuses on drugs abuse between homosexuals in general, and on drugs abuse during coming out. In the practical part, focused on coming out perception, we used qualitative research strategy, questioning, and narrative dialogue to express the complex process of coming out. The population sample was selected using the purposive sampling together with the snowball method, the selection criteria was coming out experience and willingness to cooperate. Gathered data were analysed using a clustering method and presented in tables for clarity. The target of the paper was to describe subjective drug abuse experiences between homosexual men during their coming out. The following research question was formulated - Is the coming out the risk period for drugs abuse for homosexuals? During the evaluation of the interviews we found some topics repeating - feelings during the coming out, reasons for drugs abuse, and family. The repeating feelings are fear, sense of guilt, self-hatred, and low self-esteem. The reasons for drug abuse during coming out are gang integration, game, self-confidence increase, and the coming out realization itself. On the family level of the subjects, homosexuality tolerance is low, the subjects distrust the families and family communication is poor. The risk level of coming out period towards drugs abuse is also influenced by the social environment, which includes porn, gay bars, school, internet, and religion. We found that homosexuals using drugs during their coming out subjectively go through coming out more easy compared to the ones not using drugs. A hypothesis was formulated from this conclusion, i.e. drugs usage during coming out helps to easily undergo the coming out. This conclusion cannot be generalized, as it may be influenced by many factors, for example too selective sample - our sample didn't include subjects which didn't use drugs during their coming out. It would be interesting to figure how these people dealt with their coming out. The conclusion is opposed in the discussion section. A practical utilization of the paper is seen in better knowledge of the professional and non-professional public. Families with homosexual member can utilize it as well. The more we know, the more we are able to do, and also in a better and more effective way. The paper can be also used as the starting point for following researches, focused for example on social services provided to the homosexual minority.
Coming out - Parents, children and homosexuality
Dissertation deals with ?coming out? process from view of homosexuals and parents. In theoretical part are decribed processes and terms, which are directly related to ?coming out? and decribe views of homosexuals and their parents. In first part is explained what is homosexuality, thereafter I focus on ?coming out? process and public point of view of the issue (point of view which stems from history and even contemporary majority point of view). Then follows a brief description and functions of organisations, which are main participants in helping to homosexuals in Czech Republic. Closing article of the theoretical part speaks about family, functions and its approaches to homosexuality as such. Practical part of the dissertation comes with interview with homosexuals and their parents.Interviews based on the theoretical part were given to both groups and show how process of coming out differs between parents and children. Goals and main points of interviews are shown in arranged tables. Conclusion is made from discussion of the results and deduction from conclusions of the whole dissertation.
Special aspects on the situation of gender minorities in Namibia
My thesis evaluates the current situation of sexual minorities in the Karas region of Namibia by interpreting the values of the Namibian society in the context of Christian ethics. The first part of my thesis explains the methodology I have used and defines key terms used in the thesis. The second part provides an insight into the living conditions of homosexuals in Namibian society in the context of religion, traditions and legislation applying to this issue. The third part deals with the Christian ethical perspective of homosexuality in the context of natural religions and human rights.
The analysis of registered partnerships
Grimmer, Lukáš ; Žák, Květoslav (advisor) ; Spirit, Michal (referee)
The purpose of this bachelor thesis is the analysis of the institution of registered partnerships, as an enacted form of cohabitation of two persons of identical sex. At the beginning of this work the author first discusses the concept of homosexuality and the historical approach to this phenomenon. The analysis of this legal institution is based upon the czech legislation, thus the registered partnerships act, and consists in the detailed description of the individual provisions. Other chapters are then devoted to selected legal consequences relating to the conclusion of this partnership, and to confrontation of registered partnerships to the traditional institution of marriage. The final part of this work deals with gay and lesbian parenting, so-called homoparentality.

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